Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1910 Kill you with three punches

Although Lin Hanqing found his speculation unbelievable and unbelievable, if it were not so, it would be impossible to explain what happened to Jiang Tian.

"Mr. Jiang has reached the peak of Yuanying, and he may not be far away from becoming a God. He is now a Yuanying, and can kill the God. If he reaches the realm of God, wouldn't he be able to overwhelm the Saint of Returning to the Void! That is no longer in the East. It’s not about the empire being king and hegemony, but it’s about being a peerless giant in the entire Holy Yuan Continent!”

Thinking of this, Lin Hanqing's body trembled with fear and ecstasy.

The strength of the Returning Saint!

Even among those high-ranking Holy Land Sects, there are only a few of them! He can completely transcend this continent and be famous among the stars, but he is my guest of the Lin family. What else do I have to fear now? Let’s talk about the Marquis of Purple Shirt, even the throne of the Dongfang family, I can’t sit on it!

"Jiang Siqing, you are indeed very strong, but you have underestimated the magic knife in my hand and my peak divine transformation strength!"

Lord Qi Ling shouted loudly, with murderous intent filling his eyes. He held the Heavenly Punishment and Earth Demon-Destroying Sword in his hand and slashed horizontally and vertically in the void, leaving a trail of black knife marks. Those knife marks twisted and rotated, but they did not disappear. Instead, they bloomed with evil light as if they were real. The demonic energy was dense and intertwined into a web, which was extremely strange.

As expected, it was forged from the blood steel of gods and demons, full of strange power.


The power of this punch hit the demonic sword net in an instant.

Under the unparalleled power of the Chaos Fist, the demonic sword net was vulnerable to a single blow, as fragile as silk, and instantly collapsed and dissipated into nothingness.

"How can this be!"

"Break it for me!"

Divine Lord Qi Ling couldn't believe it. He let out a roar of the tiger with his eyes about to split, raised the sword with both hands, slashed out with the body of the magic sword, and struck it on top of the Chaos Fist.

But it didn't stop the Chaos Fist Seal from disintegrating at all.

The next moment, under the gaze of countless eyes in disbelief, Shenjun Qi Ling couldn't hold on any longer. He vomited blood and retreated violently. He was penetrated by a punch into Zuowang Peak. The mountain shook again and again, breaking through several peaks in succession and rising into the air. The mushroom clouds that looked like nuclear explosions did not stop until they were hundreds of miles away.

"Just defeated like this?"

"He is Lord Qiling, one of the four great protectors of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace!"

"Yeah, how is that possible!"

At this moment, many demon clans couldn't believe it, and felt a sense of disillusionment as the world collapsed.

The four guardians of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace suppressed the princes of the empire, were invincible in all directions, and had a great reputation, second only to His Majesty the Demon Emperor. But he couldn't even block Jiang Tian's punch? Or is it under the premise of using the supreme magic sword? This, this is too weak!

"Congratulations, Lord Marquis, for getting this support. Our Eastern Empire is about to change its master!"

Zhang Linfeng's eyebrows were full of joy and he congratulated Lin Hanqing like a slave.

"Nonsense! Do you want to lose your head?"

Lin Hanqing's face changed greatly when he heard this. He flicked his sleeves and reprimanded sternly: "How could the Eastern Empire change its master? It will always belong to the Eastern Royal Family! With the protection of unparalleled national warriors like Mr. Jiang, His Majesty's throne is more stable!"

"Yes, yes, I'm just confused. What the Marquis said makes sense! Mr. Jiang is like the pillar of the country. With Mr. Jiang here, the Eastern Empire will be safe!"

Zhang Linfeng quickly bowed and admitted his mistake, Nuonuo kept saying.

But deep down, I don't think so. The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. It doesn't mean that if you are loyal, the emperor will not do anything to you. When I use you to beat Zishan Hou, you will naturally be the most popular person.

However, will Prince Dongfang Ding sit idly by and ignore the marriage between Lin Yang and Fang Gouyu? You are so close to the second prince, will he become a tiger?

All the good things are hidden in the flying birds. The day you kill the Marquis of Purple Shirt will be the day you, Lin Hanqing, die! When the time comes, you will have to rebel if you don’t want to!


At this time.

The earth exploded, the mountain peaks collapsed, and God Lord Qi Ling burst out of the mountain with his sword. He was also in a miserable state. His long robe and sleeves were torn, in pieces, tattered and broken, revealing the armor that shone with metallic luster inside like scales. Without this layer of mysterious armor, he would have been smashed into a meat pie by Jiang Tian.

"Jiang Siqing, if you dare to hurt me, we will fight to the death!"

Lord Qi Ling looked around and saw countless dead and wounded. He was in such a miserable state, roaring to the sky, filled with endless killing and overwhelming murderous intent.

His aura surged, and he suddenly broke through the middle stage of divine transformation, directly entered the late stage of divine transformation, and rushed to the peak state.

Everyone just felt it.

In the sky, there seemed to be a magic sun hanging in the sky, full of endless oppression and shock.

"Come again!"

Jiang Tian did not dare to use the Jue Tian Sword and the Chaos Mother Stone Cauldron at this time. They were infused with immortal magic power by the Immortal Emperor. Although they were powerful, their whereabouts would be exposed in an instant, so he shouted coldly and raised his hand to take a picture of a mountain with a height of ten thousand feet.

He picked up the mountain peak and smashed it into the air towards the Lord Qi Ling. At this moment, God Qi Ling truly demonstrated his terrifying cultivation at the peak of his divine transformation. The magic knife in his hand was swung horizontally and vertically, the light of the knife was sharp, tearing the sky to pieces, and he slashed out with one knife, bringing out the dark and dense demonic energy. He actually directly killed Jiang Tian. The mountains that were thrown were smashed into pieces.

"Boom boom boom!"

Jiang Tian continuously used his supreme magic power to capture seven or eight mountain peaks, but they were all chopped into pieces by Qi Ling Shenjun.

At this moment, Jiang Tian also felt irritated and depressed.

If he uses his most powerful magic weapon, the Jue Tian Sword and the Mother Stone Cauldron, Shenjun Qi Ling will never be able to withstand one of his moves.

But now, he didn't know the Immortal Emperor's plan, and he was on guard. To avoid being heard, he could only discard a magic weapon and compete with him with pure magic power.

Bang, bang, bang!

Jiang Tian either took pictures of mountain peaks, or shook the magic knife with his bare hands. In the midst of lightning and flint, he fought with God Qi Ling several times. The fights made the earth sink, mountains and rivers collapse, and the sky seemed to be torn apart.

Not one bit weaker.

However, his right hand was also scratched with a blood-red mark, and the law of demonic energy invaded the inside like a gangrene attached to the bone. He used the Suzaku God to forcefully erase and burn it.

"Ignorant boy, ridiculously overconfident. He is so arrogant and arrogant that he can shake this magic sword of mine with his bare hands. But I don't know that this sword was forged by the demon clan's returning saint. The entire empire, and even the entire continent, has few Anyone who can defeat you will be able to kill you!"

Lord Qi Ling laughed triumphantly.

"Three punches! Kill you!"

Although the law of demonic energy in the injured area had been wiped out, Jiang Tian was still furious. He simply abandoned the mountain and pulled out the fist frame with both hands, like a crane dancing in the air, like a dragon coiling a pillar, like a bow full of strings, like a lotus blooming. The aura of chaos, either faint and dark, or full of bright light, burst out from Jiang Tian's fist, smashed the void with one punch, and collided with the magic knife of Lord Qi Ling.


Lord Qi Ling was once again forced to retreat.

He looked at Jiang Tian's hands with horrified eyes, and when he saw Jiang Tian's palms colliding with the Heavenly Punishment Demon-Slaying Knife without any injuries, he couldn't help but scream in horror:

"What kind of boxing technique are you using? How can you carry my magic sword with your body!"

"You don't deserve to know!"

Jiang Tian had a pair of purple lightning eyes with murderous intent.

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