Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1926 Domineering into the sky

"Alas, alas, this Mr. Jiang, although his magical powers are unpredictable and his methods are unparalleled. He can kill the powerful gods who have been transformed for many years at the peak of Nascent Soul. But after all, he comes from the remote and desolate extragalactic star field. He is not The natives of Shengyuan Continent don’t know how terrifying the Jueyuan Demonic Dragon is, and we monks should follow the way of heaven, and the tough ones are easy to break!”

Even Elder Nangong Yue shook his head and sighed, feeling anxious and regretful in his heart.

He was guarding the retreat of the Jiuxuanmen disciples and was at the back of the final square hall, more than a hundred miles away from the Demonic Dragon Jueyuan.

But I still feel great pressure!

Under this terrifying pressure, he even had the urge to kneel down, surrender, and worship.

On the Holy Yuan Continent, there was once a dark age when the monsters were raging. Countless human monks became the blood rations of the monsters, and their lives were precarious. Their fear of monsters is deep in their bones. Especially as a monk, his senses are thousands of times more sensitive than those of mortals, and he can clearly sense the unparalleled power and surging demonic energy emanating from the Abyss Demonic Dragon.

If Jiang Tian himself were here, he would probably be a little wary.

This demonic dragon has already entered the realm of semi-saint in cultivation, and is only half a step away from returning to the mortal world and becoming a saint. Biniu Ben Shenjun is infinitely more powerful, especially because he has the blood of a true dragon, which is extremely rich and can be called a quasi-true dragon. His body is physically stronger, far superior to his peers. At this time, his scales and muscles were much more powerful than Cang Ming's ancestor in the Immortal Ruins.

The most frightening thing is that it was contaminated by demonic energy. After endless years, it was smelted together and became his own laws and avenues. It is full of demonic properties and can disintegrate the laws and avenues created by the monks of the Annihilation Race. Its defensive power is amazing. It is probably a holy weapon. Hitting him on the body is just a step away from him.

"But so what?"

Unfortunately, the person Jueyuan met this time was not Jiang Tian himself.

It was Jiang Tian, ​​the dead self, who turned into Jiang Tian’s evil thoughts and negative emotions. He is full of contradictions, hypocrisy, greed and deceit, as well as jealousy, insidiousness, bloodthirsty and cruelty!

Sometimes, we are greedy for life and afraid of death.

Sometimes, I like to show my holiness in front of others and never give in.

The deceased Jiang Tian raised his head, his eyes were indifferent and unruly, full of wild and bloodthirsty: "In the last life, even the Nine Heavenly Dragons were killed by me. Not to mention a mere quasi-real dragon, you just survived Tribulation, if the gods live in the void and become a true returning saint, I can also kill you!"

As if feeling the contempt in Jiang Tian's eyes, Jueyuan Demonic Dragon no longer paid attention to Dongxia Gong who was fleeing for his life. He retracted his giant claws and turned the dragon's head, which was as huge as a mountain. It stared like the eyes of the blazing sun. I, Jiang Tian, ​​said in a cold voice: "Aren't you afraid of the ridiculous and ignorant little insect from the human race!?"

"It's just a big snake, it's barely worthy of being my mount!"

Jiang Tian, ​​the dead man, stepped forward. At this time, he looked like an unrivaled demon ancestor, with demonic energy lingering around him. It was very scary and intimidating, and his eyes were full of coldness and madness, making people afraid to approach him.

"What a strong momentum!"

Seeing this, Fairy Qingjue trembled in her heart.

She had a feeling. In the eyes of the dead man Jiang Tian, ​​the sky and the thick soil, the sacredness of immortals and Buddhas are not in his eyes, let alone monsters and monsters. Even the great masters of the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm must be wiped out when they come down to earth. This is a kind of unparalleled domineering, a kind of extreme self-confidence that I am invincible, no one else can!

"This is indeed a genius. Only a genius with the blessings of heaven and earth, such as the help of gods, can have such confidence!"

Elder Nangong Yue also felt awe-inspiring.

This momentum is too strong, as if he is the master of this world, and even if the true god comes, he will step on him!

When the Jueyuan Demonic Dragon is born, it will be a catastrophe.

Not only the Eastern Empire, but also the entire Holy Yuan Continent will experience a catastrophe. It's not enough for hundreds of millions of people to lay down their corpses. Even the great power of transforming gods and the great sage of returning to the void will suffer. After all, the Jueyuan Demonic Dragon was once famous throughout the ages, causing trouble for an era. It once devoured eight hundred transformed gods and several great saints who returned to the void. Its achievements were left there.

After a long period of time, being enshrined and supported by the Ten Thousand Demons Palace, its strength has increased instead of falling!

Now, who can stand up and fight!

I, Jiang Tian, ​​was going to slay the Jueyuan Demonic Dragon. This could be described as a lifetime of a hundred deaths. This was also a shocking battle, but he didn't even frown. Nangong Yue admired him for his courage.

However, despite admiration, Elder Nangong Yue still has no confidence in my late Jiang Tian!

As for Lin Dai'er and Li Yichen, they didn't even admire Jiang Tian's bravery. They just felt that he didn't know how to live or die and was just looking for death!

Whoosh whoosh!

At this moment, treasure mirrors, crystal eye magic weapons, and observation cloud tower flying boats arrived one after another, scattered and suspended thousands of miles around the battlefield.

"Why was the Jueyuan Demonic Dragon born?"

"Huh? Was it released by the Niu Ben Demon God? His body has been shattered, leaving only the god?"

"Who did it?"

"I heard from my colleagues in the Jiuxuan Sect that he is a monk from outside the river named Jiang Siqing, who is now a guest of the Zhenyuan Hou Mansion!"

Luo Ying Sect, Ancient Medicine Hall, Tian Luo Sect, and Jiuxuan Sect, all the holy land sects on the Shengyuan Continent, all came to observe the magic weapons, and there were escaping lights coming down one after another, turning into powerful gods. Pay close attention to them. This battle situation.

"What? There is such a defiant person in the Lin Hanqing family of Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion?"

"You actually have the confidence to challenge the Jueyuan Demonic Dragon?"

In addition, many observation instruments and special envoys from foreign countries arrived, and each of them was so shocked that their eyes almost popped out.

The birth of Jueyuan Demonic Dragon is an earth-shattering event for any force.

They are not here to kill me, Jiang Tian, ​​but to care about the fighting power of the demon dragon and prepare for the coming bloody storm.

"Ho! You are looking for death. I think you have good bones. I will keep you and reproduce your descendants. Your descendants will serve as my blood food for generations to come!"

The Jue Abyss Demonic Dragon roared, its demonic energy awakened, and its combat power increased steadily. It was like the howling wind coming down from the nine heavens. The laws and avenues between heaven and earth immediately became chaotic, colliding with each other, and erupted into green thunders thousands of meters long, as if they could Let the world collapse.

At this time, thousands of miles away, countless monks watching the battle were horrified.

They all set up the supreme divine formation, and even brought the holy formation body protection from the hands of the Saint who returned to the void, blocking the outside atmosphere, but they still felt the terrifying power.

Their Nascent Souls and gods are about to burst apart, like a knife scraping bones, every inch of muscle and muscle is peeling off, and every drop of Qi and blood is drying up. This is a kind of bone-scratching pain, but it is due to the infection of demonic energy.

One can imagine what would be the result without these protective formations.

I'm afraid they will become ashes immediately, without even a drop of dregs left.

And all of this is just a fluctuation, not a move by both parties.

This is the power of the ancient semi-saint, the supreme power, like a god.

"How terrifying! The power of the Demonic Dragon Jueyuan actually makes my god tremble, as if it is about to break!"

"I couldn't bear it, my soul almost left my body and escaped!"

"Go back five hundred miles!"

Many powerful monks from Shenzong and Xinjiang Kingdom were screaming.

Then, he retreated as fast as a shooting star, as if he was avoiding a demon.

The roar of the Jueyuan Demonic Dragon was like the heavens descending from all eternity, crushing everyone as if they were about to collapse.

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