Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1930 Black Gold True Dragon Halberd

In the Central Galaxy, the so-called immortal arts and divine arts are no longer those that exaggerate about powerful skills but are not worthy of the name.

It is something special and cannot be called casually!

Because many people firmly believe in the existence of the fairy world and the divine world!

The immortal arts and divine arts here refer to the techniques from the higher world above!

The laws and principles contained in it are more advanced, condensed and mysterious, and are applicable to all countries, far exceeding the suppression techniques of the Shenzong Holy Land on the Holy Yuan Continent!

"But how is that possible! Only the Nine Immortal Sects deep in the Central Galaxy control a few kinds of magic and magic. There are none in the Shengyuan Continent! And the old man clearly heard that he came from outside the river. From the Black Sun Star Territory!" Nangong Yue was puzzled.

The other giants of the transformation gods also looked suspicious.

"I don't know this old man..."

Elder Gu wanted to say more, but when he saw Fairy Qingjue's beautiful eyes looking at Jiang Tian with favor and shock, he suddenly felt something in his heart and kept silent.

And Nangong Yue also hurriedly turned his eyes and consciousness to the observation instrument.


Jueyuan Demonic Dragon's face showed an anthropomorphic look of shock, as if he was angered, and then he let out a dragon roar and tried his best!

The star sword energy suddenly became denser and turbulent, falling down like a violent storm, as if it was going to split the sky and penetrate this vast continent. Unfortunately, Jiang Tian's palm became more and more condensed, and in the end, all the sword energy was absorbed. Be included in it.

But I, Jiang Tian, ​​was still not weak at all, and his figure did not even sink slightly.

The Chaos Divine Body is completely victorious against the sword energy of billions of galaxies!

Seeing that this method was not working, Jueyuan Demonic Dragon opened his mouth wide and put away the sword energy of billions of stars. But he was shocked to find that half of the sword energy condensed by the laws of stars could not be recovered, and had been plundered by Jiang Tian, ​​the dead man. go.

This made him very distressed.

"Come again!"

With a cold snort, the Jueyuan Demon Dragon swayed and transformed into a peerless demon god with a dragon head and a human body, with his back supporting the sky, surrounded by demonic aura, and full of demonic aura.

"It's just a monk from outside the river. If I don't believe it, you are my opponent."

His height suddenly shrank, but he was still a hundred feet tall. His body was tall, strong, and powerful. His thick golden hair was scattered and fluttering in the hunting wind. The roots were crystal clear, and a pair of golden ancestral dragon horns were like sharp thorns. The halberd, like a sharp sword, exudes bright light.

"Old Demon Jueyuan is really showing off his fire!"

"He gave up the form of his ancestor and turned into a human god. He wanted to use all means to kill Daoist Jiang!"

When everyone saw this, their faces were shocked and nervous.

"Has the final decisive battle arrived?"

"This is too fast! This Mr. Jiang only used three moves to force Jueyuan into human form!"

Fairy Qing Jue's pretty face also turned pale. She was shocked and nervous by Jiang Tian.

The demon clan and the human clan took completely different paths in the initial stages of cultivation.

Human monks absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, refine the energy, build the foundation, brew out the golden elixir, and display the magic. In Nascent Soul, one must understand the laws of heaven and earth, condense one's own vitality into more tenacious laws, integrate with the laws of heaven and earth, and mobilize the power of heaven and earth. Transforming gods can even gain the recognition of heaven and earth, obtain personal blessings, and control authority, just like the sons of heaven and earth.

But the demon clan is different.

In the beginning, the boundary between demons and gods was very blurry. Many natural demons often controlled certain aspects of the laws and avenues of the heavens, such as the Phoenix of Five Virtues, the Peacock of Five Elements, and the Lihuo Suzaku. The descendants who have obtained the true demon body practice this content. , depending on their respective circumstances, some will also gradually condense demon elixirs, cultivate Nascent Souls or gods.

But it is not that monsters of a certain clan can only condense the corresponding source blood, return to their ancestors and condense gods, and there is also the theory of transformation, such as fish leaping over the dragon gate, and long snakes turning into dragons. Through cultivation, there is hope that one can be reborn, just like many human skills can transform one into a real dragon, fire phoenix, etc.

But after the Nascent Soul stage, the demon clan often chooses to reincarnate and transform into humans.

This is because the human race has always occupied the mainstream in the world of cultivation. Correspondingly, there are more cultivation methods and we can go deeper and further!

As for the demon clan, if they only use the ancestor form, they can also only use the demon clan's skills, which is greatly limited!

Therefore, in the world of cultivation, there are many great masters who believe that humans and monsters take different paths but end up in the same destination. This is the truth!

However, ancient demon dragons such as the Jueyuan Demon Dragon are unruly and have high self-esteem. They value the blood of the demon clan and despise the human race.

Until he encounters a life-and-death enemy and his life is at stake, he will never turn into a human form!

This also means that the power of Jiang Tian makes the Jueyuan Demonic Dragon feel like a powerful enemy. It is even more frightening than when he met the demon half-saint Qin Pei.

"What does it matter if a big snake turned into a small long insect is nourished by evil energy? How dare you call yourself an old man in front of me? Damn, I'm just an old man. Watch me devour the world with my sword, chop off your head, and declare to the world , my strength, Jiang Siqing!”

The dead man Jiang Tian was extremely crazy, with murderous aura surging like a tide. The nine orifices of the chaotic divine baby in his body looked up to the sky and screamed. Vast Kunpeng gods poured out from the nine orifices, poured into the divine plate, and surrounded him, as if they were bringing him With infinite power, as the god's disk rotates, one of the galaxies gathers bright stars and stands out to form the phantom of Kunpeng. The god appears outwardly, and the wind and clouds gather under his feet, roaring towards Jueyuan like thunder and lightning.


Jueyuan roared, and raised a pair of giant palms covered with scales. He shook slightly, and a dragon-scale halberd appeared and condensed in the palms of his fingers.

The halberd is like a dragon's head, and its branches are like dragon horns, shining with a sharp cold light. The thirty-meter-long halberd shaft is covered with layers of dragon scales, and is engraved with the shape of a dragon's claws and a dragon's tail, with a red light inside. Surrendering, it seems like the blood of a real dragon is flowing, and bursts of dragon roars are heard, which shocks the soul and makes people's hearts beat with fear.

As soon as this treasure came out, there was a blanket of frost for thousands of miles around. The sky was covered with goose-feather heavy snow. Thousands of miles of ice and thousands of miles of snow drifted. The temperature seemed to drop by hundreds of degrees. It was as if the Baihua Peak, full of flowers, had been taken up out of thin air by the ancient gods. Unknown to everyone, Unknowingly, he was thrown into the eye of the North Sea's icy sea.

"This is the demon saint's halberd, called the Black Gold True Dragon Halberd! I heard that it is made of a piece of black gold from the outer world, and is fused with the remains of a true dragon that fell from the deep space of the universe. The true dragon's laws and avenues are sacrificed in it. ! When Jue Yuan used it, he killed many saints and transformed into gods, overwhelming an era and shocking the ages."

Elder Gu sighed.

"What? The Demon Saint's halberd that claims to be able to kill Saint Executioner!"

When everyone heard this, their faces changed wildly and they were greatly shocked.

This spear can be called the best among holy weapons. Its lethality is so terrifying that ordinary saints cannot activate it. Jueyuan has a semi-saint cultivation level, which far exceeds the strength of ordinary saints. He also relies on his own true dragon bloodline. , is naturally close to this gun, so it can be used smoothly.

"Fellow Taoist, this holy soldier is dangerous and cannot be defeated!"

Even Fairy Qingjue gasped, and then she raised her right hand, and the holy weapon in her hand, which was as thin as cicada wings and like autumn water, turned into a soft and misty stream of light and flew towards Jiang Tian.

"Qiushui Saint Soldier!"

When everyone saw this, their faces changed wildly and they were shocked.

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