Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1924 The Demonic Dragon Appears

The gods fled for their lives, abandoning their bodies, many holy weapons, and Taoist tools, but only took away the Demon Prisoner Jar, as a deterrent.

His body is dead now. Even if the gods are still alive and he is lucky enough to be reborn or reshape his body with blood, his cultivation level is only one-tenth of the original. He is already like a dog jumping over the wall. His bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes. Jiang Tianruo dares to pursue him. He dared to risk his life to release the demon dragon Jueyuan.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, he has already been defeated. Why do you have to fight to the death with him? He has the Abyss Demonic Dragon in his hands!"

Elder Nangong Yue also looked anxious and shouted loudly.

"Haha, what else is there in this world that is worthy of being defeated by me, Jiang Siqing!"

Jiang Tian just didn't listen. In the midst of laughter, Kunpeng accelerated his attack to the extreme. His body was like a peerless heavenly sword splitting the heaven and earth. It came first and was about to catch up.

"It's so mindless! What a disaster! What a disaster!"

And Lin Daier was so anxious that she stamped her feet and was extremely angry with Jiang Tian.

In her opinion, Jiang Tianlian killed the demon king and destroyed Niu Ben's body, and he already had the capital to dominate the world and dominate the world.

This is how to make a name for yourself!

From now on, no matter where Jiang Tian goes, whether it is the royal family of Xinjiang, the noble family, or even the Holy Land of Shenzong, he must be given face and respect!

But Jiang Tian actually went after Niu Ben and provoked the Jueyuan Demonic Dragon!

This is courting death!

This means not knowing how to advance or retreat, and not knowing how high the sky is!

This Jue Abyss Demonic Dragon is a ferocious creature from ancient times. It is probably ten times or a hundred times more powerful than Niu Ben!


Fairy Qingjue made a prompt decision, waved her hand and shouted.

Whoosh whoosh!

Many Jiuxuanmen monks, all using flying swords and various flying magic weapons, cut through the sky and flew towards the distance to avoid its sharp edge.


Seeing this scene, Duke Dongxia looked horrified and let out a loud shout.

He also knew that this was the most dangerous time.

The most terrifying thing has never been the Niubeng Shenjun, but the Jueyuan Demonic Dragon.

Once this demon dragon is born, few people in the entire empire will be able to stop it. Even if they are powerful gods, they are not enough to stop it.

Whoosh whoosh!

Duke Dongxia and the four guests, along with many monks, looked serious and said nothing. They drove up the escape lights one after another, like supersonic fighter planes, soaring straight into the sky, across the sky, towards a place thousands of miles away. Looted from military fortifications.

"Jiang, you forced me to do this!"

The god Niu Ben roared loudly and opened the lid of the Demon Prisoner's Jar.

At this moment, there seemed to be no light between heaven and earth!

Suddenly gloomy and dark!

Everyone including Fairy Qingjue, Duke Dongxia and Elder Nangong all felt suffocated and very uncomfortable!

It is a kind of awe from the heart, an instinctive fear, just like a tiger hiding in the mountains and forests that has not yet appeared, rabbits, elk and other small animals or herbivores, even if you have not seen it in person, you can feel its aura and majesty. , will tremble, tremble and feel uneasy.


A low roar, as low as thunder, came from the pottery pot, and a black light suddenly shot out from it, shooting straight into the sky.

Everyone looked up in shock and saw that in the sky, wind and clouds gathered together to form a huge vortex with a radius of several hundred miles. This vortex was extremely deep and dark, with lightning and thunder, chaotic laws, fragments of the avenue floating and sinking, and various visions, which seemed to be connected. The demon world has been connected for nine days, making people extremely frightened!

This scene was even seen by the subjects of Duke Dongxia’s territory, which was thousands of miles away!

Spread throughout the entire empire instantly!

"I, Jue Yuan, finally see the light of day again!"

A dragon roar came out from the whirlpool. The sound was like thunder. The powerful sound caused the eardrums of many Nascent Soul monks to burst instantly. Blood flowed out, making every inch of everyone's muscles tremble. The unparalleled power was direct. Invading spiritual consciousness makes people feel insignificant and majestic, and they can't help but have the urge to worship.

Even the powerful God Transformation couldn't bear it, his face changed wildly, and he backed away crazily.

The sound of the dragon's roar instantly spread throughout the empire and even outside the empire, shocking half of the Holy Yuan Continent.

"In the land of East Gorge, Jueyuan is reborn!"

"This, this is the famous ancient dragon!"

"It's terrible!"

"He's not dead!"

For a moment, everyone was shocked and in disbelief.

"This time, the Ten Thousand Demons Palace has spent a lot of money!"

Dongfang Lu stood up in the palace with his clothes on, his face stern, and he cast his gaze towards the East Gorge and the direction of Baihua Peak.

"Sir, you actually faced off against the Abyss Demonic Dragon? How come your opponent's plan is so far-reaching this time? It's so terrifying!"

In the palace of the eldest princess in Jianghan City, the eldest princess Mo Yu's delicate body trembled slightly, and her jade face was full of nervousness and worry.

"Senior Jiang, will something happen?"

Little Princess Dongfang Ying's beautiful eyes were shining, and crystal tears rolled down her face. She pulled the eldest princess's sleeves and asked in a trembling voice.

"Sir, Ji people have their own destiny, so nothing will happen to them!"

Lin Yang said with a smile, but actually he was not very confident.

He grew up listening to the legend of the Jueyuan Demonic Dragon. In his memory, it was not a creature that belonged to the Holy Yuan Continent at all!

"Hmph. This Lin Dai'er is doing a lot of harm to people. If anything happens to you, sir, I will kill him!"

Princess Mo Yu shouted with a sudden look on her face.

In the secular world, no matter whether they are royalty, nobles, civil servants or generals, they cannot ignore this news!

"Jueyuan is born!"

"How can we just stand by and watch!"

"There will definitely be a bloody storm. The sect will close the mountain gate, activate all the mountain protection formations, and all the disciples who are traveling will return to the sect immediately!"

"It's not advisable to stay here for a long time!"

All the major hidden sects were alarmed. One by one, the powerful gods came out of the secluded place. The masters of the sects rose into the sky. Each of them looked like they were facing a powerful enemy. Their expressions were unprecedentedly solemn. Some of them were transmitting their spiritual consciousness. Yin, discussing the killing strategy, some chose to avoid its sharp edge and closed the mountain door tightly, while some fled directly towards the distance.

"Jueyuan has been enshrined by the Ten Thousand Demons Palace as a sacred beast to protect the temple. Who can kill the Ten Thousand Demons Palace so miserably and force the demon clan to sacrifice Jueyuan!"

"What kind of evildoer would take action?"

Even the living fossils who chose to coagulate and stop their lifespan to wait for an opportunity, who were already old and exuding the aura of decay and decay, woke up and cast their turbid eyes on the Eastern Empire, the land of the East Gorge, and the Baihua Peak.

"Jueyuan! He is about to appear!"

Duke Dongxia looked at the sky with a pale face, trembling and uneasy.

The extremely advanced dragon under his seat was trembling with fear, like an earthworm meeting a giant python.

"This is the abyss!"

The four guests also had shocked expressions on their faces, and their eyes were extremely horrifying.

I saw a huge and terrifying dragon head slowly protruding from the clouds. This dragon head is the size of a giant mountain thousands of feet tall, with a radius of ten miles. It brings the ultimate visual impact to people and makes them feel very depressed.

Immediately afterwards, the huge dragon body also loomed in the rolling dark clouds. Roughly calculated, it was probably a hundred miles long, like a winding mountain range, stretching across the sky.

Its pair of dragon horns are like halberds and swords, piercing the sky, its five claws shine with sharp light, and its black scales glow with a cold metallic luster, condensed and sharp.

Countless black mist rose up around him, turning into a hell like Shura.

From that hell, there was a vague demon god standing up. Each of them was a hundred feet tall, covered in black armor, with two horns rising into the sky, shining with cold light, a pair of red eyes as red as diamonds, and a huge mouth open with countless beasts. The teeth radiated with cold light, like evil spirits from hell. This is not a real demon, but a manifestation of the law of demonic energy, which is very frightening.

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