Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1899 Returning favors

Soon, Jiang Tian and Lin Hanqing and his son walked into the main hall. Lin Hanqing and his son saluted respectfully and solemnly paid their respects to the eldest princess.

The eldest princess also smiled and offered her a seat.

Jiang Tian, ​​on the other hand, stood lazily with his hands behind his back, looking here and there without any respect.

"Ahem, what are you looking for, Mr. Jiang?"

Princess Mo Yu suddenly felt a little depressed.

No matter how capable you are, no matter how great your achievements are, you can at least give me some face in front of outsiders, okay?

"Find a suitable chair!"

Jiang Tian smiled leisurely.

"Isn't this chair uncomfortable? The dark wood, a specialty of the Jiuyuan Valley, is made by royal craftsmen. Sitting on it in the summer will bring you coolness, spiritual energy, and refreshing feeling! If the Qing family likes it, I will The palace will give you some paintings!”

The eldest princess bit "Qing's family" and "this palace" very hard, just to remind Jiang Tian that their identities were different and that there was a difference between superiority and inferiority.

"The dinner was so complicated that I was tired and wanted to lie down and let someone rub my legs and shoulders!"

Jiang Tian smiled without changing his expression.

"You! Don't go too far!"

The eldest princess' pretty face turned pale with anger, her plump breasts shook violently, her pink fists clenched and opened, wishing Jiang Tian's face would explode.

"The princes have no joke, spitting is a thorn, how can the royal family be able to joke!"

Jiang Tian leaned casually on the eldest princess's fragrant soft couch, holding a pillow lazily, and said casually: "Just use it, come and squeeze your shoulders!"

"This stinky man dares to lie on my special bedding. Hum, I can only throw it away when I turn around!"

The eldest princess was unceremoniously venomous, but she was indeed a person with a strong sense of commitment, and she was a bit stubborn, so she gritted her teeth and kneaded Jiang Tian's shoulders, and said angrily:

"Marquis Zhenyuan obeys the order. Because of your family's contribution in treating the little princess' chronic illness, the royal family will reward Lin Mansion and Red Maple City with 10,000 golden elixir monks, 90,000 foundation-building monks, 100 Yuanying Tianjun masters, and five god-level experts. . In addition, there are hundreds of Taoist flying boats and cloud towers, immortal birds and war beasts in the Nascent Soul stage..."

"These troops belong to the Lin family. You can deploy them at will, but they must mainly guard the Thirteen Cities!"

"Thank you, Princess, for your kindness, and thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Hanqing and his son were ecstatic and grateful, but also felt a very ridiculous feeling.

The majestic eldest princess Mo Yu, the imperial goddess of war and the commander-in-chief of the three armies, was giving orders and giving rewards on behalf of the emperor, while obediently massaging Mr. Jiang's shoulders like a maid.

This style of painting is so weird and confusing.

can only say……

Mr. Jiang is unruly and uninhibited, he is truly a god!

"Mr. Jiang, eat the fruit!"

When the little princess learned that Jiang Tian had arrived, she ran over holding a plate of long-eyed cherries, like a maid.

Seeing this scene, Princess Mo Yu got angry for no reason. She waved her sleeves and said angrily: "You girl, are you cheap? Are you addicted to serving him? Isn't it enough for me to rub his shoulders and beat his legs? ?! This, this, this is simply a royal shame, how can it be so?"


The little princess Dongfang Ying was also frightened, her face turned pale, and her beautiful eyes were filled with tears. She said in a bitter voice: "Auntie, isn't it because he cured my disease that you rewarded the Lin family? I will give him What’s wrong with serving tea and water! These are all fruits I secretly brought from the palace!”

"Okay, okay. It's just a joke, but you are so petty!"

Jiang Tian frowned.

Princess Mo Yu didn't know why she was so angry and rude as soon as she saw the little princess getting close to Jiang Tian.

Seeing Dongfang Ying frightened and aggrieved, she felt guilty and pitiful.

Princess Mo Yu's fair face showed a look of kindness, she softened her tone, and sighed: "You are kind and compassionate, and know how to repay your kindness. I shouldn't blame you. It's really Jiang Siqing who likes to kick her on the nose too much." Face, you have repeatedly insulted my royal face, you, you are so old, why don’t you understand? "

"I don't know why, but as soon as I saw Mr. Jiang, I felt close to him, and I forgot my identity and his identity!"

The little princess Dongfang Ying lowered her head slightly, pouted her bright red mouth, and said aggrievedly.

"There's nothing to be close to! He's just a scumbag. He doesn't have good intentions and wants to harm this little girl. You should stay away from him!"

Princess Mo Yu became irritable again, her beautiful eyebrows were raised slightly, and she spoke harshly.

"Why did he harm me? He cured my illness, and when I saw him, I felt filled with joy, as sweet as drinking honey..."

Dongfang Ying was puzzled, but seeing her aunt looking very angry, she didn't dare to make a mistake.

Princess Mo Yu pinched Jiang Tian's shoulder a few times, walked aside, smiled brightly, and said: "Mr. Jiang, I have given Lin Mansion so many rewards, you should reciprocate them! I have given you so many rewards!" Don’t ask for anything else, just give me a complete set of the improved version of Ziqi Donglai Gong!”


Jiang Tian flatly refused.

"What? No?"

Princess Mo Yu and the Lin family father and son were all dumbfounded.

"Of course not. The material monks you gave to the Lin Mansion were not given to me. Why should I give you benefits?"

Jiang Tian said matter-of-factly.

"This? You and the Lin family are in an employment relationship. You will suffer both losses and prosperity. You will also get great benefits from what I gave to the Lin family! Otherwise, I can take back my life. After all, this news has not been announced to the world yet! "

Princess Mo Yu smiled.

"You rewarded the Lin Mansion just to suppress the Purple Dress Marquis. If you have the guts, take it back. We don't want any more of the Thirteen Cities!"

Jiangtian, oil and salt cannot enter.

At this moment, Princess Mo Yu was completely dumbfounded.

She didn't expect Jiang Tian to see the situation in the empire so clearly, and to be so... single.

At this time, she felt exactly the same as Zishan Hou and others, it was like a dog biting a hedgehog, unable to bite.

"I know you don't understand."

Ignoring Princess Mo Yu's angry gaze, Jiang Tianshi smiled cheerfully and said, "Then let me ask you, what is the use of improving your skills?"

"Of course it is to reward the royal family and princes and strengthen the empire!"

Princess Mo Yu blurted out without thinking.

However, this has not yet been fully said.

More importantly, she can also be used to win over the direct princes and improve the cohesion of the royal family.

Only those who are obedient and loyally defend the royal family can obtain improved techniques.

"The royal family is not a piece of metal, and among the princes, there are quite a few people with evil intentions!"

Jiang Tian was calm and calm, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the old god said: "You don't know many of these hidden enemies. How can I hand it over to you with confidence? The improved version of the technique is a knife, how can I Put the knife into the hands of your opponents and enemies!"

"Okay! Then I won't talk nonsense and see you off!"

Princess Mo Yu flicked her sleeves and immediately issued an order to expel guests, and walked towards the back hall with a livid face.

She naturally understood that what Jiang Tian said was reasonable.

However, being rejected by Jiang Tian in public felt quite humiliating.

Doesn't she doubt her own vision?

I am also the one who knows the situation of the empire best.

This scene made Mrs. Lin Hanqing very embarrassed and in a dilemma.

Little Princess Dongfang Ying hesitated to speak.

For a moment, the entire hall was silent, you could hear a pin drop, and the atmosphere was extremely dull.

"But I believe you!"

And in this awkward and dull silence,

Jiang Tian suddenly smiled and said:

"Alas, your true energy is fighting against each other, the laws are entangled, and the avenue is chaotic and difficult to control. You have stayed at the sixth level of the gods for no less than thirty years, right? Why can't you break through? Jiang originally wanted to take this opportunity to return the favor. It’s a favor from you. It’s a pity... Since you don’t appreciate it, forget it.”

Princess Mo Yu's body, as proud as a phoenix, trembled slightly, and her walking steps suddenly stopped.

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