Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1891 Comparison is inevitable

Lin Hanqing was not good at talking. After hearing this, he could only slap the table and laugh and curse: "Zi Shanhou, you are the most ridiculous person in the world. When did I ever think of..."

"Since you don't think so, let's compare!"

The Marquis of Zishan was still unmoved, and smiled conspiratorially: "Let Lin Yang reveal his background. If he is really Yuanying, he will be exempted from the test. If he is a golden elixir, he will also be exempted from participating in the competition in the realm of Yuanying. , cause unnecessary accidents! "

With a wink, he threw it out, and several princes who supported him immediately started making noises.

"Our Eastern Empire has a strong martial culture and advocates cultivation. You and I have to work hard, practice diligently every day, go into battle to kill the enemy, and fight for the country and the people. Why, it's your son's turn to compete, and you are like this Push three and block four!"

"Excessive humility is excessive pride. Brother Lin, if you are so pretentious, doesn't it mean you don't take other geniuses seriously? You don't think you are worthy of comparing with your son!"

"I am the first to support Zishan Hou's proposal! Lin Yang wants to strike while the iron is hot and have another fight, so that us old guys can see the style of the successor to the genius!"

"Today is full of guests and the eldest princess is here. This is the time when Lin Yang will show off his talents and become a blockbuster. I am very optimistic about him!"

These people were just watching the excitement and didn't mind the big deal. They insisted on forcing Lin Yang to fight again to give Zishan Hou a chance to win back the game.

It's like a gamble. Lin Hanqing has already won a round and wants to take the money and leave. But others have tried their best to set up the game. How can they let you leave the table so easily?

If you have to continue gambling, you, Lin Hanqing, will lose everything!

Shan Shuihou smiled with ulterior motives: "It's just a friendly competition, just to cheer up Princess Mo Yu. Why are you so pushy? Don't you put Princess Mo Yu in front of you?" In your eyes? You are arrogant and have no eyes for royalty!"

This guy is a traitor and seems to be loyal, and he always adheres to the dignity of the royal family, but in fact he is full of his own little calculations.

"Why is Xiaohou so ignorant of the royal family and so arrogant? He is just afraid that Lin Yang will be defeated and seriously injured, and the Qianlong will try in the future..."

Lin Hanqing's face turned red and he almost wanted to walk away. This was simply a Hongmen Banquet.

"Yes, I appreciate the kindness of the two dear friends. However, for the purpose of protecting the heirs of the princes, I still think that this competition is not suitable to be held..."

Princess Mo Yu couldn't help but smile bitterly at this moment, stretched out her jade hand, waved it gently, and said something to stop her.

The eldest princess objected.

Just when everyone thought that the competition was over, the Purple Dress Marquis and the Shanshui Marquis sighed in depression and gnashed their teeth. Lin Hanqing also thought that he had escaped and was secretly glad.

An inappropriate voice suddenly sounded again:

"It's natural to protect the heirs of the princes. Although the eldest princess is kind-hearted and has good intentions, you should not worry too much. Jiang believes that Lin Yang will be merciful, and he will grasp the point and stop it. Kill Ziyunxiao!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience went crazy, and all their eyes fell on Jiang Tian in the corner.

"What does he mean?"

"Lin Yang will be merciful until the end? Doesn't this mean that he believes that Lin Yang must beat Zi Yunxiao?"

"Zi Yunxiao is the majestic Nascent Soul Heavenly Lord! Lin Yang is no better than the Golden Pill. This is the difference between heaven and earth, the distance between immortals and mortals. He actually said that. Does he have common sense?"

For a time, many princes looked at Jiang Tian in disbelief, as if they were looking at a madman.

"This guy is a fool! Does he think that his fellow cultivators outside the river are really so great?"

"That's right, even if he pushed Lin Yang to the golden elixir with great speed, it must have been forcibly stacked with elixirs and secret techniques, and his combat power would actually be compromised. He was extremely lucky to be able to defeat Li Liudao, how could he be right? Zi Yunxiao from Yuanying!"

"Yes, it is no exaggeration to say that compared with Li Liudao, Zi Yunxiao is a genius!!"

"Besides, Li Liudao's original Dantian was shattered and he barely returned to his peak, but his cultivation is definitely unstable. He can't compare with Ziyun Xiao at all!"

"This guy... is a wonderful person! This is a divine assist, our teammate!"

The princes in the purple-shirted camp all looked gloating and secretly rejoiced.

"This guy can't be a secret stake planted by Dongfang Jie in Lin Hanqing's mansion to help us!"

"Yeah, didn't he give Lin Yang's head to me? He's here to help us!"

As for the Marquis of Zishan and Shanshui, they wished they could hug Jiang Tian warmly and thank him for giving them their heads.

"Just win one game and let it go when it's good! Does he still think that he is really a famous teacher from the Holy Land Sect and can turn decay into magic?"

"Oh, this is pushing the Lin family into a pit of fire! If Lin Yang loses this time, he will lose everything!"

"No way! If Lin Yang is injured, he will be blinded in the Qianlong Trial, and his title and fief will be lost! The previous fight with Li Liudao was just a simulated trial after all, and defeating Li Liudao is just It’s just a light on the face!”

The princes and colleagues who were good friends with Lin Hanqing all sighed and were depressed. They felt that Jiang Tian was just a bad teammate, and it was terrible that Lin Hanqing had been screwed this time.

Even Lin Hanqing looked at Jiang Tian, ​​dumbfounded, and a turmoil arose in his heart.

Little Princess Dongfang Ying also looked at Jiang Tian with wide eyes, in disbelief.

Lin Yang also turned pale with fright. While winking at Jiang Tian, ​​he laughed and said:

"Haha, everyone is laughing. Our guest, Mr. Jiang, drank too much! Drunk words, drunk words, cannot be taken seriously! Your Highness, the eldest princess, uncles, please don't blame me. If you want to blame it, blame the purple-shirted Hou Shibo's treasured 'Drunken Immortal' wine. too big!"

He kicked Jiang Tian from below, and almost cried when his spiritual consciousness transmitted the message: "Brother, please don't hurt me. Ziyun Xiao is a Nascent Soul. Even if there are ten of me combined, he can't hit me." But he only has one finger!”

He was literally scared out of his mind.

Even Princess Mo Yu thought Jiang Tian's words were too much.

Her pretty face was slightly solemn, and she followed Lin Yang's words and said meaningfully: "The Jiang Qing family wants to entertain me. I understand this kind intention, but I am supervising a fierce competition between them. I’m exhausted and a bit tired. Next, let’s change our taste and do some singing and dancing! I remember that the women from Southern Xinjiang are very lively and lively!”

"Ahem, my old arms and legs are a little sore again! I want someone to beat my legs and squeeze my shoulders again!"

Jiang Tian suddenly coughed slightly, looked up at the sky, and said inexplicably.


Dongfang Ying stared at Jiang Tian's beautiful eyes that instantly curved into a cute crescent shape, and squirted out a sip of tea.

Others don't know, but they know it very well.

Jiang Tian is clearly threatening the eldest princess. If you dare to stop her again and refuse to let us fight, I will reveal the original bet in public and let you slap me on the back and pinch my shoulders in public, which will bring shame on you.

For a time, Lin Hanqing and his son were riding a tiger, unable to dismount, and were in a dilemma, with no choice but to do anything.

"Do you insist on pretending to be so? Are you a fool? I'm afraid that you will be embarrassed, so I'm trying to help you make up for it. It's obviously a good intention. If you insist on forcing me to shut up, you insist on asking for trouble!"

Princess Mo Yu was so angry that she bit her teeth secretly and stared at Jiang Tian fiercely, wishing she could eat Jiang Tian alive.

However, seeing Jiang Tian so determined, she could only chuckle and said:

"Oh, that's all. Entertainments such as singing, dancing, silk and bamboo music, and charming music are indeed too clichéd for a female man like me. It sounds drowsy, but the competition between good men interests me more. Then let’s fight again!”

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