Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1927 Dragon-Slaying Xuan Dao

"Saint, we can't help here!"

At this moment, even Nangong Yue flew forward and forcibly dragged Fairy Qingjue away.

"Oh, come on, it's me. Even on this continent, not many people can save him. Whether he is dead or alive can only depend on his own destiny!"

Although Fairy Qing Jue was very worried about the death of Jiang Tian, ​​she had no choice but to sigh softly and left quickly, being dragged by Nangong Yue.

This is the power of a semi-saint, and a ray of breath from a demonized quasi-real dragon can penetrate a Nascent Soul and seriously injure a transformed god. Even she cannot resist it.

In fact, she already felt that the magic power of many body-protecting magic weapons around her, and even the holy weapons in her hands, were about to be wiped away.

She won't be able to hold on here for long, and she will be wiped out.

Seeing that Jueyuan Demon Dragon's attention was focused on Jiang Tian, ​​Li Yichen, Lin Daier and other disciples all fled, panicking like bereaved dogs.

I just feel that the farther away I am from the Jueyuan Demonic Dragon, the safer I will be.

"Haha, I changed my mind!"

Jiang Tian suddenly laughed loudly and said domineeringly: "I originally wanted to use you as a mount, but you are unruly and unruly, and I think you will often squander me. I'll stew you and make a whole snake feast." , you are an old snake with strong flesh and strong teeth!"

Upon hearing this, the Jueyuan Demonic Dragon's demonic vertical pupils suddenly shrank, murderous cold light shot out, and the demonic aura billowing all over its body, as thick as black glue, roared: "Little bug, ridiculous and ignorant little bug. Do you know?" , I have killed so many genius Nascent Souls like you, even immortal Nascent Souls, I have killed skewers!"


At this moment, the power of the Jueyuan Demonic Dragon could no longer be restrained and reached its limit.

Whoosh, whoosh, gusts of wind blew out, carrying magical laws. Each wind was black, shattering the void, blowing out space storms, with collapse and annihilation everywhere. The world was filled with a kind of order. Heart-stopping chills.

However, with Baihua Peak as the core, everything within a radius of thousands of miles became a dead place. Mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and there were big cracks everywhere. The rocks rotted into powder, and no grass grew. All living things died in an instant and were lost. Life element!

But all the monsters spawned rapidly!

As if reborn from a drop of blood, there are many demonic shadows in the barren mountains, and ugly demonic insects are crawling on the ground, corroding and devouring crazily, and can even quickly aggregate or evolve into large demons, with the strength to fight against the Nascent Soul!

This is a terrible result that everyone has seen, and it is hard to accept!

This is all so weird and terrifying!

It can be said that the destructive power of Jueyuan Demonic Dragon's instant display of demonic energy has surpassed the consequences of the long-term fierce battle between Jiuxuanmen and Ten Thousand Demons Palace!

"In a moment of roar, the mountains collapsed and the earth split, and the sea changed. The ancient gods destroyed the heaven and the earth with one strike, but that's all!"

"Terrible! The birth of Jueyuan will definitely be a huge disaster!"

"This is a catastrophe! Not only the Eastern Empire, but also our Holy Yuan Continent, including many Shenzong Holy Lands, will face huge challenges!"

"Who can stop such a powerful Jueyuan? He seems to be able to demonize foreign objects!"

People were frightened, had warning signs in their hearts, and even felt a little desperate.

The depressing feeling is almost suffocating.

At this time, no one thought that Jiang Tian, ​​the dead man, could buck the trend and make a comeback.

I just thought it attracted monsters and caused trouble.

"Well! This is what Jiang Siqing did! This son's crime is unforgivable. He must be investigated!"

Li Yichen fanned the flames.

He naturally understood that with his strength, he couldn't even bear a slap from Jiang Tian.

But if these Shenzong Holy Lands all regard Jiang Tian as a bandit and attack him in groups, how can he survive?

"Is it necessary for you to do this? If he fights the Jueyuan Demonic Dragon alone, he will definitely die!"

Lin Daier scolded coldly.

It's not that he speaks for Jiang Tian out of kindness, but he is worried that these sacred lands of Shenzong and the great religions will be angry with the Lin family.

"Yes, yes! He deserves it!"

Li Yichen smiled sarcastically, but murderous intent was secretly floating in his heart.

This little girl has a lot of resentment towards herself, and she must find a suitable opportunity to kill her off later.

Otherwise, I don’t know how she would arrange herself.

"Noisy! How do you know, how many semi-saints like you have I killed? It's a huge feat! Today, I'll show you what I, Jiang Siqing, am capable of!"

I died, Jiang Tian roared wildly.

He strode through the void and approached the Abyss Demonic Dragon. Every time a foot falls, lines of law emerge, causing the heaven and earth to shake. Waves of ocean-like aura rose into the sky, and the flames of the dead Jiang Tian were arrogant and extremely powerful, sweeping across the world, cleansing the evil spirit and dispersing the evil spirit!

"Huh? Does this guy really have the strength to fight Jueyuan?"

Nangong Yue's face showed a bit of strange color, and he let out a light sigh.

"No way, so strong?"

Dongxiagong, who was covered in blood and was in shock, had a strange look in his eyes.

Because not only them, but many monks including Fairy Qingjue felt relaxed, and the feeling of heart palpitations and suffocation suddenly disappeared.

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked and looked at each other.

The dead Jiang Tian walked faster and faster, and the three-foot divine disc appeared behind him. Chaos energy lingered and filled the surroundings. In the end, it turned into a bright wheel of light, spanning the sky and cutting the sky, like a chariot of gods crushing the sky. Rushing towards the Jueyuan Demonic Dragon.

"This is Jiang Siqing taking action!"

"Alas, although courage is commendable, after all, it is just a cricket that shakes a tree!"

Fifteen hundred miles away, the giants of many great religions and Holy Land Sects saw this scene through telescopes, water-moon mirrors and other magic tools suspended in front of them, and their expressions varied.

Some have their hearts in their throats, some sigh with regret, some shake their heads and sigh, and some disdain to ridicule.

In fact, the spiritual consciousness of the giants of the gods can stretch thousands of miles away. However, the spiritual power of the Jueyuan Demonic Dragon is too strong, so they use observation instruments to observe the battle.

They knew about Jiang Tian's record, and of course they knew that Jiang Tian was very strong. He was at the peak of the Nascent Soul and could kill many gods in a row. He was absolutely talented and had extraordinary abilities. His Nascent Soul was also of a very high level, and might even be an immortal. Nascent Soul.

But after all, due to limited cultivation, it is still too far to kill the Jueyuan Demonic Dragon.

"The frog in the well is so ridiculous!"

Li Yichen snorted even more disdainfully.

He has experienced too many killings and strife in the world of cultivation, and he pursues the principle that it is better to live than to die. In his opinion, Jiang Tian's performance is just the courage of an ordinary man, and death is not a pity.

"It's better to not be confident than to piss your pants in fear!"

Lin Daier mocked.

Of course she hates Jiang Tian.

But in her opinion, Li Yichen was even more annoying than Jiang Tian.

"As expected of a demon who can leapfrog and kill the transformed gods with his Nascent Soul cultivation level, he has some skills!"

An anthropomorphic smile appeared on Jueyuan Demonic Dragon's huge face, and he praised in his mouth, but his attacks were merciless.


It swung its dragon claw down, but it suddenly lengthened and turned into a terrifying long knife about three thousand feet long.

"Dragon Slaying Xuan Dao!"

The long sword was extremely condensed, as if made of supreme divine gold, exuding a bright metallic light. It was covered with dragon patterns and emitted bursts of dragon roars.

With one strike, the terrifying Dragon Clan's pressure suddenly erupted, sweeping across the world like a tsunami and spreading in all directions. Many monks had retreated thousands of miles away and were swept away by this coercion. Those with weak cultivation were directly knocked away. Even many powerful people in the middle and late stages of divine transformation were frightened and extremely uncomfortable.

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