Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1892 Another battle with geniuses

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

"I'm here to cheer up the eldest princess and make Bo Jiaren smile!"

Sure enough, Zi Yunxiao jumped onto the martial arts field, covering a distance of several miles in an instant, and won the applause of the whole hall.



"The speed of this movement is really beautiful. This is the movement technique in Ziyun Palm, step on the clouds!"

"Zi Shanhou, you really have a tiger father but no dog son. Zi Yunxiao is quite like a father!"

The princes and descendants cheered.

Many descendants of the princes looked at Zi Yunxiao with complicated eyes of admiration and fear.

There is a feeling that although it cannot be achieved, one’s heart longs for it.

In terms of strength, demeanor, and demeanor, Zi Yunxiao is indeed a person who is thousands of times more outstanding than Li Liudao. He is comparable to the geniuses of the four great prince families, and is second only to the prince Dongfang Ding and others from the royal family.

"Haha, although my son is not bad, he is the result of hard work and hard work. He is not as good as Brother Lin's son. He received the guidance of a famous teacher, formed elixirs in April to Yuanying, and entered such a sacred tree. That is simply The fish jumped over the dragon gate and soared into the sky."

Zishanhou laughed, and glanced at Jiang Tian with a hint of sarcasm in pride.

It is clear that Jiang Tian is just a mediocre person who is eager for quick success and quick success. Although he has quickly improved Lin Yang's cultivation level, his foundation is not strong, and in the end it will be nothing more than a mirror.

On the martial arts field, Zi Yunxiao looked warm and politely raised his hands and said:

"Congratulations to brother Lin Yang for being promoted to the realm of the Great Perfection of the Golden Elixir. I am willing to suppress my cultivation to the same realm of the Golden Elixir and compete with Brother Lin Yang. I will stop here, just to show the style of the descendants of the princes and promote the style of martial arts. Make the eldest princess smile!"

He spoke in a thorough manner, but there was a hint of murderous intent deep in his eyes.

"Here, can I come in?"

Lin Yang's face was pale and panicked. He pulled Jiang Tian's clothes and said pitifully: "You'll die if you go up there! Can we leave? I'm not afraid of being scolded. It's a big deal. Anyway, I have a reputation as an incompetent playboy. It’s not like I have to carry it for a day or two, and the debt is overwhelming!”

Zi Yunxiao's so-called "suppressing the cultivation level to the golden elixir realm" simply means not using the Nascent Soul, laws and forbidden areas. However, the Nascent Soul is still the Nascent Soul after all. Even its true essence is ten times the peak of the Golden elixir. Thick, this is a qualitative transformation.

It can be said that what he said sounded nice, but he was still completely crushing.

"Go up! He is no match for you!"

Old God Jiang Tian said leisurely.

In Jiang Tian's opinion, there are many problems with Zi Qi Dong Lai Gong.

Especially in the process of opening up the Dantian and acupuncture points, condensing the golden elixir, and transforming the Dantian into a spiritual fetus, there are many mistakes and redundant and useless steps.

After Jiang Tian improved the technique, Lin Yang not only practiced quickly, but also became even faster when using Ziyun Palm and Donghuang Finger.

If the monk is a car, then the golden elixir is the engine.

The true energy is provided by the golden elixir, gushes out from the Dantian, travels along the meridians, and forms an attack.

In the original method, Zhenyuan seemed to have taken many bumpy detours, but after improvement, the chasm turned into a thoroughfare, which was extremely smooth.

Therefore, in Jiang Tian's view, even if Zi Yunxiao's true energy is more abundant, it is like the vast ocean of water blocked in the river, and only 1% of it can be used. Although Lin Yang's true energy reserves are indeed not as good as his, he still takes advantage of everything and takes advantage of it. How can he be invincible!

"Really or not, I'm afraid..."

Lin Yang drank a few mouthfuls of "Drunken Immortal", as if to embolden himself.

"Don't you believe me?"

Jiang Tian was a little annoyed. When I met you in my previous life, you were not so timid.

On the stage, seeing that Lin Yang was still not coming on stage, Zi Yunxiao also put his hands behind his back and smiled:

"Brother Lin Yang, I once heard that you and Fang Gouyu are childhood sweethearts and have a deep love for each other. But Fang Gouyu is the daughter of a general and a dignified Yuanying! For such a beautiful woman, not only are you extremely poor in cultivation, but also How can you be worthy of being as timid as a mouse?"

"You, you are looking for death!"

As soon as he said these words, Lin Yang's eyes suddenly turned cold, and fierce light burst out, as if he had instantly transformed from a little white rabbit into an ancient ferocious beast that devoured the sky and the earth.

"That's right. Since ancient times, a phoenix has been matched with a dragon. How can a chicken match a phoenix? Lin Yang, if you don't dare to go up, you are a cowardless person who is not worthy of the phoenix in the sky!" Shanshui Hou was also rushing beside him. , inspiring Lin Yang to come to power.

"that is!"

"The metaphor of Lord Shanshui is so wonderful! It's so vivid!"

A group of vassal princes of the Purple Shirt Marquis all started making noises and raising rice.

When Lin Hanqing, Dongfang Ying, and the eldest princess heard this, they knew something was going to happen, because Lin Yang and Fang Maguyu had such a deep relationship, and they would definitely become angry at the beauty.

"Why are you so arrogant! I will fight you today!"

Sure enough, Lin Yang smashed the wine glass to pieces on the ground, stood up, and flew to the stage.

"Haha, brother Lin Yang, this is what you call a man! I really admire your spirit of not being afraid of death!"

Seeing Lin Yang come on stage, Zi Yunxiao also had a treacherous smile on his face. He looked at Jiang Tian and said with a smile: "Mr. Jiang, I have to thank you for your amazing help in sending this waste to the stage for me to beat him up." Let’s take it out for my brother Li Liudao!”

"Zi Yunxiao, you always say that others are useless and you think you are a genius. However, in my eyes, you are just garbage, far inferior to Lin Yang!"

Jiang Tiancai was not polite to him and retorted directly.

In the last life, Jiang Tian had been humiliated by him many times, but at that time Jiang Tian was just a little foundation-building monk, so he was no match for him.

But in this life, Jiang Tian returned with the memory of ten thousand years of cultivation. He was so powerful that he didn't even need to take action himself. Just through his own guidance, Lin Yang could torture him to a point where his life would be worse than death. Isn't it wonderful?

"Okay, okay, okay, let's see how arrogant you can be. Today, I'll deal with Lin Yang first, and then you!"

Zi Yunxiao also smiled gloomily, with murderous intent revealed in his eyes.

As he spoke, he moved his steps slightly, and his Nascent Soul trembled. A large amount of purple true energy spurted out from the spiritual fetus and acupoints, surrounding the whole body like purple true dragons. The dense purple energy all over his body began to evaporate like divine clouds. .

"The purple energy comes from the east and surrounds you like a dragon. He is worthy of being the first genius among the descendants of the southern princes!"

"The Dharma Appearance! This is the Golden Elixir Dharma Appearance! The key is that these real dragons are like real dragons. They are extremely solid and have an imperial air!"

"It can be said that Zi Yunxiao has grasped the true meaning and meaning of Zi Qi Dong Lai Gong!"

Everyone clicked their tongues in admiration and were amazed.

Even many princes at the level of gods, including Lin Hanqing, feel ashamed. They did not have such a scene when they were in the golden elixir stage.


Lin Yang snorted coldly, stood still according to the footwork taught by Jiang Tian, ​​and narrowed his eyes slightly, like an old monk in meditation.

"Lin Yang, aren't you going to kneel down and beg for mercy? Aren't you afraid that death is imminent?"

Zi Yunxiao couldn't help but sneer with disdain when he saw that Lin Yang didn't flinch even though he had used his true energy and Dharma form.

"Afraid? If I were afraid, I wouldn't go on stage!"

Lin Yang suppressed the fear and nervousness in his heart and gritted his teeth.

Today, he carries the honor of his family, the feelings of Fang Maguyu, and the expectations of Jiang Tian. If he shrinks back again, he will really no longer be a man.

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