Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1881 Banquet Troubles

Red Maple City, Zhenyuan Hou Mansion.

After four months of hard work and continuous cultivation, Lin Yang was soaring all the way, reaching the perfection of the golden elixir and half-step to the Nascent Soul.

On this day, Lin Yang finally broke through.

Cultivation cannot just be about practicing hard in seclusion, but also requires actual combat and experience to cultivate combat consciousness, stimulate potential, and accumulate combat experience.

Jiang Tian planned to take him to hunt monsters outside the city after he came out of seclusion.

"Haha, son, you are finally out of seclusion!"

Lin Hanqing was very happy to see his son break through so fiercely, and the haze on his forehead was cleverly hidden.

"Yes, practicing Mr. Jiang's improved skills is like divine help. Everything will fall into place! Qianlong will try it, and it won't be a big deal!"

Lin Yang felt very strange.

The previous practice was like rowing a boat against the current. Every time I was exhausted and panting, but the progress was slow. However, this time it was like swimming down the river, extremely smooth and fast.

"That's good, that's good! Thanks to Mr. Jiang!"

Lin Hanqing was full of praise.

"By the way, father, what were you looking at just now? It seemed like someone's invitation. I see that you seem to be worried."

Lin Yang suddenly asked.

"Well, haha! Son, you didn't care much about family affairs before. Don't worry about these things."

Lin Hanqing laughed and tried to change the topic.

"Father, when you protect me, you have to be moderate, right? Aren't you afraid that I will be spoiled by you and become a useless playboy?"

"Hey, son, look at what you said. I protect my son. Isn't that natural? In fact, it's nothing. It's just that the Marquis of Purple Shank sent an invitation, saying that he wanted all the princes in the south to attend a banquet to celebrate what happened to his Marquis of Purple Shank Mansion. It’s a great joy.”

"Zi Shan Hou's Mansion? The person who came here is evil!"

"I heard that Ziyunxiao, the young prince of Zishanhou Mansion, has broken through to the Yuanying level. Zishanhou is hosting a banquet and inviting all the princes to celebrate. But don't worry about it. Being a father naturally has The only way to deal with it is to concentrate on practicing!”

Lin Hanqing smiled.

"No. Brother Jiang said that cultivation and combat power are two different things. If you really want to become a master, you have to practice a lot."

Lin Yang said confidently: "Originally, we planned to go outside the city to find some monsters to hunt. Now it seems that we should practice with the Purple Shirt Marquis! Being afraid? Avoiding provocation? This is the behavior of a weak person. In my life, Be strong!”

"This... Qianlong will try to adopt actual combat. Dongfang Lu has already decided. I am worried that Ziyunxiao may challenge Lin Yang at this banquet. Whether to avoid his edge or accept the challenge, I leave it to you, sir, to decide."

Lin Hanqing felt complicated and looked at Jiang Tian.

His son has become successful and knows that he has been relieved of his worries. Of course he deserves to be happy.

However, going to Zishanhou will bring bad luck and bad luck.

"Go and see!"

Jiang Tian was leisurely and said calmly: "Don't worry. Even if Lin Yang's cultivation is not as good as his, his combat power must surpass him. Besides, as long as I am present, no one can hurt Lin Yang!"

Three days later, Jiang Tian, ​​Lin Yang and Lin Hanqing rode a dragon horse speeding car through the Xianzhi Forest and arrived at Jianghan City, the territory of the Purple Shanhou.

Jianghan City is three times larger than Red Maple City. The location is very advantageous, the location is prosperous, and the architecture is majestic, which is unmatched by Red Maple City.

Zishanhou even occupies most of the Xianzhi Forest and is very rich in products. More than a dozen small cities in the Hongyan Basin are also vassals of Jianghan City. In terms of fiefdom and family power, among the southern princes, he is second only to Nanhe Bofang Jinlong.

Since it was a banquet, Lin Hanqing planned to get a congratulatory gift, but Jiang Tian vetoed it.

Since there will be a battle sooner or later, why waste money. Just pick up something, whether you like it or not.

You must know that the Marquis of Zishan is very ambitious. He had previously attacked the Marquis of Zhenyuan because of Lin Daier's "injury" of the princess, and even wanted to deprive the Marquis of Zhenyuan of the Lin family's fiefdom. He was so ambitious and terrifying.

Ordinarily, the Purple-shirted Marquis ranks more than 20 among the 108 princes of the empire. He is considered a powerful person, big and small. However, when he arrived at Jianghan City, there was no greeting. It can be said that the Purple-shirted Marquis is also extremely arrogant. .

Fortunately, Lin Hanqing, the Marquis of Zhenyuan, was a kind man and had made many connections among the princes.

These familiar colleagues arrived first, and when they heard that the Purple Dress Marquis had arrived, they went out to greet him and keep him company, which would not make him look too bad.

"Haha, brother Lin, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

When they arrived at the Hou Mansion, the Zishan Hou finally went out to greet him.

He walks like a dragon and moves like a tiger, is majestic and domineering in every gesture. He is worthy of being the most powerful person among the princes, second only to the four great dukes.

Behind him, there is also a young man who is dressed in luxurious clothes, strong and proud, with a proud look. He has a strong aura, is swaying freely, has a majestic appearance, and is quite like a father. Judging from his cultivation, he is already at the second level of Nascent Soul. This is him His beloved son Ziyun passed away.

"Don't dare to take it, don't take it. It's really gratifying that this kid Yun Xiao has entered the country so quickly!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Hanqing was secretly frightened even as he congratulated him repeatedly.

I originally thought that the Marquis of Zishan would hold a banquet to celebrate and invite all the princes to come with great fanfare, just because Ziyunxiao broke through to the Nascent Soul. Unexpectedly, this child has already stepped into the second level of the Nascent Soul. This is a huge burden on his own son! Why did he enter the country so quickly? Isn't it possible that a famous teacher can give guidance?

"Master Lin, we meet again. I heard that your house was raided a few months ago. Is that okay?"

"I wonder who you have offended? I heard that there is also a master of transforming gods to take action?"

Shanshuihou and Li Liudao also followed Zishanhou. When they saw Jiang Tian, ​​a look of deep resentment appeared on their faces, but they did not break out on the spot, but laughed happily.

These words were clearly a sarcastic reference to Jiang Tian for offending Bai Zhanyun, causing Duke Beijiang to stab him in the back, causing your Lin family's vitality to be severely damaged and half-dead. This kid is basically the trouble for your Lin family!

"It doesn't matter. There is a slight loss, but it will not damage the roots. As for the mastermind behind the assassin, we haven't found out yet. However, many assassins have been killed. I don't think the mastermind behind it will make any small moves."

Lin Hanqing forced a smile, said a few polite words, and felt a little uneasy.

But after thinking about it, I gradually calmed down now that Jiang Tian was in charge.

"Come on, come on, the luncheon is ready. Brother Lin, you are today's distinguished guest and you must accompany me to the seat."

Zishanhou looked enthusiastic.

However, Lin Hanqing always felt that this guy had bad intentions.

It's not easy to sit in the seat. In this kind of princely house, there is an order of hierarchy and distinction between top and bottom. The most important thing is to arrange the seats. Although Zhenyuan Marquis has a good status, he is not high enough to sit on the throne of Zishan Marquis Mansion.

"How does this work? Brother Zishan, you are busy with your business. I will just sit with these old buddies!"

Marquis Zhenyuan subconsciously wanted to stay away from him.

"As you wish, host. Besides, I have something important to discuss with you today. Sit down together so we can talk more easily!"

Zishanhou insisted again and again, unless you agree, I will not let you go.

"Since the Marquis of Zishan is so loving, why should the Marquis postpone it any longer? Don't spoil the interest of the Marquis of Zishan!"

Jiang Tian said with a smile.

"Hahaha. I heard that Princess Dongfang has returned to the imperial city. I wonder how her condition is? Is she not cured?"

Seeing Jiang Tian speak, Zishanhou glanced at him and sarcastically sarcastically said.

The royal family kept the news that the little princess had recovered. Therefore, Zishanhou did not learn the news.

He had preconceptions. In his opinion, it was impossible for Jiang Tian to cure the princess in a short time. The Royal Medical Hall is not just a decoration. Even those top-notch doctors cannot cure me. How can you, a casual cultivator from outside the country, be able to cure me? What a joke.

"If I'm not cured, will Your Highness let me go?"

Jiang Tian sneered.

"Sir, you are still very confident! I hope you are still so confident!"

The Marquis of Zishan didn't believe it at all, but he was too lazy to argue with Jiang Tian and said with a smile: "However, this is the position of a duke. You can only sit at the table where guests are enshrined. Go and have fun over there. I won't." Greeted one by one."

Although the words sound nice, they are clearly reminding Jiang Tian that you should pay attention to the identity of your servant. He is just a guest of the Lin family and has no qualifications to sit with me, the noble Marquis of Zishan.

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