Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1888 Who knows who uses it

"Wait a minute. Wait until I release the magic weapon from the examination room!"

Seeing this scene, the eldest princess knew that she could not stop her, so she could only smile helplessly, but she offered a jade pendant and flicked it with her finger.

The jade pendant flew out and floated over the martial arts field. Suddenly, there was a bright light, and the light curtain flowed and spread, forming a shield with a radius of one mile, covering the two of them.

This is a god-level examination instrument created for the Qianlong Examination. It is like an independent examination room and is extremely tough.

Even if Lin Yang and Li Liudao fight each other upside down and the law of true energy surges wildly, it will not affect outsiders. The magic power of outsiders is spiritual consciousness, and it cannot be passed in to avoid cheating.

The protective shields in the examination room are arranged, which is equivalent to announcing the start of the competition.

Everyone looked forward to the martial arts arena with expectant and excited eyes.

"Lin Yang, you are just forming a pill, and you have repeatedly provoked me. You are seeking death! Look at your palm!"

Since it was a martial arts competition, a simulated Qianlong test, and the eldest princess was present, Li Liudao did not use his family's martial arts, but used one of the supporting combat skills of "Purple Qi Donglai Gong", "Purple Cloud Palm" 》.

After all, he had perfected the golden elixir. Suddenly, the golden elixir roared and true energy surged.

All of a sudden, the weather was changing, the palm wind was blowing, and the sky was full of power, causing the shield to ripple slightly.

He rises and falls, his body is as light as a swallow, and as he pushes with his palms, purple air spurts out, and the shadows of his heavy palms are virtual and real, like purple clouds, floating in, giving people an overwhelming and irresistible feeling.

"The sky is filled with the shadows of palms, and falling stars are dancing. I never expected that this Li Liudao could practice "Purple Cloud Palm" to the peak of Dacheng. It is rare and rare!"

"The Marquis of Shanshui has such a unicorn, he is so proud!"

For a time, there was endless praise on the scene.

Shanshui Hou raised his tail to the sky, and his swollen face was full of joy and pride!

Even the eldest princess nodded slightly and sweated for Lin Yang. This Li Liudao is quite enlightened, he is a character! I wonder if Lin Yang has made any progress under Mr. Jiang's guidance and can handle this palm!

"Hmph, think about Lin Yang. He only made pills, but he had the courage to go up."

Zi Yunxiao smiled coldly, wishing to see Lin Yang being beaten until he vomited blood.

And Lin Yang, surrounded by the palm shadows all over the sky, was like a lonely boat floating in the turbulent current. No matter how he looked, he could not escape the swallowing of the palm shadows all over the sky.

On Li Liudao's face, the smile belonging to the winner grew stronger.

Lin Hanqing almost screamed, sweating violently, and murmured: "It's over, it's over. This Li Liudao is going to kill me. If my son is hit by this palm, his Dantian will be broken!"

At this moment, Lin Yang moved.

To put it simply, Lin Yang just moved slightly. Just taking this step made the eldest princess who was watching the battle suddenly have a strange look in her solemn eyes.

Because, Lin Yang's step was actually accurate, just stepping on the area where Li Liudao's momentum was weakest and the attack range was hardest to cover.

Just such a small flaw. But Lin Yang seemed to have expected it, and he took that magical step almost at the same time as Li Liudao rushed towards him.

At the same time, Lin Yang raised his arm slightly, like a fairy from heaven, poking out with a finger.

Donghuang finger!


The sharp sound of breaking through the sky was like a meteor streaking across the sky.

People don't know where they are coming from, and they don't know where they are going.

The next moment, only a scream was heard, and the palm shadows all over the sky suddenly disappeared like broken branches and leaves, and Li Liudao's graceful and light body was like a weight, slamming hard from mid-air to the ground.



The ground was slightly shaken by the impact!

With this fall, even the onlookers felt that their bones were itchy and their scalps were numb.

The person involved probably fell even more seriously.

"Oh my god, this move that Brother Jiang taught me is so amazing! Li Liudao was defeated by me with just one finger!"

The other party involved, Lin Yang, was also stunned on the spot, in disbelief.

This flaw exposed by Li Liudao was pointed out to Lin Yang by Jiang Tian.

It should be said that this is a flaw and loophole in the entire Purple Qi Donglai Kung Fu and Ziyun Palm. Anyone who performs according to this set of kung fu and palm techniques will show up and it is absolutely unavoidable.

Jiang Tian had told him before.

To execute the Ziyun Palm move, you only need to use this footwork and step at this angle to avoid all attacks. If you then use the "immortal to guide the way" as Donghuang pointed out to counterattack, you will be able to seize the opportunity. Like an antelope hanging its horns, there will be no trace. The enemy has no chance to return to defense, as if he is standing there waiting to be beaten.

Lin Yang just followed the example of a cat and a tiger.

But there is no confidence in victory.

But I didn’t expect the effect to be so obvious, so incredible, who knows who uses it!

Quiet, the scene was quiet.

The postures and expressions of the people were different, but they could not make a sound. They turned into a still scene and there was total silence.

There are many powerful cultivators present. Among those princes, which one is not a Nascent Soul, such as the Marquis of Zishan, who is a dignified spirit?

But that moment just now was like lightning, and they didn't even think they could see clearly.

It was clear that Li Liudao had the upper hand and was only one step away from knocking Lin Yangqian down.

However, Lin Yang only moved twice.

One time, he took a step with his feet, and the other time, he raised his arm and poked a finger.

With just two simple blows, Li Liudao fell vertically to the ground as if he was suddenly struck by lightning.

This situation is as funny as it gets.

As shocking as you want it to be.

If it weren't for the tense atmosphere before, and if it wasn't for the tense relationship between Shanshui Marquis and Zhenyuan Marquis, they would almost have doubted whether Li Liudao deliberately let slip and acted with Lin Yang. Why don't you sing the big picture yourself to highlight Lin Yang's awesomeness?

However, this doesn’t look like it either.

In the silence, Jiang Tian gently put down his wine glass, seemingly regretful, and sighed softly: "Haha, I originally thought that Li Liudao was also a talent, and Lin Yang needed three moves to defeat him. Unexpectedly, it was just a light poke. It won’t work! It’s bad, it’s bad, it’s disappointing!”


Countless eyes at the scene fell on Jiang Tian, ​​and they were inexplicably shocked.

For a time, there were countless guests present with different thoughts.

"This, Lin Yang's move is so wonderful! Did this Mr. Jiang teach him!"

"Only famous teachers can produce great disciples. This Mr. Jiang is so unbelievable!"

"Yes, it seems that we should not underestimate the monks from outside the river. The so-called heroes don't ask where they come from!"

"God is open, the Lin family has found a treasure with this help!"

The princes who were on good terms with Marquis Zhenyuan were naturally secretly happy for the Lin family and admired and thought highly of Jiang Tian.

In the competition just now, they didn't believe Jiang Tian's advice, and they were really worried about their old friend's son. It's just that this result was something they had never dreamed of before.

"It's impossible! Lin Yang was still forming elixirs a few months ago, how could he improve so quickly! Mr. Jiang can't do it even if he is a nine-day immortal descending to earth!"

"Yes, rotten wood cannot be carved, but a loach can grow into a real dragon? Impossible!"

But those princes who were on bad terms with the Lin family of Zhenyuan Hou, or those who were on good terms with the Zishan Hou, found it baffling.

Some people began to suspect that it was not the credit of Jiang Tian's teachings, but whether Lin Yang had been pretending to be a playboy? Play pig eat tiger? Just wait until today's explosion fails!

However, the majority are neutral, and their mood at the moment is more of a spectator mentality.

Of course, they were also puzzled by the strange scene before them.

These neutral parties are the least pressured. Watching the fun, they naturally won't worry about things getting too big and not being able to clean up the situation.

The most surprising and shocking one among them is the eldest princess Dongfang Moyu. She stared at Jiang Tian with wide beautiful eyes, in disbelief, and her heart beat wildly.

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