Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1918 The target turned out to be him!

Li Yichen was almost scared to death just now.

Originally, Jiuxuanmen was not targeting Lin Daier at all, let alone Jiuxuanmen, but a certain person behind Lin Daier. However, Jiuxuanmen and Ten Thousand Demons Hall each had their own opinions. In order to avoid losses, they had reached peace talks and the matter had calmed down. Unexpectedly, this kid aroused Niu Ben's anger with just a few words, and almost caused the gun to go off.

Lin Dai'er was so frightened that her legs trembled and her face turned pale. She couldn't imagine what a terrifying situation it would have been if a war broke out just now, especially when Lord Niu Ben released the dragon.

Fairy Qingjue was also a little annoyed. She glared at Jiang Tian and shouted: "Crazy Taoist friend, please stop causing trouble. This is not the place you should stay. Leave quickly to avoid harming Chiyu! Otherwise, I will kill you!"

"Haha, how did you know that this is not the place I belong to. The one he is waiting for is me - Jiang Siqing!"

The dead man Jiang Tian chuckled, and suddenly used the Mysterious Art of Creation, and his messy hair turned into waterfall-like black hair, and his unkempt beard flew in the wind, transforming into the image of Jiang Tian.

His facial features are profound, his eyes are deep and pale, his aura is empty and vague, and his temples are slightly silvery. Even though his clothes are shabby, he still cannot hide his strange charm.

"What? He is Jiang Siqing!"

Duke Dongxia's expression condensed, his eyes flickered, and his pupils suddenly shrank into needlepoints.

"I heard that Jiang Siqing is a very strategic person. He always plans every step and is very thoughtful. Why is he so reckless?"

The four guests from the Dongxia Duke's Mansion also looked confused and couldn't believe it.

"Isn't he looking for death? If he wants to save people, he should be well prepared, unite with Fang Jinlong and other friendly princes, and crush him at the same time, or set up an ambush secretly to avoid his sharp attack, and he will hit with one blow. What now, this is like running headlong into It's like being in a trap." Shi Fozi frowned and thought hard, unable to understand.

"Yes, with this kind of strategy, how did he allow Lin Hanqing to make a comeback, save the day from danger, and even suppress the Purple Shirt Hou?"

Dan Qingsheng was also confused and smiled bitterly.

After hearing these words and thinking about what Jiang Tian had done, Duke Dongxia couldn't help but feel disappointed. He said: "I originally thought he was a strange person who I had to rely on. Now it seems that it is difficult to live up to his reputation. Those rumors about Jiang Siqing seem to be exaggerated!”

In the field, when they saw Jiang Siqing, the guest of the Lin Mansion, arriving, many monks had different expressions, and the atmosphere instantly became tense.

"It turns out he changed his appearance!"

Lin Daier suddenly understood, and then she became furious. She gritted her teeth and shouted sternly: "Asshole! I order you to retreat, call my father, and report to Shibo Fang Jinlong! You have just trapped me in this trap many times. Could it be that you are in such a dangerous situation on purpose? If this happens, I will report it to my father and expel you from the house!"

In her opinion, God Lord Niuben brought many powerful demon kings and took great pains to kidnap her. With such great fanfare and far-reaching plans, the target must be someone as powerful as Fang Jinlong or the ancestor of the Lin family, or even an expert from the royal family.

And Jiang Tian was just a guest of the Lin family, so he was not worthy of being targeted by Niuben Shenjun.

To put it bluntly, he is not qualified!

"A mere guest of the Lin family dares to provoke the gods of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace? Are you looking for death? Get out!"

Li Yichen also shouted loudly.

The dead man Jiang Tian ignored them at all, and instead flew towards the people in the Ten Thousand Demons Hall in no hurry. The old god looked at Fairy Qingjue from the ground and said with a proud smile: "Fairy, I will help you kill these monsters. Almighty, save those two useless disciples of yours, and you can accompany me to listen to some songs and drink a few glasses of wine. What do you think? This condition is not high, right?"

"Are you crazy?"

Fairy Qingjue scolded angrily.

And many Jiuxuanmen monks also looked at me, Jiang Tian, ​​with eyes that looked like an idiot.

"Oh my god? Is he really going to do it alone?"

Duke Dongxia and others were almost crazy and completely stunned.

A mere Nascent Soul Heavenly Lord actually wanted to defeat the Demon Clan God Lord, not to mention, he also brought with him a notorious ancient demonic dragon!

Even the Holy Maiden of Jiu Xuan Sect didn't dare to attack, but you rushed forward without fear of death! Isn't this courting death?

"Haha, it turns out you are Jiang Siqing, you are finally here! Come up and die!"

The four faces of Niubeng Shenjun showed angry expressions at the same time, and the four mouths roared in unison. His eyes were cold and murderous.

"What? It turns out that the one Niubeng Shenjun was waiting for was him!"

"Is it necessary for the Ten Thousand Demons Palace to do this? Just kill him directly. If you insist on kidnapping Lin Daier, you will have to involve Li Yichen and Jiuxuanmen, and you will suffer heavy casualties!"

"No wonder Lord Niu Ben is so angry!"

"Yes! I was originally going to kill just one Nascent Soul Little Heavenly Lord, but unexpectedly I bumped into the Nine-Xuan Sect Saint. I lost dozens of Nascent Souls and an Incarnation God. It was a heavy loss. How can he not be angry?"

At this moment, many monks from Jiuxuanmen and Dongxia Palace were suddenly enlightened and shocked.

At this moment, the eyes of all the powerful men gathered and fell on Jiang Tian with a touch of regret.

Among them, Li Yichen couldn't hide his joy in others' misfortune.

Obviously, no one thought that Jiang Tian could be a match for Niuben Shenjun and others who were physically strong and dominated the entire Eastern Empire.

Especially Li Yichen.

Although Jiang Tian, ​​the dead man, acted crazy, he carried an overwhelming domineering spirit and was extremely brave, daring to face the Ten Thousand Demons Palace directly. Such a comparison made him feel very unbearable when he was captured alive by the Ten Thousand Demons Palace and cried for his father and mother. He longed for Jiang Tian to be wiped out so that he would not appear so incompetent.

"It turns out he was the one waiting for me!"

Lin Daier was also in disbelief at first.

"I thought it was Shibo Fang Jinlong or my ancestor. In the eyes of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace, is he more important than Shibo Fang Jinlong and my ancestor? Regardless of his, in short, he is just a Nascent Soul level Dear guest, death is not a pity!”

But immediately, he relaxed and gloated.

She didn't like Jiang Tian's personality in the first place. Besides, she didn't think Jiang Tian had any value. He was just a Nascent Soul cultivator. If he died, he would die.

Then she shouted directly: "Jiang Siqing, how did you offend the Ten Thousand Demons Palace? You don't know whether to live or die, why don't you kneel down and admit your mistake and apologize?"

"Lord Niu Ben Shen, you have also reached your target. Let me go first!"

Li Yichen, a fellow Taoist, shouted directly.

"Put the Green Thunder Talisman on both of them and tell them to get lost!"

Niu Ben Shenjun said with a cruel smile: "Fellow Taoist of Jiu Xuan Sect, please don't interfere. Our target is not Jiu Xuan Sect. After killing this beast, we will naturally allow you to remove the Green Thunder Jade Talisman. Let's learn from this Taoist Friend Jiang Siqing." The unparalleled magical power!"

His target was originally Jiang Tian. If Jiuxuanmen or even Dongxia Gong took action again, he would not be afraid at all on his own, but if many forces overlap, it would be a Muggle.

However, he also had a backup plan.

The Green Thunder Talisman is one of the most precious treasures of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace. It can explode with a single thought and can easily kill the early gods.

In this way, the Jiuxuan Sect is controlled by others and does not dare to help Jiang Tian to deal with the Ten Thousand Demons Palace.

Lin Daier and Li Yichen naturally ran away one after another as if they had been granted amnesty.

Anyway, in their eyes, Jiang Tian was just an irrelevant person, and he would be dead if he died.

On the other hand, when he was imprisoned by Niuben Shenjun and others, his life was at stake. The feeling of being controlled by someone about his life and death was simply worse than death. If he didn't leave now, when would he wait?

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