Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1900 The Twelve Divine Voices of Langhuan

If Jiang Tian said something else, given Princess Mo Yu's proud character, she would definitely not look back.

However, what Jiang Tian was talking about was the most sensitive, concerned, and distressing matter in her heart right now!

Yes, she has stayed at the sixth level of Shen Transformation for thirty years.

However, in the past thirty years, no matter how hard she worked, went out for trials, and traveled all over the country, she could never find an opportunity for a breakthrough.

The moment of promotion could not come for a long time.

In the past thirty years, she has worked hard, struggled, been crazy, and even cried secretly in the middle of the night when no one was around. However, the road to martial arts seems to be shackled, and the realm of the late stage of divine transformation is always blocked.

It almost made her wonder, was she overestimating herself?

Is it because your potential has only stopped here?

This period of time when she returned to China from border defense was also the period when she was at her weakest and most frustrated in her life.

The cold forehead stretched slightly, and the autumn-like eyes were faintly flashing with excitement that could not be concealed. However, this expression only passed by in a flash.

Immediately, Princess Mo Yu returned to her previous coldness and reserve, and said with a hint of mockery:

"Mr. Jiang, no matter how strong you are, I'm afraid you will only be in the middle stage of becoming a god, and you will be on par with me. You are not a Saint of Return to the Void! And, most importantly, your lifespan is too short, and your experience in cultivation is too short. I’m not as rich as I am. If you want to give me some advice, I’m afraid I’m still not ready!”

"You have rich cultivation experience and you are old. Can you promote Lin Yang to the peak of Jindan in four months?"

Jiang Tian retorted.

In fact, Princess Mo Yu didn't completely disbelieve what Jiang Tian said, but when she saw Jiang Tian's stinky fart, she felt particularly unhappy and wanted to make a fuss.

Hearing this, she smiled lightly and said, "I'm afraid you don't even know it. Your anxiety about not being able to break through is already written on your face."

"What you probably don't expect is that if you continue like this, not only will you not be able to break through, but you will also be close to going crazy."

"You can't help but admit that every time the sun sets, you will feel irritable. It's as if there is a fire in your chest that is going to burn crazily and burn you to ashes."

"You don't have to admit it, but I still want to say it, just as repaying your previous favor. Whether you listen or not is up to you."

Having said this, Jiang Tian turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait a minute! You want to leave before you finish speaking, do you look like a man?"

Princess Mo Yu grabbed Jiang Tian's sleeve out of control.

"Haha, you called me a little brat before! What? Now you demand me as a man?"

Jiang Tian smiled and said: "I can give you advice, but I have a condition!"

"What conditions?"

Princess Mo Yu frowned and said: "Whether you want natural treasures, famous mountains and rivers, or martial arts books. As long as I can give you, I will give it to you! But it is impossible to want a title. Our empire does not have such rules! "

"The condition is that no matter any force in the empire wants to harm the Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion, you must stand with the Zhenyuan Marquis!"

Jiang Tian's face straightened and he said solemnly.

As soon as this word came out.

Lin Hanqing and his son looked at each other with deep emotion in their eyes and their faces turned slightly red.

"Mr. Jiang is such a strange man!"

And the little princess Dongfang Ying also opened her beautiful eyes and looked at Jiang Tian with radiant eyes, full of admiration and admiration.

Jiang Tian pointed out to Princess Mo Yu, what a great merit this is and how many benefits it can bring!

It can be said that he can ascend to the sky and his status is on par with the princes.

However, Jiang Tian didn't ask for anything for himself.

As long as Princess Mo Yu has a guarantee, a promise, a promise to the Lin family!

"I promise!"

Princess Mo Yu did not hesitate.

In her opinion, the Zhenyuan Houlin family is loyal to the royal family and their interests are highly consistent with her own. To protect the Zhenyuan Houlin family is to protect herself.

"A gentleman has no jokes. If you are sure, you and I will make a soul contract!"

Jiang Tian said.


Princess Mo Yu smiled.

The souls of both parties are intertwined, and a contract is formed. However, if there is a violation, the souls are shattered, and the body and soul disappear!

At this time, Jiang Tian's face straightened up and he chuckled:

"Your talent and the techniques you have practiced are actually enough to allow you to break through to the late stage of divine transformation. You even have the potential to impact the Void-Returning Saint."

"It's a pity that you are too competitive and your character is too strong, which affects your character. You are too concerned about the struggle between the royal family and the princes. Trivial matters linger in your heart, blinding your consciousness and unable to calm down. Naturally, you cannot clearly perceive the laws and avenues, or even , The laws are chaotic, the avenues are entangled, and it is already one step away from going crazy!"

"You don't have to admit it, but my advice is a favor to you. Whether you can hear it in your heart is up to you!"

Jiang Tianshi said with a smile.

Princess Mo Yu, who had always been competitive, looked at Jiang Tian in stunned silence this time and surprisingly did not refute.

Then, a look of sadness appeared on her beautiful face.

She had to admit that what Jiang Tian said hit the nail on the head.

"I admit that I have these problems, but even if my mind can be changed, the empire is in a precarious situation. As a member of the royal family and as a subordinate of the emperor brother, how can I stay out of it? Once the war breaks out, the people will be in dire straits and the lives of the people will be in ruins. I don’t know how many orphans and widows we will leave behind!”

Princess Mo Yu frowned tightly, her eyes were slightly red, and she sighed with regret.

At this moment, she took off her strong disguise and revealed her softer side as a woman.

"Practice to compete and compete for hegemony between the government and the public is not about reading books or embroidery. It is not easy to be calm and drive away inner demons. I already know that I am walking on the edge of death, but there is no other way. Don't you have anything else? Any solution?"

She looked at Jiang Tian with a melancholy look on her face, and smiled sadly, as if in despair.

She was also burdened with too much. At this time, he let go of his guard and talked to Jiang Tian sincerely, just like old friends.


Jiang Tian took out a guqin, placed it on the table, and said with a smile:

"I have a song, the Twelve Divine Sounds of Langhuan. It is a little tune that uses music to interfere with people's spirit. It uses the heart as the piano and the seven emotions as the strings. It is played with true meaning to produce a silent fairy sound that attracts the other person's heart. Resonance! If you listen to it often, you can purify your mind of worldly thoughts, make your mind pure and peaceful, prevent external evil spirits from invading, and make it difficult for evil thoughts to enter, and your worries will be purified."

After saying that, Jiang Tian stretched out his fingers and gently plucked the strings, and the notes jumped out from his fingers like elves.

As Jiang Tian played, Princess Mo Yu's spirit was shaken, and she felt that a beautiful scene appeared in front of her eyes.

The gurgling clear spring flows over the pure white stones, a full moon hangs high among the pine forests, and the cool breeze blows the pine waves, which also blows my heart.

In an instant, Princess Mo Yu felt that all her troubles were gone, her mouth was full of fluids, her whole body felt comfortable, and her spirit was even more refreshing than after taking the elixir.

The laws and avenues in front of her were clearly highlighted, and her perception seemed to be extremely keen.

She trembled in shock: "What is this?"

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