Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1883: Taking advantage of others

"I'll go. It seems that he not only cured the princess, but also taught him some techniques that improved the little princess's cultivation?"

"It's so scary!"

"Marquis Zhenyuan has gained a firm foothold this time!"

"What is the origin of this person? His medical skills with elixirs are so incredible!"

Everyone was shocked.

"This grandson is so lucky that he is so valued by the royal family. I am afraid that even Lin Hanqing, a fool like me, is valued by the royal family!"

But Zishanhou's face became a little ugly.

Will his plan be blocked by Dongfang Moyu?

"Even if you cure the little princess's strange disease, you can't be disrespectful to the eldest princess! There are many imperial doctors who have cured the strange diseases of the royal family. Who wouldn't still kowtow to the eldest princess when they see her? When facing the eldest princess, It’s a heinous crime for the princess to still be so disrespectful.”

Suddenly, Lord Shanshui shouted angrily.

The eldest princess has great majesty and attaches great importance to the dignity of the royal family. Anyone who dares to offend will be severely punished.

"Princess, do you really want me to kowtow to you?"

Jiang Tian sipped the wine glass lightly and looked at the eldest princess with frivolous eyes.

"Although I don't want you to kowtow and bow nine times, you still have to give me some face!"

The eldest princess secretly cursed, but with a faint smile on her face she said: "Okay, Shanshui Hou, today is a happy day for the Zishan Hou family, let's not create any more trouble!"

"Thump your legs and rub your shoulders..."

Jiang Tian suddenly said something incomprehensible.

"You little bastard, you are forcing me to deal with Shanshui Hou!"

The eldest princess glared at Jiang Tian, ​​but Jiang Tian turned a blind eye.

The eldest princess couldn't help but feel extremely depressed.

But she still had to deal with it. If she didn't, Jiang Tian would tell her about the bet and force her to beat her legs and rub her shoulders in public. Then she would really be unable to step down.

Shan Shuihou pointed at Jiang Tian and shouted angrily: "Bastard, what do you mean? Who did you ask to beat your legs and rub your shoulders? Believe it or not, I will beat you up!"

His attack played into the eldest princess's hands and gave her a reason to have the attack.

The eldest princess slapped Shanshui Hou on the face and shouted angrily: "Get back! Mr. Jiang is a member of the Royal Medical Hall. He is a member of the royal family. How can you allow you to yell and threaten? Are you trying to be disrespectful to the royal family? ?”

"Huh? He became a royal doctor?"

Shan Shuihou couldn't believe it and was startled.

If Jiang Tian only cured the little princess, there would be nothing to fear. His identity was just that of a guest of the Lin family, but now that he was a royal physician, he could not offend or scold her.

Shan Shuihou hurriedly prostrated himself on the ground: "I don't dare! I definitely don't dare!"

The eldest princess ignored him and sat down at the table surrounded by many princes.

But the little princess sat down next to Jiang Tian, ​​asking questions, her beautiful eyes sparkling, and her smile.

But for some reason, the eldest princess felt uncomfortable when she saw this scene, and scolded her in a cold voice: "Ying'er, come here and sit next to my aunt. There is a distinction between monarch and minister, and there is an order of hierarchy. What does it matter if you sit there?" It’s up to you. Do you still want the Royal Majesty?”

"Mr. Jiang, I've made the demon crab roe pastry again. You can try it, I'm going!" The little princess seemed to have more energy than a girl should have before. She stuck out her tongue mischievously, leaving a bag of pastries. Step left.

"You old guy, you don't have any skills, you still provoke me repeatedly, you get slapped repeatedly, but you still don't remember, you deserve it!"

Jiang Tian ate the cakes made by the little princess, glanced at Shanshui Hou, and said with a smile.

"He is old, has dementia, and his memory is not very good. We have to forgive him!" Lin Yang sang along, playing the role of praise.

"You, you, you guys!"

Shan Shuihou was extremely depressed, his heart was burning with rage, and he was spitting out blood.

"You vomited blood everywhere again and showed no hygiene. What should you do if you scare the children?"

Jiang Tian mocked.

"Sir, what you said makes sense. Even if it doesn't scare the children, it's not good to scare the flowers and plants! It's simply unforgivable!" Lin Yang said with a swish.

Shan Shuihou and Li Liudao were so angry that they wanted to cry but had no tears. Li Liudao said with a cruel smile: "Lin Yang, don't be complacent. Sooner or later I will get my place back!"

However, as a result, many princes and princes no longer dared to provoke Jiang Tian, ​​and they retreated one after another.

For a moment, the seats around Jiang Tian were empty.

"This makes life as lonely as snow. No one is provoking us so that we can trample on them!"

Lin Yang was extremely proud, but he looked bored and kept talking.

The eldest princess chatted with everyone for a while, and suddenly another distinguished guest arrived, who turned out to be the owner of Yaoxiang Tower, causing an uproar and a sensation in the whole place.

Even the eldest princess smiled and greeted him.

As for Master Wang of Yaoxiang Tower, he was just below the eldest princess in the seat, and still above Zishanhou.

You must know that Yaoxianglou is the elixir sect second only to the Ancient Medicine Palace. The strength of the sect is second only to the Five Holy Lands and the Ten Divine Sects in the entire Shengyuan Continent. It can rank in the top 20, and it also runs a business. It is rich. The enemy country has more than ten incarnations of gods, and their power is terrifying and huge.

After three rounds of wine, the five flavors of food are gone.

Zishanhou pulled Lin Hanqing and said with a smile on his face: "Brother, I have a merciless request, and I hope you can give me some face. You are in the medicine garden at Hutou Ridge in Xianzhi Forest. I want to Rent. What do you think of ten million high-quality crystals a year?”

"Fuck you, why don't you go and grab it!"

Lin Yang's expression suddenly changed.

Seeing Jiang Tian's confused expression, he quickly leaned into Jiang Tian's ear to explain.

Thirty years ago, Marquis Zhenyuan discovered a semi-spiritual land in the territory of Xianzhi Forest.

Therefore, Zhenyuan Hou Mansion has always had a big business relationship with Yaoxiang Tower, which is to help Yaoxiang Tower cultivate elixirs.

However, in recent years, Marquis Zishan has approached Zhenyuan Marquis several times and offered to rent the semi-spiritual elixir garden.

It is not impossible that the princes leased territories among themselves.

However, the price of this purple shirt is too low.

Zhenyuan Hou's annual income from the Spiritual Medicine Garden exceeds 100 million high-grade crystal stones. However, Zishan Hou is only willing to pay rent of 10 million high-grade crystal stones. Isn't this an obvious robbery? It's just fighting with open fire and unscrupulously.

Lin Hanqing was so angry that his hands were trembling after hearing this. He hesitated for a moment before refusing:

"The territory of my Zhenyuan Hou Lin family is less than one-third of yours. Moreover, it is a remote and remote area with no source of income. The entire Hou family's expenses include hundreds of people eating, drinking and sleeping, as well as guarding the courtyard, city defense, etc. The commissions and salaries of the patrolling guards depend mostly on the income from this medicine garden.”

"This proposal from the Marquis will cut off one of the main channels of making money for my Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion. Once it is lost, I will have no choice but to drink from the northwest wind. It is really difficult for me to obey my fate."

I have to say that with Lin Hanqing's temper, it is not easy to speak in such a low profile.

On another occasion, Lin Hanqing would have slapped the table and left the table.

"Brother, you are making this difficult for me."

Marquis Zishan's tone condensed.

"Haha, Lord Lin, you don't have to do anything and you can receive 10 million high-grade crystal stones every year. This is simply a business without capital. Why do you refuse?" Another prince pretended to persuade.

"Yes! This is a business where you sit on the ground and collect money. If it were me, I wouldn't even frown."

"The Marquis of Purple Shirt is the first marquis and the fifth among the princes. It is great to be a brother with you. This is a great thing that many people can't ask for. But you, you don't know how to cherish it. ?" Some princes echoed.

"Master Lin, we princes are all in the same boat, why should we be so fussy about it!" Li Liudao said with a hypocritical look on his face.

"Isn't that right? The awareness is too low. Old Lin, you see the Purple Shirt Marquis himself is the first marquis, Ziyun Xiao has reached the realm of Nascent Soul, and is favored by the hidden sect. The Purple Shirt Marquis lineage is destined to There is unlimited wealth. If you go against Zishan Hou's wishes and disgrace him, won't the road ahead become increasingly narrow?" Shanshui Hou threatened him directly.

Each of these people is attached to the Purple Shanhou.

It sounds like persuasion, but in fact it is threatening, forcing, and aiding evil.

There are many things that Zishanhou cannot say too directly, but they are here to help this evil person.

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