Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1923 Continuous Killing of Gods

Regardless of whether Jiang Tian is a holy Nascent Soul or an Immortal, given time, he is an amazing existence. He will definitely grow into one of the top giants on this continent, and it is very possible for him to return to the void and become a saint.

And any sect that obtains such a genius and cultivates it is equivalent to having an extra Void Return Saint to take charge!

Return to the Void Saint!

Just like a big country on earth, if it possesses nuclear weapons, it will have the capital to deter the other party and stand proudly on this continent!

That status will surely rise!

"This human being is too scary!"

Many demon monks turned pale and trembled with fear.


Jiang Tian sacrificed a bamboo stick, pierced a piece of beef in the air, burned the Suzaku fire with a snap of his fingers, roasted it, and sprinkled a touch of cumin from time to time.

"Moo! You bullied the cow too much!"

The bull ran and roared, its mouth opened, and suddenly, the endless laws took shape, turning into chains of order, rushing in all directions!

Clang, clang, clang!

The chains of laws are like dragons. The laws are not the same, and there are various visions. The chains of green thunder law are shining with lightning, the chains of Lihuo law burn the sky, and the chains of Gangfeng law seem to connect the Nine Nether Hell and Nine Heavens Immortal Court... enough There are hundreds of them, and there are fragments of avenues rising and falling in between, like the devil's hair, rushing towards the dead Jiang Tian to bind them.



When Niuben's law chains rushed out, the laws of heaven and earth were torn apart, and the avenues were shattered. They were so powerful that they could destroy everything. Every one of them could destroy a great city and overthrow a prince. The foundation of the family. They intertwined into a network, overwhelming the sky, and headed towards Jiang Tian.

At this moment, several thousand-foot-high peaks around Jiang Tian were instantly pierced by the chains of law. The peaks of thousands of feet high were entangled with chains and exploded in an instant!


Jiang Tian, ​​the dead man, hummed softly, used Kunpeng's extreme speed, stepped into the air, and shot into the sky like a dragon. He soared and galloped in a giant net, like a jungle of law chains. His body turned and moved, easily dodging the law chains. The penetration and strangulation flashed in front of Niu Ben Shenjun like a ghost.

At this time, I, Jiang Tian, ​​had not used his Dharma form and was still the size of an ordinary person. In front of the five or six miles tall Niu Ben Shenjun, I was as small as a chicken egg at the foot of Mount Tai.

But Lord Niu Ben suddenly showed an expression of great astonishment and shouted loudly: "Fellow Taoist, stop..."

He seemed to be giving up and making peace.

But I, Jiang Tian, ​​have already taken action.


I, Jiang Tian, ​​punched out with one punch, opening and closing.

At this moment, the strength of the fist was unparalleled, landslides and tsunamis occurred, the sun and the moon lost light, and the stars were changing, it was extremely terrifying.

Under this punch, I saw that the head of Niu Ben Shenjun that was hitting Jiang Tian was smashed and the jawbone was rotten, and blood surged wildly. Then, the entire head, which was hundreds of meters in diameter and was like a hill, made a loud noise. It exploded, blood filled the sky, and flesh rained down one after another, like a heavy rain.

Starting from this head, terrifying cracks spread rapidly towards the other three heads, covering them all like a spider web in an instant. In the blink of an eye, three heads exploded in the air one after another, thunder exploded, various laws and avenues collapsed, and thousands of meters long thunder snaked in the air.


Niuben's huge body, five or six miles high, with eight huge arms, hit the ground hard, causing a thousand-foot peak to collapse.

"It's too strong!"

"Did you kill Lord Niu Ben in only three rounds?"

At this moment, Duke Dongxia and the four guests were all dumbfounded, as if struck by lightning.

"Why did the front end reach this point!"

Fairy Qing Jue raised her head blankly and looked at the dead Jiang Tian in disbelief, like a demon or a god.

"Killing Niu Ben Shenjun, such a young handsome man can be called a monster, how can Li Yichen compare?"

And Lin Daier was even more stunned.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, you fought well. Why don't you go to Jiuxuan Gate for a few days, and let's sit together and discuss the Tao, confirm each other, and improve our cultivation?"

Suddenly, Fairy Qing Jue moved lightly on lotus steps and flew in front of me, Jiang Tian, ​​who had passed away. She bowed with her hands folded, her smile gentle and full of deep awe.

"Yes! Fellow Daoist Jiang has profound cultivation and unpredictable magical powers. Even this old man admires me. I, the master of the Jiuxuan Sect, am the most hospitable and like to interact with the world's most distinguished and talented people. If sir is willing to have the Dharma come to you, he will definitely be very happy. !”

Elder Nangong Yue stepped forward with a respectful look, solemnly clasped his hands and extended a warm invitation, as if he had already regarded Jiang Tian as an honored guest.

"Oh my God! Isn't the sect master in seclusion? Listening to what Elder Nangong means, he will ask the sect master to come out of seclusion and meet this fellow Daoist Jiang!"

"It shows how important this fellow Daoist Jiang is in the minds of Elder Nangong and the Saint!"

When the other Jiu Xuan Sect disciples heard this, they were all shocked, started talking, and looked at Jiang Tian with great reverence.

"Oh, he has such powerful strength that he can be called a tycoon on this continent. He is enough to be on equal terms with the Saint, the elders and even the sect master. It's ridiculous. I'm worried that he will be valued by the Saint and accepted as a disciple of the Nine Mysteries Sect. , competing with me for the position of the contemporary leader, how can he have such a position in the eyes of such a powerful man?"

As for Li Yichen, at this moment, his face was full of dejection and gloom. He was like a grain of rice under the bright moon. He suddenly lost his will to compete. He was devastated and felt a sense of self-mockery in his heart.

When someone is stronger than you but you can still catch up, you will feel wary, jealous and even resentful.

And when a person is so powerful that you don't even have a chance to catch up, you won't even feel jealous, you can only admire him.

"Having the opportunity to meet the sect master! This, what an honor it is!"

When Lin Daier saw the expressions of shock and admiration for Jiang Tian among the saints of Qing Jue, and upon hearing Nangong Yue's invitation, a trace of strong and clear regret also emerged in her heart.

At first, Lin Hanqing tried his best to bring Jiang Tian and Lin Daier together.

But Lin Daier was madly in love with Li Yichen at the time and was extremely resistant to the matter. She said "a monk from outside the river" to the left and "a widower with an oil bottle" to the right, and looked down upon Jiang Tian in every possible way.

She even threatened that if Lin Hanqing dared to force her, she would commit suicide!

In this way, Lin Hanqing had to give up.

But now?

Based on Jiang Tian's current strong record, can she, a mere daughter of a marquis, be the little Princess Dongfang Ying or the eldest Princess Mo Yu, be worthy of her?

As for Li Yichen, compared with Jiang Tian, ​​he is not even worthy of carrying shoes!

I am afraid that even if the master of Jiuxuan Sect comes in person, he must be courteous to him.

At this time, her father's original words could not help but appear in her mind:

"He is not a simple person. He has hidden talents. Now it is only Xiao He who has revealed his sharp points. One day, if he fully reveals his strength, ascends to the sky and becomes a giant in the Holy Yuan Continent, I am afraid that he will be the princess of the royal family and the daughter of the Holy Land Shenzong. It will be difficult for you to get close to him then! You will regret it!"

At first, she thought it was just a joke.

But now, it has become a reality!

Whoosh whoosh!

At this time, I saw Niuben Shenjun's sacred treasure split open, and a god, like a miniature version of himself, came out of the body.

The body and divine treasure that lost the god immediately exploded, turning into a rain of crystal flesh and broken bones that scattered randomly.

The god Niuben Shenjun didn't even look at it. He moved his hand and took away the magic jar. Without saying a word, he set up the escape light and quickly escaped into the distance.

Whoosh whoosh!

The other demon monks quickly followed.

"Want to run!"

But I, Jiang Tian, ​​snorted softly, and Kunpeng used his speed again, chasing the god who was running like a bull.

"Don't chase the poor bandits!"

Seeing this scene, Fairy Qing Jue immediately changed her face and shouted a warning.

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