Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1898 Mr. knows things like a god

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

"Don't give up eating because of choking!"

Jiang Tian's words are concise and concise.

"This is true, but the reality is indeed difficult!"

Lin Hanqing sighed melancholy: "We have limited troops and horses. Once we send troops to garrison in the Thirteen Cities, we will extend the front line and weaken the defense force of the Red Maple City base camp. And the princes of the southern Xinjiang around Red Maple City are all wearing purple shirts. If Hou’s party members want to raise an army to attack, it’s difficult to have both ends!”

"Are you the Zishan Hou's biggest enemy?"

Facing Lin Hanqing's anxious gaze, Jiang Tian remained calm and calm, and suddenly smiled.

"This? It's me, and it's not me. His real enemy is the Eastern Royal Family!"

Lin Hanqing said.

"Master Hou is not confused!"

Jiang Tian Youran smiled and said: "You won the Thirteen Cities this time, not for yourself, but for the Dongfang Royal Family! If Princess Mo Yu was not a fool, if Dongfang Lu was not a fool, they would take the opportunity to make a big move. I give you the army, the monks, and the magic weapon, just for a little bit, to restrain the Purple Shirt Marquis!"


Lin Hanqing was still doubtful.

Suddenly, the communication weapon on his waist flashed.

"Princess Mo Yu summoned her in the palace and asked Lord Lin to leave immediately. Be sure to bring your guest Jiang Siqing with you!"

Seeing these lines, Lin Hanqing was dumbfounded, then clapped his legs and said with a smile: "Mr. Jiang, I really have you! You are so good at knowing things. Not only is he good at cultivating immortals, but he also has a clear understanding of the situation in the empire. He can see everything clearly. ah!"

The horse's head turned, and the dragon horse walked through the air, passing through the sky in the deep night, and galloping towards the eldest princess's palace.

Princess Mo Yu's palace in Jianghan City is like a city within a city. The city walls are towering and thick, densely covered with Taoist patterns, and various grand formations are nested layer by layer. The main halls are like military fortresses. There is no beauty at all, but It pays attention to practicality, with numerous armored soldiers, tight security, and horizontal battle formations, exuding an aura of iron-blooded killing.

There are several powerful gods in charge.

At this time, Princess Mo Yu had already used the messenger weapon to convey the news of tonight's night banquet to her royal brother Dongfang Lu.

After receiving the news, Dongfang Lu was silent for a long time.

"Brother Imperial, I feel that the Zishan Hou's ambition is no longer concealed, and he is almost ready to jump over the wall!" Princess Mo Yu said boldly.

"After sitting in the position of No. 1 Marquis in the world for a long time, it is inevitable that I will get a little tired. It is only human nature to want to go further."

Dongfang Lu's tone sounded calm, but it contained a murderous aura that made people breathe harder.

"Fortunately, today he is forcing Lin Hanqing, a tough guy, to replace him with some other princes who are a little softer. I'm afraid he would have surrendered on the spot."

Princess Mo Yu recalled the situation at that time and was extremely dissatisfied with the performance of Marquis Zishan.

In front of the representatives of the royal family, he cleverly seized the territory of another prince. This seems to be a fight between princes, but is it actually a slap in the face of the royal family?

Dongfang Lu sighed softly: "Everything in the world is unpredictable. A few days ago, who would have thought that this Lin family father and son would be my lucky generals?"

Thinking of the current situation in the empire, Dongfang Lu felt a bit dumbfounded: "Perhaps many forces now think that the Lin family and his son are members of my Dongfang clan, and even Jiang Siqing is a chess piece that I arranged early, right?"

Princess Mo Yu also smiled and said, "If my little sister hadn't known the inside story, I'd probably think so."

"Have you noticed that every aspect of the changes in the empire's situation seems to be inseparable from a figure?"

"Jiang Siqing?"

Princess Mo Yu's bright eyes moved slightly and she blurted out.

"Imperial sister, have you noticed it too?"

Dongfang Lu smiled playfully and said:

"I heard that Bai Zhanyun, the beloved son of Duke Beijiang, was seriously injured twice by him, and his Dantian burst. Duke Long Juxue of Dongxia was originally infected with cold poison, but he didn't get the medicine stone at the ancient medicine palace and was still asking for it everywhere. Yao... This top prince originally wanted to use the Qianlong Conference to try reforms and annex other princes, but now he is worried about keeping his title and fiefdom!"

"That's not all. Prince Dongfang Ding suddenly started to search for news about the second prince. Haha, it turns out that he never took Dongfang Li seriously! Last time Jiang Siqing flew past the imperial capital on the Ancient Medicine Palace flying boat, the second prince Went out of the city to greet him, and that night, the prince's east palace was lit up all night, as if he was planning something!"

"Brother is worried that the prince and the second prince will cause trouble to Xiao Qiang!?"

Princess Mo Yu heard the song and knew its elegant meaning, and asked immediately.

"I am still here, and they also understand what I mean. The problem of the princes has not been resolved yet. Whoever dares to compete for the throne will die!"

Dongfang Lu said with a half-smile.

"It's good that they understand! If you don't even protect the pie, you still want to divide it. That's stupid!"

Princess Mo Yu sighed.

"After Dongfang Ding learned that Ying'er's chronic illness had disappeared with the help of Jiang Siqing and that she had ascended to Yuanying, he wrote a secret memorial. What do you think he wrote?"

Dongfang Lu suddenly smiled.

"His Royal Highness may have three strategies."

Princess Mo Yu said without thinking:

"The next step is to expose Princess Ying's nine-yin body, and the fact that she worked with the imperial doctor to forge her birth date is revealed. He exposed the matter and reported it to the West Palace for the crime of deceiving the emperor. He investigated the matter and asked you to imprison the second prince and even the imperial concubine. Leng Gong! Although the evidence is solid and well-targeted, it seems to be narrow-minded and lack of courage. "

"The middle strategy is to take advantage of your rejection of the sect, brother, and compile a list of the relations between the Lin family of Zhenyuan Marquis and the Ancient Medicine Hall, so that you will be wary of Zhenyuan Marquis. But in essence, it is to weaken the second prince. Because Zhenyuan is now Hou and the second prince are very close! This strategy has won the heart of the emperor and is easy to succeed. "

"The best strategy is to win over the Marquis of Zhenyuan, show him favors, and lure him with benefits. This will make the second prince completely alone. Instead, he will have more help and bargaining chips to suppress the Purple Shirt Marquis. He will fight for hegemony and suppress the princes. Make great achievements, but there is also a danger of being too ambitious!”

"Imperial sister, you are so thoughtful!"

Dongfang Lu sighed:

"But, none of them. In his memorial, he asked me to promote Jiang Siqing to the title of Crown Prince and Tutor, and to live in the Prince's Mansion in the East Palace, teach him the methods of cultivation, and help him govern the country. In short, make use of it, and at the same time...strictly Monitor and screen!”


Princess Mo Yu laughed and said:

"The prince is smart enough to realize that Jiang Siqing is the key! As long as Jiang Siqing is brought under his command, both Lin Hanqing and the second prince will have their arms broken, and it will be possible to prevent Jiang Siqing from getting too close to the Ancient Medicine Hall and gradually becoming a big man. , become the uncontrollable force of the empire! Foresight and watertight!”

"Oh, one more thing, the prince likes that girl Fang Maguyu!"

Dongfang Lu smiled bitterly and said:

"Originally, if the Purple-shirted Marquis stayed dormant for the time being and didn't make the situation so tense, he could still issue an edict...but now, the emperor is so boring!"

"Brother Imperial, these things are still far away, what is imminent is the Thirteen Cities!"

Princess Mo Yu smiled.

"This is not simple. Jiang Siqing of Zhenyuan Marquis has cured my beloved daughter. If I don't give you a big reward, who will be loyal to the country and work hard for the royal family in the future! I will give him a lot of rewards, including the army, magic weapons, and great power. Monk, you have many people under your command!”

Dongfang Lu smiled softly and said leisurely: "Jiang Siqing and Lin Hanqing, father and son, played extremely well against the Purple Shirt Marquis. If I don't support them anymore, won't they feel chilled?"

"Brother Huang has another idea for me!"

Princess Mo Yu was also quite helpless.

"Who made you the first female war goddess in the empire!"

Dongfang Lu smiled.

At this time, the palace maid reported that Jiang Siqing, Lin Hanqing and his son were waiting outside the palace.

"Has anyone arrived yet?"

Dongfang Lu smiled and said: "No matter what, at least for now, we must support Lin Hanqing and his son! As for the method and to what extent, you decide!" He said, interrupting the transmission of the magical weapon.

Princess Mo Yu sighed helplessly, turned around, smiled and said:

"Announce them to enter the palace!"

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