It must be said that if Lin Hanqing had not been born with a tough bone, any other lord would have been unable to resist in such a situation.

Lin Hanqing shook his head resolutely: "Don't say anything. Everyone can say nice words, but if you are really asked to dig out your flesh and dig out your heart, I'm afraid you won't be so generous and your awareness won't be so high."

While the stalemate was going on, the owner of Yaoxiang Tower, Wang, laughed coldly: "Lord Lin, in the past two years, through our cooperation with Zishan Marquis, we have found that their ability to cultivate spiritual medicines far exceeds yours. However, the spiritual medicines you cultivate cannot meet our standards. Therefore, after discussions among the top leaders of our Yaoxiang Tower, we finally unanimously decided that we will not accept any spiritual medicines from Zhenyuan Territory in the future. The previous cooperation between our two families will end here."

As soon as these words came out.

Lin Hanqing's face changed immediately.

The reason why he was so tough and unwilling to rent this semi-spiritual territory to Longteng Marquis was because he had a cooperative relationship with Danwang Garden.

From this relationship, considerable income can be obtained every year.

However, now the boss of Yaoxianglou has personally said that the cooperative relationship will be terminated and the spiritual medicine from Zhenyuan Territory will be banned from now on!

This is really cutting off the fire from the bottom of the pot.

Lin Hanqing asked in a hoarse voice: "Master, do you really want to do it so ruthlessly?"

The owner of Yaoxianglou said lightly: "He who knows the times is a hero! Lord Lin, you are wrong because you always don't know the times and can't see the situation clearly."

How can this be called persuasion?

It is clearly a warning to Lin Hanqing.

Lin Hanqing has been holding back a fire in his stomach for a long time. The words of the owner of Yaoxianglou finally ignited his long-suppressed anger.

The anger that had been suppressed for a long time suddenly erupted. Lin Hanqing stood up from his seat and laughed: "Okay, okay! You are all pretending, but you are actually planning to be a barbaric robber!"

"I tell you, I, Lin Hanqing, am not a Buddha made of clay! I can make less money, or even no money, but I, Lin Hanqing, will not betray the backbone of being a man!"

"Yaoxianglou, right? You want to ban me, Zhenyuan Hou, right? It doesn't matter! Even if I use the land with half of the spiritual vein to raise pigs, it won't be cheap for you bandits and robbers!"

Lin Hanqing exploded, and the explosion was very sudden and thorough!

It turned out that the feeling of exploding was so refreshing.

Lin Hanqing felt that at this moment, all the bad breath in his stomach was really vented.

And the whole banquet suddenly became extremely quiet again with his explosion.

In an instant, the whole banquet became dead silent.

No one expected that he would fight to the death with Zishan Hou at the cost of his life.

For a while, several marquises who were on good terms with the Marquis of Zhenyuan were all worried about Lin Hanqing.

It is said that some time ago, the Marquis of Zhenyuan suffered a shocking assassination, with heavy casualties. It was already like a candle in the wind, and it was difficult to continue. If it offended the Marquis of Zishan, how could it survive?

The neutral princes all lowered their heads and dared not look at Lin Hanqing. They were afraid that the Marquis of Zishan would mistakenly think that they supported Lin Hanqing and ushered in a disaster.

The eldest princess Dongfang Moyu surprisingly did not express her opinion, but just sipped her tea, looking like she was standing aside and watching the show.

The reactions of Lin Hanqing and the eldest princess shocked the Marquis of Zishan, but they were slightly relieved.

In his opinion, as long as the eldest princess did not stop him, Lin Hanqing was just temporarily losing his mind. With his coercion and inducement, he would sooner or later understand the truth that a single tree cannot support a strong man and a strong man is easy to break. What big waves can he make?

But it was in this silence.

A cold voice rang out: "Well done, well done! You are worthy of being the Marquis of Zhenyuan, worthy of being the descendant of a loyal and good man. I am surprised that you, the so-called princes and the so-called dignitaries, really don't have a single bone in your body?"

"The territory and the common people of our Eastern Kingdom Empire, are we going to rely on you, the spineless, mediocre people who can only curry favor with the powerful, to defend?"

"Don't you have any dignity as a prince, minister, and pillar of the country? Apart from currying favor with the powerful, bullying the good and fearing the evil, can you really do nothing else?"

"Are your abilities only left to be accomplices to the tiger, flatter the powerful and trample on the weak, suppress colleagues, rob colleagues of their territories, and plunder their colleagues' interests?"

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and found that it was Jiang Tian who was "talking nonsense" while sipping water and wine.

For a moment, many marquises were shocked and angry, and a little ashamed.

But Shanshui Hou excitedly shouted again: "Asshole. You, a casual cultivator from outside the river, a refugee from a remote village, are you qualified to speak nonsense here? Get out!"

"This kid, he doesn't talk nonsense all day long and behaves in an unruly manner!"

But Dongfang Moyu heard it and her beautiful eyes blossomed, looking at Jiang Tian with ripples.

I just felt that Jiang Tian's words were extremely pleasant to the ears, like listening to fairy music, so beautiful.

What did Jiang Tian mean by this?

The princes united!

The powerful princes annexed and devoured the weak princes!

It is not a good thing that the princes such as Zishan Hou and Beijiang Gong are becoming more and more powerful. This is a situation that can threaten the rule of imperial power, and it is also the most hated point of the Dongfang royal family.

It seems that she suddenly felt that this poisonous guy, this rude and rude lecher, was not so hateful.

Therefore, as soon as he was interrupted by Shanshui Hou, Dongfang Moyu became angry, raised his eyebrows, and shouted in a cold voice: "Shanshui Hou, do you still want to be beaten? Isn't a slap enough? Mr. Jiang is an imperial physician. He’s a member of the royal family, why can’t he speak? Sit down!”

"Ah? He is the imperial doctor? Your Majesty, I didn't know this before. I'm guilty. Princess, please calm down!"

Shan Shuihou was frightened and hurriedly prostrated.

"He wants to be beaten! I will enforce the law for the eldest princess!"

Lin Yang jumped out and slapped Shanshuihou directly on the face. Shanshuihou was slapped like a gourd on the ground and rolled several meters away.


Shanshui Hou got up dizzy, and was so angry that he spurted out another mouthful of blood.

The eldest princess just beats me. You are a little brat and a junior dares to beat me. It is a great shame and humiliation. How can you bear this!

However, when Lin Yang beat someone, he was using the name of the princess, but he could not refute it.

Shan Shuihou retreated in disgrace.

Jiang Tian smiled coldly again and said:

"And you, Yaoxianglou, right? To put it nicely, you are a high-ranking sect. To put it harshly, you are just businessmen. Do you have any fame? Have you made any contribution to the empire? Have you ever protected the Eastern Royal Family? With the people of Li? Where did you get the courage to use that pretentious tone to teach a prince who once fought for the country and shed blood on the battlefield? "

"Who gave you the courage? Are you so stubborn! Terminate the cooperation? Bah! Now I tell you clearly that if you act like this at Yaoxianglou, you will definitely not last long, and you will live for at least half a year. There are many sects and merchants in the world who want to cooperate with me, the Lin family. Go away. Who do you think you are?"

"Sir, your knowledge is really impressive!"

At this moment, Dongfang Moyu once again looked at Jiang Tian with beautiful eyes, his good impression of Jiang Tian quickly increased again, and he liked him extremely much.

The sect is aloof and does not eat the fireworks of the world. The monks of the sect regard themselves as immortal cultivators. They are extremely arrogant, indifferent to the common people, and do not care about worldly affairs, but they have forgotten that they were born in the secular world.

But if there is a treasure of heaven and earth in the secular world, they will definitely snatch it, and they will even snatch it from the royal family. But if any natural disasters, tides of monsters, demonic contamination, etc. break out in the secular world, even if millions of mortals are killed or injured, they will not take a second look.

Even for the sake of profit, they would support agents in the secular world and participate in the struggle for imperial power and territory.

"Haha, that's interesting. How dare you scold me!"

The face of Master Wang of Yaoxiang Tower suddenly turned livid, so gloomy that he almost dripped water, and his eyes showed murderous intent.

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