Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1928 Fierce battle with Jueyuan

"The true dragon clan has endless changes and various attacks. It is said that there are ninety-nine and eighty-one transformations. At this time, when I saw its dragon claws turned into dragon-slaying swords, I realized that the ancient records were true!"

An elder from the Luoying Sect said in shock.

"It's too terrifying! This slash of the knife is enough to cause the sun and moon to fall, the earth to sink, and the mountains and rivers to shatter."

An elder from Tianluo Sect said timidly.

"Alas, no wonder Qin Pei, the ancient demon clan's great master, spent hundreds of years and deployed countless Taoist formations to trap him!"

Fairy Qingjue's deep and beautiful eyes showed a look of deep worry, and she didn't know if Jiang Tian could bear it.

"Oh! You're like trash! Little Changchong, I really think highly of you!"

Facing this earth-shaking sword, Jiang Tian directly punched the sword with his fist. Without saying a word, he punched out.

The three-foot divine disk behind him rotated, and the chaotic nine-aperture Nascent Soul roared in his body.

Seeing this scene, Li Yichen laughed softly and said: "The True Dragon clan is an ancient divine beast with extraordinary talents. It is famous for its powerful body. It can overwhelm all the monsters in the starry sky. Does he still want to compete with others in the body?"

"Alas, Fellow Daoist Jiang still lacks combat experience. You should use your own strengths to attack the other's weaknesses and use magical powers!"

The elder of the Luoying Sect sighed: "This is the disadvantage of the monks outside the river. There are too few masters there, and many of them have not experienced cruel fighting."


An elder from Tianluo Sect also nodded.

However, none of them had any plans to take action.

Even Fairy Qing Jue wanted to take action, but was stopped by Elder Nangong Yue.

The people who came to watch the battle from the Ancient Medicine Palace were none other than the ancient elders from the Frozen City Branch Palace.

He has flowing sleeves, white beard and hair, and an immortal spirit. Even among the many powerful elders of Shenzong Holy Land, he still holds a core position.

Regardless of his cultivation level, the Ancient Medicine Palace is one of the best holy places of Shen Sect in Shengyuan Continent. Moreover, he is the elder who is in charge of the branch palace in Frozen City. He and his eldest daughter Gu Xuan are both teachers and friends, so they have a very high position.

Even when the leader of the Ordinary Shen Sect met him, he had to be respectful.

Seeing this scene, the ancient elder suddenly stepped into the air, facing the rolling demonic energy and the overwhelming dragon power, and bullied him towards the field. At the same time, he shouted: "Fellow Taoists, who is willing to accompany the old man to help this little friend Jiang? I am willing to give you a top-quality magic elixir!”

Elder Gu knows the value of Jiang Tian best.

The Heaven-Building Pills sold by Jiang Tian before were extremely valuable.

Moreover, Jiang Tian's attainments in elixir prescriptions were definitely no less than his, which made him feel that he had known Jiang Tian for a long time and regarded Jiang Tian as his old friend.

At this time, seeing Jiang Tian in danger, how could he stand idly by?

"What? Jiang Siqing, a slave like this, is worthy of Elder Gu's efforts to rescue her even though he has spent more than one top-grade magic pill?"

Lin Daier and Li Yichen were stunned and couldn't believe it.

The so-called top-grade divine elixir is a pill that can be taken by powerful gods and is helpful for promotion!

This kind of elixir is extremely rare. It not only requires heavenly materials and earthly treasures, but also needs to be prepared by the masters of the elixir god or elixir sage. It often takes hundreds of years of hard work!

A top-quality magical elixir, priceless!

"Elder Gu, monks are not joking, I take it seriously!"

The first one to step out and follow was Nangong Yue!


But without Nangong Yue blocking her, Fairy Qingjue let out a sweet shout and rose into the sky.

"Haha, the Ancient Medicine Palace has always made promises worth a thousand dollars, and Elder Gu is a person who values ​​his word and keeps his word. How could he be joking?"

Some of them looked old and their lifespan was exhausted, and they seemed to be on the verge of death. Their powers of transforming gods also transformed into streaks of lightning-like escaping light, and followed them without hesitation.

For monks who transform themselves into gods, living for thousands of years, either controlling a famous family in a great religion, or stepping into a kingdom thousands of miles away, whether it is glory, wealth, or immense power, is a passing thing to them and is not something they should pursue.

The only pursuit is to go one step further and become a saint.

Especially for these gods who are approaching their end, if they can ascend to heaven in one step, return to the void and become a saint, their lifespan can be doubled.

Anyway, the loess has been buried up to the neck, so naturally we have to give it a try.

"let's go!"

"Even if we don't fight, will Jueyuan let me go?"

Even those gods in their prime, under the temptation of huge profits, gritted their teeth and flew past helplessly, determinedly, or greedily.

However, the moment they just rushed out, Jiang Tian's punch suddenly collided with the Dragon Zhanxuan Sword.


This loud noise was like a meteor hitting the earth, shocking the human heart, the sound spread hundreds of thousands of miles, and the vast earth shook crazily.

I saw the Dragon-Slaying Mysterious Sword shattering into pieces in an instant, the fragments flying in a mess, hitting the ground, and creating abysses.

The dragon's blood filled the sky. The dragon's blood contained terrifying demonic energy, instantly corroding the space and breaking the laws.

Under the scream of the Jueyuan Demonic Dragon, the Dragon-Zhanxuan Dao quickly turned into the original form of the dragon's claws, but the dragon's claws were already bloody and fleshy, countless scales fell off, and the huge dragon body like a mountain was shocked. Go back ten miles.

"The power of one punch is so terrifying!"

Seeing this scene, many of the giants of the Holy Land Sect couldn't believe it at all. They stopped and took a sharp breath of air.

"His physical body is so powerful!"

In particular, Fairy Qingjue's beautiful eyes widened, as if she had seen a ghost.

"Oh my God, even Jueyuan's claws can be exploded!"

Lin Daier and Li Yichen screamed desperately.

But Jiang Tian took it for granted.

Whether it was Nascent Soul's cultivation or level, he had reached the "end".

Talking about the physical body alone, his chaotic divine body is also perfect and flawless. At this time, he was like an innate god from childhood, his physical body was unimaginably powerful, destroying continents with one palm and shattering stars with one finger. Even a saint, based on his physical body alone, would probably be a little inferior to him.

"Damn little bug, you succeeded in irritating me!"

The Jueyuan Demonic Dragon shook its claws. Because of its special bloodline, it quickly recovered, but this still made him unbearably angry.

After all, it is an ancient demon dragon that has been famous for eternity. How has it ever suffered such a big loss at the hands of a Nascent Soul cultivator!


Before Jiang Tian, ​​the dead man, could take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack, the Jue Abyss Demonic Dragon had already opened its huge mouth like an abyss and spit out suddenly!

With this breath, there is no strong wind, no demonic energy, no lightning and thunder, no breaking and collision of laws.

Instead, there were shining stars, like stars all over the sky.

"I heard that in ancient times, there were thousands of stars around the Shengyuan Continent, but they were swallowed up by the Demonic Dragon Jueyuan. Could this be those stars?"

There is an old guy who looks like a living fossil, with chicken skin and a crane's head, and his energy and blood are extremely dry and exhausted. Seeing this scene, his whole body can't help but tremble, his dim old eyes shoot out rays of light, and he is shocked.

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