Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1922 In high spirits

This scene is so shocking!

Niubeng Shenjun is a veteran peak god, one of the four guardians of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace, and is more than ten times more powerful than Zhuoyue and Canlang combined.

I'm afraid she won't be any weaker against Fairy Qingjue.

After all, the realm of cultivation cannot be completely equated with combat power. Niu Ben is a god who has been transformed over many years. His combat experience is much richer, and his combat awareness has reached the level of the first-class in the empire.

But such a peerless powerhouse actually suffered a loss in the first round against Jiang Tian?

How could everyone not be shocked.

"You want to crush me? Haha, do you have this ability? Niubi!"

The fighting spirit of Die Wo Jiang Tian was boiling, and a monstrous murderous intent rushed up. The crazy fighting spirit swept through the eight wastelands and Liuhe, and it seemed that even the sky would be shattered.

Feeling this terrifying aura, even Fairy Qingjue had heart palpitations and was shocked by it: "This aura is so terrifying and terrifying, is filled with chaos energy. He is probably a holy grade Yuan that is rare in ten thousand years." Infants, even immortals... If Jiuxuanmen can win over them, there will be successors!"

This Fairy Qingjue has always been calm and calm, but it seems that the earth is turning upside down and the world is collapsing, but she cannot be moved in the slightest.

But at this moment, she was really stunned and thinking, her shiny sandalwood mouth was slightly opened, and her clear autumn-cut eyes were wide and wide.

"Who in this world can kill me?"

My dead self, Jiang Tian, ​​was arrogant and unruly, and he was the only one who respected himself. He followed the law, and the great road was winding, soaring up to the sky.

He was majestic and full of fighting spirit. With every move he made, he seemed to be destroying the world. It was as if the world could not accommodate him and everything would be torn apart and destroyed by him.

At this moment, everyone knew that a shocking war was about to break out.

It may be the most dazzling battle in the empire for hundreds of years!

After all, this Niuben Shenjun is one of the four guardians of the Demon Emperor's Palace, a figure who can keep pace with the Empire's Optimus Pillar, the female war goddess Dongfang Moyu, and the overlord of Southern Xinjiang, Nanhe Gongfang Jinlong.

"You are so arrogant! You don't know the vastness of the world, and you don't know anything about the power of the demon clan!"

God Lord Niu Ben let out a low roar, and all four faces showed angry expressions, full of terrifying aura. He is the bloodline of the ancient "four-headed beetles". At this time, he condensed the true blood, burned the gods, and his body suddenly expanded. At a height of a thousand feet, it looks like the arrival of an ancient demon god, almost the same as its ancient ancestors.

"Come die!"

Each of his eight arms holds holy weapons and Taoist weapons. Each of them can split the sky, shatter the earth, shake together, change many things, and leave afterimages in the air, just like the Thousand-Armed Buddha. With a roar, he can also Hit me Jiang Tian.


The dead Jiang Tian wanted to show his holiness in front of others, and did not dodge at all. He used the supreme chaotic divine body to challenge the power of the eight arms. Suddenly, a big explosion occurred, the void exploded, the laws were chaotic, the avenue collapsed, countless mountain peaks collapsed, and thunder and light intertwined between the heaven and the earth. There was chaos, and the sun and moon seemed to hang upside down for an instant.


In the battlefield, there was chaos within a hundred miles radius. There is no doubt that this is a peak showdown. If it weren't for the stability of the heaven and earth avenues and the tenacity of the laws, suppressing the power of the monks, this single blow and the aftermath could destroy hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands of kilometers of heaven and earth. Completely blow up an asteroid like the Earth.

At this moment, the monks from the Dongxia Palace, the Ten Thousand Demons Palace, and even the Jiuxuan Sect all retreated, set up their escape lights, and ran faster than rabbits!

The collision between the two people gave people a feeling of destruction, and soon exceeded the scope of Baihua Peak!

Everyone is afraid of being harmed!

In fact, if a Nascent Soul cultivator moved a little slower, he was instantly wiped out by the aftermath of the two men's blows, leaving not even a drop of scum left.


After Jiang Tian resisted the eight-arm attack, he suddenly punched out.

The void exploded, followed by space collapse, and countless chaotic holes appeared. They were dark, extremely deep and dark, as if connected to another dimensional space, and punched through the air, hitting Lord Niu Ben.

The eight arms of Niu Ben Shenjun swayed in unison, and the holy weapons and magic weapons in his hands all glowed brightly. Several domains were spread out layer by layer, trying to resist the punch of Jiang Tian, ​​the dead man.

But it's no use at all.

Bang bang bang!

The power of the fist was unparalleled, and the chaotic energy was extremely solid, crushing thousands of ways and shattering all laws. The Taoist soldiers and holy soldiers of Niubeng Shenjun exploded one after another, and the fragments and laws flew across the sky, colliding with the law avenue between heaven and earth, and issued Thousands of kilometers of thunder dragon lightning.

Every chaotic energy that Jiang Tian struck out turned into a heavenly sword. There were more than thousands of them, as countless as spring rain and ox hair. With the power of the sword, he slashed at Niu Ben's body, leaving a series of sword marks, which were so deep that the bones were visible. It was shocking, and the hair of the cow was flying, the beef was rolling, and the god Niu Ben let out a series of screams, filled with shock and anger.

"This is impossible!"

Niu Ben yelled and retreated.

Since he refined the true form of the "Four-Headed Heavenly Bull", he has become invincible throughout the entire Eastern Empire. Even the Void-Returning Saints of many Holy Land Divine Sects can only slightly injure him. I didn't expect that today, I would suffer a big loss from a casual cultivator from the human race outside the river. It is really unbearable.

"Hmm! It smells so good!"

The nostrils of the dead Jiang Tian twitched, and a look of intoxication appeared on his handsome face. He looked at Saint Qingjue and said with high spirits: "It tastes good, don't you want to eat it? This is the meat of a sacred cow!" "It's too strong. Lin Hanqing With the help of this monster, everything is safe in the empire!"

Many powerful people present also changed their expressions.

Duke Dongxia was deeply moved and his face was shocked.

In fact, he hadn't said all the words yet - if Lin Hanqing wanted to, he could change the name of the empire!

"Your Majesty is right!"

The four guests of Dongxia Mansion also nodded and agreed.

They all thought they were geniuses, and they were good at playing chess, calligraphy and painting. The four friends of Dongxia were all famous all over the world.

But compared with the power displayed by Jiang Tian, ​​it was not worth mentioning at all.

No matter how you change, you can't hurt me.

No matter how unpredictable your magical powers are, I will break them with one punch!

"Saintess, no matter what, we have to recruit this person. Even if he doesn't want to join Jiuxuan Sect, we have to work hard to win him over and make a friendship!"

A master of the Jiuxuan Sect named Nangong Yue looked at Saintess Qingjue and transmitted his voice with his consciousness.

He had no expression on his face and seemed calm, but the voice trembled slightly when it sounded in Saintess Qingjue's sea of ​​consciousness, which showed how excited he was!

"Disciple understands!"

Saintess Qingjue nodded, her pretty face solemn.

Although Nangong Yue's cultivation level is not as good as hers, he is an old man in Jiuxuan Sect. He has a close relationship with his father and is highly valued by the sect's top leaders. He can be regarded as a right-hand man.

In particular, he has a very discerning vision. Every time the sect recruits new members, he is the one who checks the list. He has discovered many seeds of transformation!

He values ​​Jiang Tian's potential.

It can be said that Jiang Tian's current combat power is enough to look down on the world and compete with the sons of the saints of the major divine sects.

But what is more exciting is Jiang Tian's potential!

Jiang Tian is very young, less than a hundred years old, but his Nascent Soul can challenge the God of Transformation!

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