Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1885 The Lords of the Three Palaces Arrive

Yaoxiang Tower was high up, even Her Royal Highness the Princess and Prince Dongfang Ding had to be polite when meeting him. However, at this moment, they were scolded by a guest from the Lin family, which was a great shame and humiliation.

He had already declared Jiang Tian's death sentence in his heart. After all, the sect killed people and completely ignored the laws of the secular empire.

However, after all, the eldest princess was present, and Jiang Tian held the title of royal physician. He could not take action directly or threaten him, so he just sneered:

"Boy, don't be so arrogant! You are just a casual cultivator from a humble background, and you still talk nonsense about the development of our Yaoxiang Tower, which is simply laughable! Let me tell you clearly, without my Yaoxiang Tower buying that piece of elixir You can only raise pigs if you don’t want the magic medicine in the garden.”

"Is Yaoxianglou so rich? Is its strength so terrifying? The elixir garden in Hutou Ridge occupies one and a half spiritual veins, and you actually want to use it to raise pigs. It is such a luxury and such a waste of natural resources. It is really admirable. ah!"

At this moment, as a strange voice came, a middle-aged monk with a cold, arrogant and domineering expression walked in lazily with his hands behind his back.

This is clearly a way to dismantle Yaoxianglou.

The Purple-shirted Marquis stood up, slapped the table, looked angry, and shouted majestically: "Where are the guards? What's the point of raising you? How dare you let some idle people come in! Get him out!"

"Master Hou, calm down!"

The guard commander who was following the middle-aged man quickly rushed forward and whispered something to the Purple Dressed Marquis.

Upon hearing this, the Zishanhou's expression changed and he hurriedly came forward to greet him. His face was full of joy and he said apologetically: "I didn't expect that the master of the three halls of the Frozen City branch of the Ancient Medicine Hall would come in person. I was disappointed to welcome him from afar, but I still hope that Haihan will come. ! Please forgive me for my stupidity! ”

"What? He's actually the third hall master of the Frozen City branch of the Ancient Medicine Palace!"

"The master of the third hall has been replaced?"

"The branch hall of Frozen City is the second largest hall of the Ancient Medicine Hall. The master of the third hall is an incredible big shot!"

"Why is he here?"

"Let's go, let's go see the gift quickly and become familiar with him, that's fine!"

For a time, many marquis came forward to salute, and even the eldest princess came to greet him, with faces full of joy.

The Ancient Medicine Palace is the most holy place in the mainland. It transforms into gods like rain, and a saint sits in charge. With just one word of command, it can conquer a large territory. This is scary enough.

More importantly, they are proficient in refining elixirs. The divine elixirs in the palace are like a sea, and the holy elixirs are like clouds. This is a necessity for princes from all walks of life to improve their cultivation and cultivate their children.

There is a saying spread not only in the Eastern Empire, but also in the entire Shengyuan Continent, if you offend the Ancient Medicine Palace, your life will be worse than death. Climb up the Ancient Medicine Palace and reach the sky in one step!

"Third Hall Master, you are here! You won't even say a word to my little brother."

The owner of Yaoxiang Tower looked even more frightened and spoke in a low voice. In the eyes of the secular world, Yaoxiang Tower can be regarded as a famous sect, but compared with the behemoth of the Ancient Medicine Palace, it is nothing. A branch of the Frozen City can crush them. .

The Master of the Third Hall Xing had an arrogant face and was too lazy to pay attention to him. He looked at Lin Hanqing with a smile and said leisurely:

"Master Lin, it's a pity that one and a half spiritual veins are used to raise pigs. Our Ancient Medicine Palace is willing to spend 200 million high-grade crystal stones every year to sign a cultivation contract with the Lin family for five years, no, ten years... …No, you can fill in the number of years as you wish!”


Everyone, including Hou Zishan, thought their ears had heard wrongly. The three masters of the Ancient Medicine Palace's Frozen City branch actually offered 10 million to sign a cooperation contract with the Lin family on such an occasion?

If it were another occasion, just signing a cooperation contract, pure business dealings, that would be nothing.

But in this situation, the actions of the Ancient Medicine Palace were clearly a slap in the face of Zishanhou and Yaoxianglou, openly supporting the Lin family.

This is strange.

The Ancient Medicine Palace is the most sacred place. Who wouldn’t know what a terrifying existence it is?

Who wouldn’t know how shrewd and wise the palace masters and elders of the Ancient Medicine Palace are?

In this case, this kind of contract with favorable conditions is a loss-making deal for the Ancient Medicine Palace. If the Ancient Medicine Palace cannot gain huge benefits in other aspects, how can it support the Lin family?

When did the Zhenyuan Hou Lin family get involved in the Ancient Medicine Palace, and their relationship was so strong?

No one thinks that Zhenyuan Hou has such a great reputation, such great ability, or that with only a half-spiritual Yaoyuanzi, the Ancient Medicine Palace can openly support them.

The face of the owner of Yaoxiang Tower turned ugly and he said in a cold voice:

"Master Xing San, it's inappropriate for you to do this! However, you also know that the medicine garden is not worth 200 million high-grade crystal stones. You are willing to cause heavy losses just to slap me in the face. Do you think, Will the Lord of the Ancient Elder Hall agree?"

"You don't have to worry about it anymore. What about losing money?"

The Third Palace Master Xing snorted coldly in his heart, you know nothing. The revenue brought by the Heaven-Building Pill alone to our Ancient Medicine Palace is tens of billions of high-grade crystal stones per year. Losing this small amount of money can only please Mr. Jiang. What. He said calmly and calmly:

"Master Wang, a slap in the face? Why did you say that? Just now I heard you clearly saying that you were terminating the business with the Lin family. If not, how could our Ancient Medicine Hall get involved? We understand the rules of doing business. There’s nothing wrong with us picking up the business that you don’t do, right?”

The advocate of Yaoxiangloulou is speechless and speechless.

Marquis Zishan also looked embarrassed.

The Ancient Medicine Palace needs to spend 200 million yuan to rent a medicine field with top-grade crystals, but I only want to spend 10 million yuan. This seems a bit too ugly.

However, he was very confused and could not figure out why the Ancient Medicine Palace would risk losses to support the Zhenyuan Hou Lin family. This was so strange!

Lin Hanqing knew that all this was because of Jiang Tian.

Seeing the expressions of Marquis Zishan and Lord Wang as if they had eaten flies, Lin Hanqing felt extremely happy. He laughed, his eyebrows were flying, and he said triumphantly: "Thank you Lord Wang for terminating the contract with my Lin family. Otherwise, I wouldn't have had to settle for two." What about the opportunity to double the rent in an instant?”

"I still have some important things to deal with, please excuse me first!"

Mr. Wang was so disgraced that he couldn't get off the tiger's back. He had no shame in staying any longer, so he walked away angrily.

The long-planned robbery was thwarted by the Ancient Medicine Palace. The Purple-Shan Hou was very angry, but he did not dare to offend the Third Palace Master Xing. He pretended to be polite and said: "The Third Palace Master Xing is here today, so that the little Hou Mansion will be in full swing." Shenghui, please come and have a few glasses of wine!”

"Haha, thank you Zishan Hou for your hospitality. However, I came here just to discuss a business with the Marquis of Zhenyuan. Now that the negotiation has been completed, there is no need for you to stay. I also ask the Marquis of Zhenyuan to contact me after the banquet and sign the contract. Lease contract! Please stay, don’t send us off.”

The master of the third palace, Xing, had his hands behind his back, his face was arrogant and domineering, and he didn't look at a person like the Marquis of Zishan. He laughed, and left the Marquis' mansion without giving any face.

"We are willing to double the rent to rent the Hutouling Spiritual Medicine Garden. This Ancient Medicine Palace is clearly supporting the Marquis of Zhenyuan!"

"With the support of the Ancient Medicine Palace, wouldn't Zhenyuan Marquis want to turn around? A native chicken will become a phoenix!"

"No, if you make friends with the Ancient Medicine Palace, you will have endless uses for all kinds of elixirs. With the elixirs, the strength of the Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion will skyrocket!"

"The situation has changed. It seems that among the southern princes, the Lin family will rise strongly and overwhelm the purple-shirted princes."

"I have to curry favor with Lord Lin, and hug him. Through him, I might be able to get some precious elixirs from the Ancient Medicine Palace!"

"Yes, the Marquis of Zhenyuan is a much better person than the Marquis of Zishan. You won't suffer any loss if you make friends with him. As for the Marquis of Zishan, he is greedy by nature and often takes advantage of others. If you rob the Marquis of Zhenyuan today, who knows if you will get it tomorrow. What about our heads?"

Many princes who were on good terms with the Marquis of Zhenyuan were whispering, beaming, and seemed to have a high regard for the Marquis of Zhenyuan.

Some princes who were originally neutral seemed to be quite moved. They raised their glasses from a distance and toasted Lin Hanqing from a distance to express their congratulations and flattery.

Keenly aware of these subtle changes, Hou Zishan's face suddenly became ugly.

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