Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1894 The direction of the princes

"Don't say a word, be romantic!"

At this time, everyone felt this way about Jiang Tian, ​​and they were all shocked and couldn't believe it.

Generally speaking, a cultivation level built up with secret techniques or elixirs is like a sand sculpture castle. Although it is magnificent, it cannot withstand wind and rain. If a big wave hits it, it will be turned into powder.

But Lin Yang not only improved his cultivation rapidly, but also had powerful combat power, which was so solid and stable that he could even defeat Zi Yunxiao who had a Nascent Soul cultivation level.

This is too outrageous.

"Do you want to fight again?"

On the stage, Lin Yang suddenly put away his moves, flew backwards, looked at Zi Yunxiao from a distance, and sneered.


At this time, Ziyunxiao was covered in blood, in a miserable state, and his hair was disheveled. He didn't have the usual demeanor of the top genius in Southern Xinjiang. He was just like a beggar on the street.

"I don't accept it!"

He gritted his teeth, his face was twisted and ferocious, and he glared at Lin Yang bitterly.

He could not accept that the loser who had been ridiculed and attacked by him all day actually defeated him in front of the eldest princess in front of the public, under the witness of the princes. Moreover, he was defeated so embarrassingly and completely that he had no power to fight back or parry.

"Not convinced? Then, let's fight again!"

Lin Yang put on his stance, his fighting spirit rising to the sky.

"Zi Yunxiao, stand down! You have lost!"

But Zishan Hou shouted hurriedly.

He had already seen that Lin Yang's improved exercises and combat skills were completely dominant and in a crushing situation.

If the fight continues, Zi Yunxiao will not have the slightest chance of making a comeback. Instead, he will be injured more seriously. This will affect his performance in the Qianlong Trial and even place him at the bottom.

And with such a loud roar from Zishanhou, the battle finally came to an end.

"Yes, father!"

Zi Yunxiao gritted his teeth and jumped off the martial arts arena with a face full of humiliation.

Feeling deeply embarrassed, he entered a meditation room in disgrace without even saying hello to anyone, silently swallowing pills and practicing exercises to heal his injuries.

"It's over? You won? Is this my good-for-nothing son? He actually defeated the genius Zi Yunxiao!"

Lin Hanqing was stunned and couldn't believe it.

"This, Zi Yunxiao actually... lost!"

The losers such as Zishanhou and Shanshuihou also had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

However, unlike Lin Hanqing's ecstasy, Zishanhou and the others felt as if they were mourning for their heirs.

First of all, this is a betting opportunity. The thirteen small cities around Jianghan City not only represent huge wealth and vast fiefdoms, but also restrict Jianghan City.

Secondly, Ziyunxiao has been injured. Although it is all external injuries and does not damage the spirit fetus, it will definitely be affected in the Qianlong Trial. His combat power and rankings will plummet. This will affect Zishanhou's influence. force.

It can be said that in this battle, Zishanhou suffered the most losses.

And Shan Shuihou also has an earthy face.

Although he was a supporter of Zishanhou, the relationship between Zishanhou and him was not so good that he spent real money to support him. Without access to the Hutouling Medicine Garden, Li Liudao would be doomed to suffer another disastrous defeat in the next Qianlong Trial. His fiefdom and title would be taken away from him, and he would just sit back and watch as he became a loner.

Sometimes, death is not terrible, but waiting for death with nothing to do is the most painful thing.

However, the most shocking person in the audience was Princess Mo Yu.

The battle between Lin Yang and Li Liudao was an instant victory. There was no back and forth between you and me, so what was presented was just the tip of the iceberg of the improved version of Zi Qi Dong Lai Gong.

But this time with Zi Yunxiao, they fought for many rounds, and Jiang Tian's improved "Purple Energy from the East" was more fully demonstrated.

Princess Mo Yu has been practicing this set of exercises since she was a child and has been practicing them for hundreds of years. Therefore, including Ziyun Palm and Donghuang Finger, she is very familiar with them and can easily master them.

However, she was not aware of any of those loopholes.

But after this battle, she realized that there were indeed huge loopholes and fatal flaws in these martial arts.

Jiang Tian, ​​on the other hand, was very insightful and found all the loopholes in this set of exercises and supporting combat techniques.

Lin Yang took advantage of these loopholes to defeat clumsiness and the weak to achieve a decisive comeback.

The key is that the speed at which the true energy is expedited is simply ten times or a hundred times that of the original, and the combat effectiveness is also greatly improved.

It can be said that Jiang Tian turned this set of exercises and two matching sets of combat skills into magic, reaching an incredible level.

The precise understanding of cultivation, the insight from a high position, and the broad vision reflected in this made Princess Mo Yu astonished and admired to the extreme.

"This, this little brat is so outrageous! Could it be that he is the reincarnation of an ancient great power, or a saint who took his body and was reborn, or even a great power from the immortal world who descended to earth?"

Princess Mo Yu stared at Jiang Tian's indifferent profile with her clear and beautiful eyes, her plump breasts rising and falling violently due to excitement.

Princess Mo Yu was justifiably excited.

If these improved martial arts and combat skills are obtained by the royal family, once they are popularized among the royal family and the princes and nobles, the empire's strength will rapidly increase.

Of course, this is also an effective means for the royal family to win over people's hearts and increase cohesion. Let me ask, among the princes and descendants, who doesn’t want to become stronger, who doesn’t want to control more territory and rights? If you want to practice this improved version of the heaven-defying skills, sorry, you have to be loyal to the emperor.

"Mr. Jiang is so awesome!"

But Princess Dongfang Ying cheered in silence.

Her pretty face flushed with excitement, she waved her pink fists, her beautiful eyes curved into a beautiful crescent shape, and she looked at Jiang Tian with admiration written all over her.

This tender call also broke the silence at the scene.

There was a roar at the scene, and all the princes and descendants began to whisper and discuss.

"Lin Yang fought beautifully! Genius! In today's match, he overwhelmed the crowd and defeated the genius. He can be called the number one genius in the southern border of our empire!"

Some princes were shocked and sighed.

"Shit! He is just mediocre. The real genius is Mr. Jiang, who turns decay into magic and carves out decay into genius!"

A prince immediately corrected him, his tone also sour.

"Yes, that's very true. This Mr. Jiang is a man of nature, his eyes are as bright as a torch, his understanding of the three sets of exercises is unfathomable, and he is very aware of all the loopholes and deficiencies."

"That's right. Once it is improved and the deficiencies are checked and filled, it is like changing a new set of skills, sublimating to the limit and reaching the sky!"

"Oh, how come the Hou Lin family in Zhenyuan is so lucky! With my son's qualifications, wouldn't he be able to soar into the sky if he had the guidance of such a famous teacher?"

The eyes of many princes fell on Jiang Tian with a trace of greed, as if a miser saw a treasure and wanted to pick it up and run away.

"Mr. Jiang, I have the utmost respect for you! I wonder if I can condescend to come to my house to serve as a guest lecturer and guide my useless children. The remuneration is easy to say, the price is three or even four times that of Zhenyuan Marquis! A certain person, always Corporal Lixian!"

Some people are just moved, while others take action directly.

Immediately, the Qingshan Marquis in the seat stood up, came to Jiang Tian with a cup in both hands, bowed respectfully, drank it all in one gulp, and threw out an olive branch.

"What are you talking about, Corporal Lixian? Is our Mr. Jiang a 'Corporal'? He is an out-and-out master! Look at your aloof manner, how are you putting on the airs of a noble noble?"

Not only the Marquis of Qingshan, but also another Marquis, the Marquis of Heifeng, also walked over quickly, frantically trying to stir up trouble and crowding out the competitors, and then said with joy on his face: "Mr. Jiang, if you are willing to come to my residence, I am willing to treat you as a brother. I will help you compete for the position of prince!"

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