Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1895 The princes have no joke

The words of Black Wind Marquis are extremely tempting.

For a time, many princes slapped their thighs and called Black Wind Marquis decisive in his methods and tricky in his angles.

Although the Eastern Empire has a hereditary title and enfeoffment system, in order to recruit talents, it has also opened some openings for the lower class.

For example, if a monk becomes a brother of a prince and obtains permission from the royal court, he will be qualified to be a noble and have the qualifications to participate in the Qianlong Trial and compete for titles and fiefs.

For a time, Jiang Tian was surrounded by more than twenty princes from the south, all trying to please, belittle, and call each other their brothers.

There is only one purpose:

Come to my house to preach and gain karma!

As a result, Lin Hanqing and his son, who came to express their gratitude, could not squeeze in.

As for the originally prosperous and bustling Zishan Hou, at this moment, there were only a few die-hards of Shanshui Hou in front of the door.

But even so, some of these die-hard marquises secretly made up their minds to contact Lin Hanqing and Jiang Tian in private to see if they could get their successors some guidance.

It can be said that after this battle, the wind direction changed unknowingly. Because of Jiang Tian, ​​most of the princes fell from the Purple Shanhou to Zhenyuan Hou Lin Hanqing. Lin Hanqing replaced him instantly and became the core of the southern princes!

"Black Wind Marquis, you can just die. Even if you are only half a step into becoming a god, you are worthy of calling Mr. Jiang a brother-in-law!"

At this time, another marquis came out, shouldered his shoulder, and pushed Black Wind Marquis aside.

Then he took up his position and said with a joyful smile: "Mr. Jiang, I heard before that you don't have a Taoist partner yet. Alas, you don't know, my wife has a bad belly and has given birth to eight daughters, but no male son." . However, all of my eight daughters are talented and beautiful! If you come to my house, hehe..."

"The grandson of Marquis Tan Lin is so cruel. He doesn't hesitate to give away all eight of his daughters to win over this Jiang Siqing!"

For a time, all the princes were stunned and couldn't believe it.

And this scene, somehow, made the little princess Dongfang Ying and the eldest princess Mo Yu feel a little uncomfortable.

Dongfang Ying murmured a few times and hesitated to speak, but Princess Mo Yu's pretty face sank and she directly called her name: "Marquis Tanlin, you are so arrogant and disrespectful of noble etiquette, what do you look like! Why don't you guys? Hurry up and leave? The empire respects teachers, haven't you noticed that Lin Aiqing and Lin Yang have been waiting for a long time?"

At this moment, the crowd gradually dispersed, and Jiang Tian was relieved.

In fact, he was also quite troubled by the requests of these marquises.

"It is really a blessing for the Lin family that the Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion can get to know Mr. Lin! Lin Yang has made great progress in cultivation, thanks to Mr.!"

Lin Hanqing bowed deeply, his eyes slightly red.

When Lin Yang came to Jiang Tian, ​​he knelt down and worshiped deeply. He cried and said gratefully: "Thank you for your cultivation and support. Without your guidance, this time, my family and I will lose face!"

No wonder he was so excited!

Just think, who wants to bear the reputation of a loser?

Who wants to be crowded around, trampled on and humiliated every day?

Who is willing to sit back and watch the titles and fiefs that their ancestors bought with their blood, military exploits and even their lives being deprived of by others?

Who doesn’t want to soar into the sky, crush his peers and enjoy the admiration and envy of others!

Lin Yang is not a self-destructive person. He does not want to be a burden to the family. He also wants to be the glory of his father and the pride of his lover!

However, over the years, no matter how hard he worked, practiced hard, went out for trials, traveled all over the country, treated the elixir as a jelly bean, and ate the spiritual grass that could raise two cows, he could never find an opportunity for a breakthrough.

The moment of promotion could not come for a long time.

Over the years, he has tried, worked hard, struggled, and gone crazy.

Hearing his father's helpless sigh behind him and seeing Fang Gouyu patiently encouraging him despite being anxious, he even secretly cried in the middle of the night when no one was around.

But later, he became desperate and gave up completely.

Indulging in the love between men and women, fighting cocks and running dogs, indulging in all kinds of fun and stepping on people, only this short-term happiness can anesthetize yourself. Only by anesthesia and staying awake can you feel less painful!

Lin Yang, who looks lively and arrogant on the outside, but is actually sensitive on the inside, has always cared about these things, but he pretends not to care at all. So he learned to laugh at himself, to make fun of himself, to call himself a playboy and a loser.

However, he met Jiang Tian!

Jiang Tian didn't dislike him, he called him brothers, he thought and planned for the Lin family, and even helped himself improve his cultivation, completely changing the trajectory of his destiny. At this moment, he felt that Jiang Tian was not only his confidant in life, but also his lifelong big brother, and also his nobleman and benefactor.

In a word, he is the person for whom Lin Yang can sacrifice his life.

"This is what I should do! Don't be polite, why are you calling me mentor! It's too restrictive! From now on, we will treat each other as brothers!"

Jiang Tian chuckled lightly and helped him up with both hands, a hint of relief flashed in his deep eyes.

In the previous life, you and the family behind you were very kind to me, but because of me, I suffered unparalleled disasters. I was chased and trampled like wild dogs by Tianluo Sect and Yan Nanxian, and finally I was exterminated.

In this life, I finally help you make great progress in cultivation, get rid of the reputation of a good-for-nothing and a playboy, and become no weaker than others in the battle between empires. But how can this wash away the guilt in my heart?

This is not enough, far from enough. I want to help you go higher and further, enough to dominate this continent!

"Haha, congratulations to Brother Lin. However, there is no such thing as a banquet that lasts forever. I see that it is too late. Her Royal Highness the Princess is tired and it's time to rest. Let this banquet end here!"

At this time, Zishan Hou also coughed, stood up, smiled, and pretended to see off guests.

"That's right. Ziyunxiao is seriously injured and needs to be healed. Zishanhou, go and have a look!"

Seeing this, Shanshuihou and several other princes who had good relations with each other also hurriedly said.

Originally, this was a Hongmen Banquet organized by the Marquis of Zishan. On the one hand, he wanted to seize the Spiritual Vein Medicine Garden in Hutou Ridge, and on the other hand, he wanted to demonstrate his son's cultivation, further unite the southern princes, become the overlord of one party, and prepare for the next big move. Make foreshadowing.

Who would have thought, stealing the chicken will end up losing the rice.

Lin Hanqing made a stunning comeback because of this mysterious Mr. Jiang. The banquet is not over now, how long can we wait for? Are we still waiting for Lin Hanqing to show off his power? Are you waiting to be humiliated and humiliated by him stuffing a handful of shit into your mouth?

They thought wrongly. Although Lin Hanqing had an upright personality, he was a kind-hearted person. According to Jiang Tian, ​​he was somewhat of a woman's benevolence.

In fact, he had no intention of humiliating the Purple Shirt Marquis. He was now so happy that his son had greatly improved his strength and gained the reputation of being a genius in Southern Xinjiang.

"Lin Yang, we will immediately send you the results of today's mock examination to Fang Jinlong Shibo. Oh, Princess Mo Yu is full of praise for you. It is a great honor to crush the Nascent Soul genius! Humph, I Look at this old guy, how dare he say that my son is not worthy of his daughter? Damn it, I still think that his daughter is not worthy of my son!"

The man put his arm around his son's shoulders and walked out, chattering incessantly.

The other descendants of the princes also said goodbye to Princess Mo Yu and the Marquis of Zishan, and there was a lot of noise.

And in this commotion, a cold and pitiful voice suddenly sounded: "The princes have no jokes, and the nobles promise thousands of gold. Just now, the Marquis of Zishan once said that the competition between Lin Yang and Ziyun Xiao will take thirteen cities as the starting point. Bet, have you forgotten it? Your memory is too bad!"

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