Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1925 Shocking the World

"Da da da!"

When the terrifying power of the Jue Abyss Demonic Dragon fully unfolded, everyone within a thousand miles radius felt a huge and vast pressure, as if a heavy hammer hit their chests. Their breathing was not smooth and their heartbeats accelerated.

People under the transformation of gods were completely unable to control themselves, lost all their magic power, and fell directly from a high altitude to the ground. Lin Daier and Li Yichen both fell to the ground in a state of disgrace and embarrassment.

Unable to withstand the pressure, they could only lie on the ground, struggling to get up.

"It's so powerful! This Jue Yuan Demonic Dragon seems to be much stronger than what is recorded in ancient books!"

Fairy Qingjue's pretty face turned pale, and her square inch was missing.

According to ancient classics, this Jueyuan Demonic Dragon is probably at the semi-saint realm, and its real length is only fifty miles, but now its length is more than a hundred miles? But it has fully doubled, and his strength has completely entered the realm of a returning saint.

"Alas! Throughout the long history, the Ten Thousand Demons Palace has been supporting and enshrining it. It uses the essence, blood and magic power of the Nascent Soul as its foundation, so there is no reason why its cultivation level should not be improved!"

Elder Nangong Yue shook his head, his eyes full of fear and worry.

In fact.

At this moment, in the entire East Gorge, the hearts of countless monks and mortals were in their throats and they were sweating. The monks, in particular, were even more frightened than before, just like when you went up the mountain to hunt a hare, but ended up encountering a wild boar and a wolf, your psychology completely collapsed.

"This Jiang Siqing is going to kill us!"

Li Yichen grabbed the ground with his head and lay on the ground with his butt stuck out like a dead dog, but he gritted his teeth and cursed: "Why doesn't he die? He could obviously let the god run away, but he had to stop him. He made the other party release him. Devil Dragon, our lives are at stake! He is so arrogant and willful, yet the Saint is so fond of him!"

"You surnamed Jiang, you are so damn hard to dissuade with good words! You are arrogant and do not know the heights of heaven and earth. You will not listen to my good advice and insist on provoking Niu Ben Shenjun. How about you now? I want to see how you deal with the release of Jueyuan Demon Dragon. Get through this crisis!" Lin Daier's face turned red with anger, and she kept hitting the ground with her fists to vent her anger.

"Oh! Of course I have to enjoy it when I see the sun again!"

The Jueyuan Demonic Dragon reached out and grabbed it with its claws.

Suddenly, huge dragon claws suddenly appeared in the sky above Dongxia Gong and others hundreds of miles away. They were covered with black scales, each one was about ten feet in size, like a roof crown. , the sharp nails radiated with cold light, like sharp and peerless sky hooks, and they grabbed at Duke Dongxia, the Four Guests, and others.


Duke Dongxia and the four major guests were so jealous that they couldn't believe it.

It was rumored that Jueyuan had the blood of a true dragon and was famous for his versatility, omnipotence, reachability, and meticulousness. They had already been on guard a hundred times, but they never expected that Jueyuan would take action so quickly!

But Duke Dongxia and the four great guests were by no means mediocre, each with their own strengths. Suddenly, beams of light shot up into the sky, tearing the night sky apart and illuminating the earth.

They each showed off their unique skills. Huang Zhonggong's huge golden bell trembled and sounded, drumming out billowing sound waves, enough to destroy mountains; the painter splashed ink, and suddenly beasts and birds were formed, and swords, guns, swords and halberds were formed, each of which contained laws. Comparable to the Taoist weapon, he was killing towards the dragon's claw; the bald pen man wrote straightly, and the sonorous large characters were condensed under the end of his pen, and the golden light was shining brightly; while the stone Buddha swayed the chess pieces one by one. When they came out, they immediately transformed into unparalleled warriors, soldiers, chariots, flying boats, and heavy towers, instantly forming a military formation of thousands of troops and horses, breaking through the sky and rushing towards the sky.

"Little insect, haha, you still want to resist!"

Jueyuan hummed in a jest, and between squeaking and squeaking, he spurted out fire, wind and thunder from his nostrils, which was enough to destroy a mighty city. The scene was astonishing.

His demonic dragon's claws grew bigger and bigger, and instantly turned into dozens of miles in radius, covering the sky and the sun, like clouds hanging from the sky. What's even more terrifying is that within this space, all vitality, mana, and laws have been destroyed by the ban. Even the space is condensed like an iron plate, and no escape technique can be used at all.

Under the cover of the claws of the devil, the sound waves were dead and the golden bell was still; beasts, immortal birds, swords, guns, swords and halberds all shattered and dissipated; the large golden characters were annihilated one after another. In the end, the entire chess piece battle The formation also turned into chess pieces again, falling to the ground one after another, without even a trace of mana.


Duke Dongxia's face was extremely solemn, he released his ancestral flying sword and struck at the claws of the demon dragon fiercely. This ancestral flying sword is a holy weapon, and its magic power has not been banned. It can turn rivers and seas upside down, and create new places. At this moment, it struck the claws of the demon dragon with a clanging sound, and it made a clanging sound. There was a bit of fire, but not even a single dragon scale was cut off.

The dragon claw grabbed it with his backhand and crushed the ancestral flying sword to pieces.


On the contrary, Duke Dongxia was so shocked that he felt sick to his heart. His throat felt sweet, but he spurted out a mouthful of black blood.

"not good!"

Duke Dongxia and others were even more shocked to find that not only were their magic weapons fully usable, but they were not even able to escape as they were already imprisoned there.

Immediately afterwards, many monks, including Duke Dongxia, were all captured by the dragon's claws and could not struggle at all.

"My life is at risk!"

Duke Dongxia howled miserably.

He was already extremely cautious and originally wanted to watch this fierce battle, but he didn't expect that he would still end up like this.

It can only be said that Jueyuan's strength is really too strong and terrifying!

Then, Jueyuan opened his mouth and turned into a huge black hole, from which a terrifying suction force spurted out, seeming to swallow the world into his mouth. With one breath, it was like countless tornadoes erupting. Suddenly, countless huge rocks floated into the air, flying towards the huge mouth together with Duke Dongxia, the four guests, and many Nascent Souls.

"Lord! Let's save you!"

The four great guests roared and used their last bit of magic power to push Duke Dongxia away.

But they themselves and dozens of Nascent Soul cultivators fell into the huge mouth in an instant, were strangled by the law, melted and incinerated into the purest essence, and completely devoured.

This was a shocking scene that made all the survivors feel numb and their hearts nearly explode.

The feeling was like being immersed in a spring in a sea of ​​ice in an extremely cold place, with chills all over my body and a terrifying feeling!

The four gods are all in the late stage or even at the peak of the transformation, and they are all experienced gods with many years of experience. Each of them has experienced hundreds of battles, and their supernatural powers are unpredictable. It is no exaggeration to say that they can deal with even the semi-saints. A chance to escape intact.

But such a peerless strong man was actually swallowed up by Jue Yuan like a jelly bean.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang, what should I do?"

Fairy Qingjue's voice trembled slightly, and she looked at Jiang Tian in panic, losing her opinion for the first time.

They are closest to the Jueyuan Demonic Dragon, only a few dozen miles away, and are completely within Jueyuan's attack range.

The reason why Jue Yuan attacked Dongxia Gong and others first was because they had already escaped too far and he was worried that he would not be able to capture them.

The reason why Jue Yuan did not take action against Jiang Tian and others was not because he was soft-hearted, but because he was determined that Jiang Tian would have no chance to escape.

Fairy Qingjue couldn't help but worry!

Although I, Jiang Tian, ​​raised his hand to kill the transformed god, the performance of the Jueyuan Demonic Dragon was too terrifying. The demonic flames surged, shaking the heaven and the earth, and prohibited some magical powers. Can Jiang Tian really bear it? At this moment, even Elder Nangong Yue, who was most optimistic about Jiang Tian, ​​felt uneasy and sweaty.

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