Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1896 Cutting Thirteen Cities

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

"What? This guy is so stubborn and stubborn, he actually wants the thirteen cities around Jianghan City!"

For a moment, everyone looked at Jiang Tian in shock and disbelief as he spoke.

This offends the Purple Shanhou to death!

Aren't you afraid of death?

In public, there was a bet, so Zishan Hou Shen and Gu could only hold their noses and endure it.

However, after all, he is a dignified god, and his strength is second only to the four great dukes. Afterwards, there must be a hundred ways to make your life worse than death.

Can you stop it?

Marquis Zishan also had a gloomy expression on his face, and said with a smile on his face, "Fellow Daoist Jiang, Lin Hanqing, do you really want these thirteen cities? The thirteen cities are all places where fish and dragons are mixed, with scattered cultivators like clouds, and the strong ones dormant, and they often do things." The traitor department. How many monks do you have in Hongfeng City? Can you suppress him?"

He said meaningfully: "My Zishan Hou family has a great business, so naturally I don't take the city or the pond seriously. However, I am worried that although you, Lin Hanqing, are not greedy enough, you have a poor appetite, bad teeth, and indigestion." , choke yourself to death!"

This is simply a blatant threat.


Lin Hanqing's face was pale, his forehead was sweating, and he didn't know how to answer.

He winked at Jiang Tian repeatedly, probably to make Jiang Tian take a step back.

Jiang Tian turned a blind eye and smiled indifferently. The old god said: "Then I don't have to worry about you. Even if I choke to death, it is better than a starving ghost!"


Marquis Zishan did not expect that Jiang Tian would not give him any face. His face froze, his breath swelled, and murderous intent was revealed in his eyes.

At this moment, Princess Mo Yu stood up, smiled sweetly, and said: "Okay. Marquis Zishan, I am willing to admit defeat. I will make the decision in this matter and cede thirteen cities to Zhenyuan Marquis. You will do it immediately." After handing over the fiefdom contract, I will also report it to the emperor, and it will be announced to the world soon!"

"Haha, what the eldest princess said is that the princes have nothing to say, so how can I not admit my fault!"

Princess Mo Yu made the decision, but Zishan Hou had no choice but to snort and wave his hand casually.

Thirteen jade slip-shaped fiefdom title deeds flew out from the storage ring, and with a flash of light, they shot toward Jiang Tian like lightning.

He secretly poured the law of transformation into the land deed, and once the fragments of the avenue fell into Jiang Tian's hands, they would immediately be strangled by the law and suppressed by the avenue.

Marquis Zishan was confident that even if Jiang Tian was a powerful god, he would still be seriously injured.

"Zi Shanhou, what are you doing!"

Seeing this scene, Princess Mo Yu's pretty face was covered with frost and clouds shrouded her, her eyebrows stood upright and she gave a sweet shout.

"Mr. Jiang, be careful!"

The little princess Dongfang Ying even turned pale and exclaimed.

The faces of Lin Hanqing and his son also changed wildly, and their eyes were frightened. Zishanhou is a god who has been transformed for many years and is one of the top ten masters in the empire. Although this attack only used 30% of the force, it was still so terrifying that it could even level a thousand-foot peak.

"Thank you!"

Jiang Tianxin made a move and took the thirteen jade slips.

The dazzling light of the jade slip in the hand gradually dimmed and became dark and simple. This was the result of the laws and avenues being suppressed and eliminated.

Seeing this scene, Zishan Hou couldn't help being shocked, and then his face turned pale and he said nothing.

With this move alone, he realized that Jiang Tian's strength was probably no less than his.

"He is so...strong!"

Princess Mo Yu also had a strange light in her eyes.

It turns out that he really has the ability to transform into gods. Oh my god, the ability to transform into gods is only twenty years old. To put it bluntly, he has never appeared in the empire, or even in the entire Holy Yuan Continent, for tens of thousands of years.

She had only suspected it before, but now it was confirmed. It just felt like I was witnessing history.

Lin Hanqing and his son looked at each other with uncontrollable expressions of ecstasy on their faces.

Jiang Tian was so powerful that he could easily wipe out the lawful stranglehold of the Purple Shirt Hou. It could be said that basically no one would dare to provoke the Hou Lin family of Zhenyuan in the future. They only felt proud of it.

This banquet, after several twists and turns and climaxes, ended in such an unexpected way.

Many princes and descendants, looking at the gloomy face of the Purple Shirt Hou, resigned and left.

However, before everyone left, they did not forget to glance at Jiang Tian and could no longer ignore it.

He cured the little princess's serious illness, trained Lin Yang from a waste of elixir formation to a master of golden elixir perfection, scolded the imperial giants such as the Marquis of Purple Shanks, and easily defeated the Marquis of Purple Shanks with a single blow, showing his strength comparable to that of a god, allowing Mo to Princess Yu is very fond of it!

Taken alone, each of these things is enough to disdain the empire and give it the capital to rule the roost!

What's more important is that each of these miracles and powerful achievements all happened to Jiang Tian alone.

Moreover, why did the Ancient Medicine Palace suddenly support Lin Hanqing?

What happened tonight was really weird and weird everywhere.

No matter what, many princes realized that the peace of the empire was about to be broken.

Because Zishanhou has lost too much this time and will definitely become angry.

If the most powerful prince in the empire gets angry, the consequences will be serious.

After the banquet is over.

On a restaurant opposite Zishanhou Mansion, the figure of the owner of Yaoxianglou Wang suddenly appeared, looking at the backs of Jiang Tian and others with a sneer, and hummed: "Lin Hanqing, you have caused trouble this time. Thirteen cities, can you really eat it? If you offend Zishanhou, your life will be worse than death!"

Lord Wang, who is very young and is the master of a large sect after all, was scolded and ridiculed by Jiang Tian, ​​a casual cultivator from outside the river and a servant of the Lin family, who was so depressed that he vomited blood.

The business with the Hou Lin family in Zhenyuan was lost in vain, and I became a bad person for nothing. In the end, I didn't get any benefits. Instead, I ended up being scolded and slapped in the face by the third master of the Ancient Medicine Palace. It was simply embarrassing. Grandma’s house.

However, Lord Wang did not dare to be unhappy at all, and he would not vent his anger on Marquis Zishan.

Although, the culprit who caused them to lose this business was actually Zishanhou.

"That's all, a business is a trivial matter. Even if it is lost, it will not damage the foundation of Yaoxianglou."

Mr. Wang's mind was very vivid, and he thought about the huge power of the Purple Shanhou and some of the rumors that were vaguely spread in the circle.

The greater the power of the Purple-shirted Marquis, the greater the threat to the Eastern royal family.

In fact, Ziyunxiao was still valued by the Hidden Sect, but for some reason, Zishanhou kept it secret.

But no matter what, Zishan Hou is not as simple as he seems on the surface.

In time, it may not be impossible for the Zishanhou to replace the Eastern Royal Family and become the king of a country, and even dominate the Shengyuan Continent.

"Zi Shan Hou has great ambitions. I hope that this day can be realized as soon as possible. By then, our Yaoxiang Tower will have the power to follow the dragon. He will definitely use the power of the whole country to support him, and even thousands of years later, he will be able to compete with the Ancient Medicine Palace. Let's compete..." Thinking of this, Master Wang of Yaoxiang Tower felt better all of a sudden.

He glanced at Jiang Tian's back again, leaving a few marks of his spiritual consciousness. He swayed and suddenly disappeared from the place, flying towards the Zishan Hou Mansion.

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