As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked. Countless eyes fell on Jiang Tian, ​​who was in disbelief, as if looking at a madman.

"Well, who is this person? How dare you challenge the Jueyuan Demon Dragon, the powerful master of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace?"

Dan Qingsheng looked at the figure in the billowing smoke in disbelief, as if looking at a madman.

"He is not just provoking Jueyuan Demon Dragon and Niubeng Shenjun. His words have offended both the Ten Thousand Demons Palace and Fairy Qingjue!"

Duke Dongxia couldn't laugh or cry.

"It seems that he is just a Nascent Soul cultivator. Is this person tired of living?"

Huang Zhonggong laughed.

The so-called discussion of dual cultivation of the great road and the attainment of bliss together is really frivolous in the extreme.

If you tell ordinary female cultivators, that's it. You are a Nascent Soul Heavenly Lord after all. They can do nothing to you, they can only hold their noses and endure it.

But now, you are frivolously teasing the dignified Saint of the Nine Mysteries Sect!

In short, even Dongfang Lu here does not dare to speak out wild words, otherwise, if the Jiuxuanmen becomes angry, the country may be destroyed. What's more, you are just a Nascent Soul?

"It's probably a lunatic who got carried away while practicing martial arts. He accidentally entered this place, so don't pay attention to him!"

The bald pen man smiled.

At this time, the smoke and dust dispersed, and the figure of the deceased Jiang Tian could already be seen.

I saw him with disheveled hair and bare feet, a matted gray beard covering his face, his clothes were ragged and dirty, and his eyes were full of madness, just like an old lunatic.

"Madman, get out of here!"

Lin Daier was so angry that she danced and cursed.

Originally, the Ten Thousand Demons Hall wanted to attract someone, and after killing that person, it would release itself. It was a simple matter.

And once this lunatic intervenes, maybe Niubeng Shenjun and others will really release the magic dragon, and everyone will die by then.

"Hahaha, stupid humans, ridiculous and overconfident!"

Sure enough, God Lord Niuben was furious. He laughed in anger and shouted coldly: "You dare to challenge me, the dragon who protects the palace of Wanyao Palace. You are eating the courage of dragon heart and unicorn. You are just a Nascent Soul Heavenly Lord. I can kill you with a snap of my fingers." "

"Did this person blow up the monster's nest so quickly? And, so fast?"

Fairy Qing Jue was shocked again when she saw Jiang Tian arriving.

But he immediately shook his head.

This weirdo does have some strength, but against a demonic dragon in the semi-saint realm, it is still impossible, like a fantasy.

However, Fairy Qingjue did not get entangled in this matter. Instead, she looked at Lord Niuben and said, "It's just an irrelevant person. Why should Lord waste your time on this person? I just don't know when the target you are waiting for will Able to?"

"One day for the fast, three days for the slow!"

Lord Niu Ben calmed down his anger, made some calculations, and said in a deep voice.

"Three days!"

Fairy Qing Jue thought to herself that this time is not long and can be accepted.

Lin Daier also breathed a sigh of relief. It only took three days to regain her freedom.

"Everyone, let's fix it for a while!"

Fairy Qing Jue gave an order.

"Yes, Saint!"

Afterwards, the monks from the Jiuxuan Sect descended one after another, swallowed the elixirs, sat cross-legged and meditated, and performed exercises to heal their injuries. Only Fairy Qingjue was left floating in the air.

It was a hard fight and many people were injured.

"Same for us!"

Niu Ben Shenjun's eyes flashed, and his spiritual consciousness said in a deep voice: "That Jiang Siqing is unfathomable, we must maintain the best condition, and kill with one strike!"

As a result, many monks in the Ten Thousand Demons Palace also began to repair.

Fairy Qingjue then waved her jade hand and laid out a circle of light to isolate the two sides: "This is the truce boundary. You and I are not allowed to enter each other's areas or disturb each other. Otherwise, it will be regarded as a war!"


Lord Niu Ben nodded slightly.

The two sides stopped making peace for the time being. Within a hundred miles, everything was quiet and quiet. The bloody atmosphere that enveloped Baihua Peak also faded a lot in an instant.

"Lord Niu Ben Shen, didn't Jue Yuan eat your demon clan's mighty Qin Yuan before? He also ate your ancestor? With such a life-and-death hatred, why did he become your temple-protecting demon dragon? This is the same as recognizing a thief as your father. That’s almost it. I didn’t expect the demon clan to be so shameless, it’s so ridiculous!”

In this silence, suddenly, Jiang Tian's voice sounded again, with a playful look in his eyes.

"Wow, you're so angry with me! You, what do you know? How can you, the Nascent Soul Heavenly Lord, say anything about the affairs of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace!"

Upon hearing this, Niu Ben was so furious that his four faces twisted ferociously at the same time, and his eight nostrils spurted out streams of flames, cold air, blue thunder, and lightning at the same time, burning the mountains and freezing them for hundreds of miles. The ground shook and the mountains shook, and there were many strange phenomena. The momentum is earth-shattering.

"Crazy man!"

"kill him!"


Not only him, but all the demon monks were furious. They stopped healing and meditating. They soared into the sky like supersonic fighter jets, rushed through the truce boundary, and surrounded Jiang Tian from all sides. He gnashed his teeth and spoke out with malicious intent, wishing that Jiang Tian could eat his flesh, bury his skin, and cut his body into thousands of pieces in order to relieve his hatred.

Expose others without exposing their shortcomings, and hit others without slapping them in the face!

But what Jiang Tian said was like a slap in the face!

In fact, after the demon giants imprisoned the Jueyuan Demonic Dragon, they were powerless and unable to destroy it.

In desperation, he could only support and enshrine Jueyuan to become his own big killing weapon.

But this is indeed a case of forgetting one's ancestors and not distinguishing between grievances and grievances.

"This crazy Nascent Soul, who doesn't know whether to live or die, deserves to suffer this calamity!"

Lin Daier thought bitterly.

However, when many demon monks were about to take action against Jiang Tian.

"Prepare for war!"

"Array up!"

The sonorous sound resounded throughout the world.

As if facing a formidable enemy, the Jiuxuanmen monks launched flying swords and magic weapons one after another, and floated into the air to form battle formations. They were ready, and the atmosphere became tense again.

Fairy Qingjue's pretty face was cold, her eyes were cold, and she said in a cold voice: "Lord Niu Ben Shen, you have already crossed the line, please go back!"

At this time, everyone in the Ten Thousand Demons Hall discovered that Jiang Tian, ​​the dead man, was on the Jiuxuanmen side of the truce boundary, and that many demon monks had indeed crossed the boundary.

Both the Ten Thousand Demons Palace and the Jiuxuan Sect are within each other's attack range.

"Haha! Fairy, fellow Taoists of Jiu Xuan Sect, please don't be nervous or misunderstand me. It's just that this crazy monk messed up the position! Listen to my order and retreat quickly!"

God Lord Niu Ben beat Hahaha, suppressing his overwhelming anger towards Jiang Tian, ​​and ordered the monks of the Ten Thousand Demons Hall to retreat.

Whoosh whoosh!

The monks from the Ten Thousand Demons Hall retreated one after another, and the monks from the Jiuxuan Sect also let out a long breath, only to realize that they were already sweating profusely.

In an instant, many monks from the Jiuxuan Sect glared at Jiang Tian.

It was too dangerous just now.

When the two sides enter each other's attack range, if any of the monks is weak and suddenly panics and attacks the opponent, it will trigger a huge battle with immeasurable casualties.

"Bastard! Don't create any more trouble, otherwise, I will be the first to kill you after I regain my freedom! If you want to die, don't drag us into this!"

Li Yichen shouted angrily.

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