Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1886 Mock examination, life and death fight

Originally, the Purple Shirt Marquis invited all the princes and held a banquet with guests in order to publicize his son's breakthrough, shock the princes, gather people's hearts, and prepare for one day to raise the flag of rebellion.

In order to put pressure on Lin Hanqing, he fought to seize this medicine field and accumulate supplies.

But now, this has become a show for the Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion, stealing chickens and making wedding dresses for others.

"Master Marquis, we can't sit back and watch Zhenyuan Marquis gradually grow up! Otherwise, let's implement the second plan!"

"Yes, Uncle Shi, if Marquis Zhenyuan gets the support of other princes, the situation will be a success. One day, wouldn't it be possible to rob Xianzhi Forest and even the entire Hongyan Basin!"

At this moment, Shanshui Hou looked solemn and communicated with Zishan Hou’s spiritual consciousness.

Li Liudao and Ziyun Xiao are both gearing up and eager to try.

"Okay, victory or defeat depends on this!"

Zishan Hou pondered for a moment, then suddenly gritted his teeth.

He has always been a resolute and decisive person, quite heroic, and does whatever he says.

At this time, the Marquis of Zhenyuan is already on the rise. If we don't take advantage of his weakness and strangle him in his infancy as soon as possible, should we still keep him and let him develop and become a tiger?

The banquet continued for a while, and gradually the most important matter of the Qianlong Trial was discussed. Everyone gathered around Dongfang Moyu and asked questions, feeling worried.

Suddenly, the Marquis of Zishan took over the conversation, stood up, and toasted Dongfang Moyu:

"Colleagues, when it comes to the Qianlong Trial, I would like to express my highest respect for the female war goddess of our empire. The Eastern Empire was founded on martial arts, and cultivation flourished. From the princes and nobles to the traders and pawns, they all have a heart for cultivation. Yearn for it and strive to improve yourself. Among them, the eldest princess is the leader. No matter in terms of talent, perseverance, realm, or combat power, she is an unparalleled role model for us, and we admire her greatly. "

He can still say a few words in public, but it has a sense of flattery and tackiness.

Everyone also echoed.

"As a token of my respect, I will do it first. Eldest Princess, please drink this cup to the full!"

Zishanhou drank it all in one gulp.

"Haha, Marquis Zishan is so polite!"

Dongfang Moyu was quite generous, and his glass was dry.

The Purple-shirted Marquis looked solemn, glanced at the princes' disciples below the steps, and said in a cold voice:

"The empire was founded by military force, and the princes and ministers were evaluated by military merit assessment, in order to encourage us to study hard and practice diligently. However, some children of the princes are resting on the merits of their ancestors, not thinking about making progress, and doing nothing all day long. He is so lazy that he only knows how to drink and have fun, and he is not interested in practicing. "

Everyone's eyes fell on Lin Yang.

This made Lin Yang feel uncomfortable all over, and he said angrily: "Look at what I'm doing, are there flowers on my face?"

"Originally, the rules of the Qianlong Trial were that the defeated princes' children would have their fiefdoms reduced, their titles reduced, or even directly deprived of them. However, some princes' descendants still had no intention of progressing and even shamelessly claimed that without their titles and lands, they would lose their lands. He is an idle official with a white-collar royal salary, and he is more carefree and shameless!"

Accompanied by the roar of Zishanhou, the entire banquet fell into silence, and you could hear a pin drop.

Everyone looked at Lin Yang mockingly and speechlessly.

Lin Hanqing blushed with embarrassment and covered his face with his hands.

My best son, it’s just that your previous cultivation was poor, why are you saying these weird things, making others laugh and making the world laugh!

Lin Yang was also speechless, lowering his head to drink tea to hide his embarrassment.

Damn it, I just said a few words of self-comfort after drinking, how did it reach your ears, Lord Purple Dress, and still openly publicize it on such an occasion, it makes me unable to get off the stage.

"It seems that the punishment system is still not enough. Therefore, I did not hesitate to bear the infamy and wrote a letter, requesting that the Qianlong Trial be changed to actual combat."

Marquis Zishan had a heartbroken look on his face and said in a cold voice:

"Many people accuse me of being mean, cruel, and taking too many risks, which may cause injury or even death to the princes' children. But, is this true?"

"This is just to inspire those who are unwilling to make progress! The edge of a sword is sharpened. The more you sweat and bleed in peacetime, the more you can save your life in wartime!"

"My son will also participate in the actual battle of the Qianlong Trial, and he may also be injured and die. Today, I put it here in one sentence. If he is killed in the Qianlong Trial, it means that his skills are not as good as others and he deserves to die. !”

At the end of the speech, Zishanhou was so impassioned and spitting, his eyes were reddish and his chest was slapping loudly.

The acting skills are pretty good.

"Reform always involves pain."

Shanshuihou also sighed with tears in his eyes and boasted shamelessly:

"The Marquis is a man of great talent, selfless and motivated by the public interest. However, he is resented and reviled by all the princes in the world, saying that he is doing this for the sake of uniting the party and annexing other princes. This is simply nonsense and spewing blood. The Marquis is doing this entirely for the prosperity of the empire. , Loyalty is a lesson from heaven!”

"The good thing is that your majesty knows your hard work, and the eldest princess understands your loyalty. My petition to the Qianlong Association to carry out actual combat has finally been approved! Your Majesty is here to serve the people of Li and the people of the world. Thank you. Princess!"

Zishan Hou bowed deeply, burst into tears, and his acting skills reached their peak.

"The Marquis of Purple Shank is dedicated to the development and growth of the empire and speaks out for justice. The royal family understands!"

Dongfang Moyu could only be so polite.

However, she did not forget to glance at the many juniors, showed a kind smile, and said:

"Although the Qianlong Trials will use actual combat in the future, we still pay attention to one point. Don't pursue your opponents for the sake of false reputation or fiefdom. After all, you are all the future pillars of the country. Any one of you who is injured and falls will have no impact on the empire. It’s a huge loss for everyone, and I will be very sad!”

"We remember!"

Zi Yunxiao and Li Liudao nodded repeatedly.

But he snorted in his heart, the battlefield was changing rapidly, it was not so easy to judge whether to finish the battle or to pursue and fight fiercely. Lin Yang, as long as I can fight against you, you will die.

"Don't worry, Your Royal Highness, the children all understand these principles! The princes in the world are one family. Friendship comes first, competition comes second!"

At this time, Zishanhou smiled and said:

"However, there is only one month left before the Qianlong Trial. Today, all the guests are here, and the eldest princess is even here to show her face. In order to improve the actual combat skills and fighting level of these juniors, to stimulate fighting spirit, and to reach the ultimate level, it is also to give the eldest princess Your Highness, I would like to propose that the descendants of the princes and princes here today have a warm-up competition and simulate the test. I wonder what your Highness, the Princess, would like!"

He made a lot of preparations and finally came up with a plan.

For a time, many princes' disciples had different expressions.

The place was noisy and there was a lot of discussion.

"My Lord Marquis, this is a very good suggestion. It is easy to understand on paper, but I know that this matter must be carried out. Only in actual combat can you improve yourself!"

"That's right, that's right. Cultivation is not about treating guests to dinner, writing articles, or painting or embroidering. It can't be so elegant, so leisurely, so gentle and courteous. Cultivation is a life-and-death struggle in which you overwhelm the opponent. It's a battle between strong men. It's about strength and will. A competition of strength!”

"If you can make the eldest princess smile, you will live up to what you have learned in your life!"

Those who are at the leading level of cultivation, such as Li Liudao, Ziyun Xiao and others, are full of fighting spirit and eager to try.

And some of the children of the aristocratic families who had grievances before stared at each other with evil expressions and murderous intent.

Some disciples with lower cultivation levels suddenly shrank like quails, lowered their heads, took the opportunity to urinate and escape, or trembled with uneasiness on their faces, looking at their elders for help.

The princes who had a good relationship with Lin Hanqing all felt nervous. It was over now. It turned out that the Marquis of Purple Shirt had been talking nonsense for a long time and was waiting here! This is to severely trample Zhenyuan Hou and that Mr. Jiang!

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