Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1889 A famous teacher gives birth to a great disciple

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

Just seeing Li Liudao's terrifying blow, Dongfang Moyu almost wanted to announce the end of the fight.

However, before she could shout out, the situation suddenly took a 180-degree turn!

At this moment, Dongfang Moyu didn't care at all whether Li Liudao was beaten to death, and he completely forgot that Li Liudao had cultivated "Purple Cloud Palm" to the peak of perfection.

There was only one image in her mind, which was the traceless finger of the antelope hanging its horns used by Lin Yang.

"East Emperor Finger", the origin of this finger is not unfamiliar to the eldest princess at all, she has practiced it very well.

Like Ziyun Palm, it is also a supporting martial skill of "Purple Energy from the East".

However, Lin Yang's finger changed slightly under Jiang Tian's guidance, but this change made it impossible for her to fully understand the mystery. It seemed that this finger contained endless mysteries, combining all kinds of laws and avenues. The essence, simplifying the complex, is all concentrated in this finger.

What are the levels of the golden elixir, what level of realm.

At this moment, it doesn't matter.

This finger was almost invincible. In Dongfang Moyu's view, it actually revealed the true meaning of the fingering method.

It gave her a feeling that she couldn't fully comprehend.

What kind of magic finger is this?

This is the true guide of the immortal!

"Lin Yang's talent is extremely poor. He naturally cannot understand such moves. All of these were naturally taught by Mr. Jiang. However, no matter how strong he is, he will not be able to see the Ziyun Palm in a short period of time. Flaw, sublimation Donghuang Finger, right?”

Dongfang Moyu was really surprised.

She found that she could not understand this mysterious Mr. Jiang even more.

There was a dead silence at the scene, and finally someone came to break it.

Li Liudao was helped down by the guards.

Shan Shuihou discovered that his son's Dantian was broken again. He was shocked and his heart was twisted. He knelt on the ground and roared with grievance:

"Your Highness, Princess, you must uphold justice! Lin Yang was too cruel, and my son's Dantian was broken by him. We are only a month away from the Qianlong Competition, how can we repair it! The Qianlong Competition tests my good water. The Hou Mansion will definitely be defeated. I want Lin Yang to pay with his life, pay with his life!"

"life for a life?"

Lin Hanqing turned livid with anger, stood out from the crowd, and shouted angrily:

"Marquis Shanshui, you still have the nerve to say it! Didn't you say that there will always be pain in reform? Didn't you support the reform of the conference into actual combat? Don't you want your son to blow up Lin Yang's Dantian? What? It's your turn now Are you feeling sorry for your son? You will be punished severely!"

"This this……"

Shanshui Hou saw that the eldest princess had no intention of upholding justice, so he looked at Zishan Hou and said: "Zishan Hou, please always say something fair!"

"This battle is indeed worthy of discussion..."

Zishanhou did not expect this situation to occur, and his heart was full of confusion and shock.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, Lin Hanqing attacked him and said angrily:

"Zi Shanhou, what is worth discussing! You are not going to be biased! Have you forgotten what you just said? Why are there some princes' children, but they are lying on the merits of their ancestors, not thinking about making progress, doing nothing all day long, lazy It’s unbearable, you only know how to drink and have fun, and you don’t care about cultivation. You hate this deeply.”

Now with the support of the great god Jiang Tian, ​​he is not afraid of anyone. After all, even the eldest princess is afraid of Jiang Tian asking her to beat her legs and rub her shoulders. This seems to be the home court of the Purple Shirt Marquis, but as long as Jiang Tian is here, this is Jiang Tian's. The home court is also his home court of Zhenyuan Hou.

For a moment, Lin Hanqing was all talking and fired wildly:

"Why do you try to use actual combat to motivate those who are not enterprising? What kind of sword is sharpened? You sweat more and bleed more in peacetime, so you can save your life in war! Even if your son is killed in the Qianlong Trial Well, that’s because his skills are inferior to others and he deserves it!”

"What? Now in the actual battle, if the result is not favorable to you, you have to discuss it, and you have to hold my son responsible. In your eyes, his son Shanshuihou is a precious pimple, and my son is a mud Damn it, my son picked it up?"

"No. When I say it is debatable, I mean that the technique used by Lin Yang is not the pure Donghuang Finger, and the rules of the Qianlong Competition require that the disciples of the princes must use the Donghuang Finger and Ziyun Palm. Your son is suspected of cheating. ? Of course you have to be responsible!”

Marquis Zishan's face turned livid, he slapped the table and said unreasonably.

"Yeah, I also think that the Donghuang Finger doesn't have this move!"

"It seems like the 'immortal guides the way' trick, but it seems to have changed!"

"Isn't it possible that Lin Yang really used similar techniques?"

After what Zishan Hou said, many princes were also slightly moved in their hearts, whispering to each other, and talking about it.

"Yes. Lin Yang cheated, using evil skills from outside the river. He dared to cheat in front of the eldest princess, blatantly. This is disrespectful to the eldest princess and deceiving the king! And all this is Jiang Siqing's fault. This villain deserves to be punished for his crime!"

Shanshui Hou gnashed his teeth and roared continuously. This guy was the best at pulling tiger skins to make a banner, and he would do anything to promote the dignity of the royal family.

"Since the Chief Examiner Princess is here, I'm afraid you don't have the right to say whether Lin Yang used the Donghuang Finger or not."

Old God Jiang Tian smiled on the ground.

Everyone's eyes fell on the eldest princess Dongfang Moyu again.

"Zi Shanhou, shut up. Let the eldest princess decide everything!"

Jiang Tian's expression was joking, do you dare to deny it? If you dare to deny it, I will let you beat your legs and rub your shoulders.

"Although this move of 'Immortal Guiding the Way' has undergone slight changes, it is still undoubtedly the Donghuang Finger."

The eldest princess straightened her face and said calmly: "Everyone, please don't get involved in this fight anymore! Shanshui Hou, your son is injured, and I am also very sad. I will give him elixirs to heal his injuries later!" "

Although she has a hot temper, she is also good at dancing and versatile.

Although he deliberately suppressed the Purple Shirt Hou Shanshui Hou, he also understood the principle of appeasing people's hearts.

"Your Majesty, the eldest princess, is dissatisfied with your treatment. I will definitely not accept it! I dare to ask the eldest princess, if the East Emperor's finger is allowed to change slightly today, will it be completely changed tomorrow? Will he use the West Emperor's finger and the South Emperor's finger to pretend to be the East Emperor in the future? Point! Is there any justice for this hidden dragon?"

Shanshui Hou was so angry that he stood up, danced and gritted his teeth and choked with tears.

It's not that he is ignorant, he really can't accept this ending.

Originally, she wanted to rely on her son to win the game, to be in the limelight, and feel proud, but she didn't expect that her son would be beaten to pieces. This is a loss of life, a real loss, and a devastating disaster.

"How presumptuous! If a descendant of a prince uses other martial arts and fighting skills in the competition, wouldn't I be able to tell? Do you think I am blind?"

When the eldest princess saw this scene, her pretty face was suddenly covered with frost, and she shouted in a cold voice:

"Originally, when Li Liudao attacked, he was merciless and wanted to beat Lin Yang to death. Now that his skills are inferior to others, he will be defeated if he loses. But you are so clever with your words and strong words, and you dare to question me!"

The eldest princess made a threatening move, her momentum was overwhelming and extremely intimidating.

"Mr. Jiang's disciples from famous teachers have greatly improved Lin Yang's strength. He adapted Donghuang's 'Immortal Guiding the Way' move, which is wonderful and natural. It is of great benefit to the improvement of the royal skills and has great contributions to the royal family and the empire. And You have repeatedly insulted him as a villain, a deceitful person, and an evil cultivator, which is simply unreasonable!"

"Is it because the sword in my hand has not been stained with blood for too long? You think that my sword is blunt, rusty, not sharp enough, and can't cut off your dog's head! Come and try it! "

As she spoke, the flying sword held by the sword slave behind her started buzzing with excitement.

Suddenly, a monstrous murderous aura rose into the sky, covering a hundred miles in radius, as if the surrounding temperature had dropped by dozens of degrees, making people feel cold all over, as if they had stepped into an ice cellar, shivering.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Tian smiled softly and sighed secretly: "Although this little girl has a bit of a hot temper, she is really awesome sometimes!"

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