Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1909 The Reincarnation of the Nine-Heaven Immortal

Divine Lord Qi Ling is a powerful monster of the demon race who is famous throughout the empire. When the princes hear his name, they are all horrified and do not dare to fight against him. When he faced off against Fang Jinlong, the Pillar of the Empire, he was not weak at all, but today he suffered heavy losses from Jiang Tian, ​​a nobody and a casual cultivator outside the river. How could he be willing to accept it.

He is one of the four guardians of the Ten Thousand Demons Hall. His cultivation level is extremely high, far superior to other transformed gods. The Heavenly Punishment and Earth-Destroying Sword in his hand is extremely weird. He is confident that he can even cut through the physical bodies of peak transformed gods and half-step saints.

But Jiang Tian took advantage of Kunpeng's extremely fast body skills to avoid him from the beginning to the end, ignoring him, making him unable to catch up. He could only watch Jiang Tian kill all his generals, and he was almost suffocated to death.

"Okay, are you looking for death? As you wish!"

Jiang Tian sneered and faced God Qi Ling directly.

"Okay! The human race is cunning and insidious, and they only know how to play tricks. This time you have a bit of the bold and unruly style of our demon race!"

Lord Qi Ling sighed in admiration, seeming to be quite proud of the bloodline of the demon clan.

As he spoke, he wielded the long black sword.

The dark blood-transforming magic sword in his hand suddenly buzzed, blooming with a hazy black light, and the demonic energy shrouded Shenjun Qi Ling in it.

It was a peerless Taoist weapon, only half a step away from a holy weapon. It was said that it was forged by a demon saint tens of thousands of years ago using the 'god and demon blood steel' deep in the cracks of demonic energy. According to legend, the blood of gods and demons is sprinkled on the mountains and transformed into steel. After being forged into weapons, they are extremely powerful, extremely sharp, filled with demonic energy, and can kill gods with a trace of the power of gods and demons.


At this moment, Jiang Tian's eyes became vast and deep, like an ancient god who created the world, and suddenly gave a soft drink.

Above his head, the clouds and mist were thick, and the chaotic energy soared into the sky, and they vaguely condensed into three huge flowers, reaching up to the nine heavens.

Those three flowers, one as black and deep as a black hole, one as colorful as a dispute, and one with golden light, each condensed and formed, rising higher and higher. Each flower was hundreds of miles in radius, like a huge cloud. The three powers of body, law, and spirit were pushed to their peak by Chen Fan. Three-color flames burned blazingly all over Chen Fan.

"This, what is this?"

In the Thousand Lotus Flowers, both Lin Hanqing and Zhang Linfeng's pupils shrank, and their faces were shocked, as if they had seen a ghost in broad daylight.

"Three flowers gathered at the top? Could this person be the Great Sage of Returning to the Void?"

The only remaining demon king, the God King, turned pale with fear, trembled, and slipped away a hundred miles away, all the magic weapons he carried were activated to protect his whole body.

"He is not the Great Sage of Returning to the Void. He is only a Nascent Soul, but he is at the end of the Nascent Soul. His Nascent Soul is extremely high in terms of realm and grade. The peak of the Nascent Soul, and I am afraid it is still... the Immortal Nascent Soul. !”

Qi Ling Shenjun is a powerful man with many years of experience, experienced in hundreds of battles, and has extraordinary experience. He can see the significance of the gathering of three flowers at a glance. His face suddenly became stern, his pupils shrank into needlepoints, his whole body tensed, and there were warning signs in his heart. an unprecedented sense of crisis.

Historically, the Holy Nascent Soul has been called a genius on the mainland, and often even one may not appear in the eons.

The Immortal Nascent Soul is a legendary existence. It is ethereal and extremely difficult to condense, just like a real dragon in the sky.

Precisely because the Immortal Nascent Soul has never appeared in the Holy Yuan Continent, no one can be sure of the real combat power of the Immortal Nascent Soul.

But according to some ancient books, the power of the Immortal Nascent Soul can be summed up in one word -

Can suppress gods!

At this time, seeing that Jiang Tian might be an immortal Nascent Soul, Lord Qi Ling suddenly felt like he had killed countless alien monsters or humans.

"Zi Shanhou, this useless idiot, misled me! Immortal Yuanying is very rare in the Shengyuan Continent. If Jiang Siqing is just a casual cultivator from outside the river, how could he have made it! Zi Shan Hou must have got the information wrong. This bastard, once the Demon Emperor’s hegemony is completed, the first person I want to kill is the Purple Dressed Marquis!”

When Qi Ling Shenjun secretly cursed, Shenzang was also trembling. The Qilin-headed god looked up to the sky and roared, holding the Heavenly Punishment Demon Slayer Knife with both hands, pushing his vast cultivation to the extreme, his momentum rising steadily, soaring into the sky, shaking the whole body. The sky seems to be endless.


Without saying a word, Jiang Tian punched out.

There was nothing flashy about this punch, it was simple and natural, just like an old man doing Tai Chi in a park on Earth, light and airy, without the slightest hint of murder.

However, the power is earth-shattering!



Between heaven and earth, space is shattered, mountains and rivers are shattered, chaos roars, as if the sun and moon are hanging upside down, earth, fire, water and wind are repeated, and countless gorgeous energy fluctuations and the power of divine principles are surging within this thousand-mile radius. The power of this punch was truly astonishing, beyond the imagination of all witnesses. It seemed like an ancient god was throwing a punch.


Countless explosions broke out in mid-air, which were the sounds of the laws and avenues in the space collapsing. Countless Nascent Soul demon clansmen who couldn't dodge didn't even have time to scream, and were directly shaken into a blood mist, like a light red mist. The smoke dispersed, and a huge fist mark was seen in the void, filled with chaotic energy, dark and misty. The fist seal stretched across the sky, piercing through the Qilin Shenju a hundred miles away.

"This, this punch is so terrifying?"

The demon king who fled a hundred miles away was trembling with fear, screaming and wailing.

"With a mere Nascent Soul cultivation level, he killed four transformed gods and obtained endless Nascent Soul Golden Pills. This, this, does God want to help the Purple Shank Marquis and the Eastern Royal Family?"

Countless monster monks were screaming and screaming, as if they were mourning for a concubine, with trembling eyes.

"Is this still a human being?"

Zhang Linfeng's body was shaking and he couldn't believe it.

Recalling that when he first met Jiang Tian, ​​Jiang Tian had a dusty face and shabby clothes. He didn't take it seriously at all, and even his son Zhang Muyun dared to provoke him.

But now, the power Jiang Tian displayed was far beyond his imagination. With a mere cultivation level at the peak of Nascent Soul, he could easily leapfrog and kill the transformed gods, and even the powerful ones in the middle stage of the transformed gods, which completely subverted his three views.

It’s so scary!

Thinking of this, Zhang Linfeng was terrified again and again, and cold sweat rolled down like a waterfall. This Mr. Jiang has made it clear that he is pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger, to lure the enemy deeper, and his target is Zishanhou. If he had not cared about this and turned against him on the spot in anger, how could he and his son bear his anger? I'm afraid they would have been slapped into pulp at that time.

"Immortal Nascent Soul! It's really not like what I guessed before. He is not a monk from outside the river at all, but a powerful reincarnation of the Nine Heavens Immortal World!"

Lin Hanqing's eyes were filled with admiration, and this thought came to mind again.

After Jiang Tian came to the Lin family, he improved the little princess's nine-yin body, achieved the harmony of yin and yang, and pushed her to Nascent Soul. He threw out a pill recipe, which shocked the four people, and the ancient medicine palace treated her like a distinguished guest. In just four months, he pushed Lin Hanqing to transform into a god, and promoted Lin Yang from the elixir formation to the golden elixir perfection and even half-step to the Nascent Soul; he changed the Ziyun Palm, Donghuang Finger and majoring skills to turn decay into magic; He even used the twelve divine sounds of Langhuan to break the inner demon of the eldest princess...

Each one of them is a miracle, and it is incredible.

Privately, Lin Hanqing thought of many explanations, but the most unbelievable one was that Jiang Tiannai was the reincarnation of an immortal from the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm.

Otherwise, he would not have such a convincing vision and insight.

But now, Jiang Tian unexpectedly gathered three flowers, exerted the power of the Immortal Nascent Soul, and showed his trump card, which made him even more convinced of this speculation.

Regardless of whether Jiang Tian's Immortal Nascent Soul is born or acquired, in short, it is simply impossible outside the Central Galaxy or even on the Holy Yuan Continent.

Either the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm or the Nine Immortal Sects that are the core of the Central Galaxy.

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