Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1931 Defeat the enemy at the palm of your hand

"Qiushui Saint Soldier!"

When everyone saw this, their faces changed wildly and they were shocked.

This holy weapon "Qiu Shui" is the most precious treasure of the Jiuxuan Sect. It was made by the founder of the Kai Sect and the following three generations of sect masters after thousands of years of painstaking sacrifice. Its power is unparalleled and it is famous in Shengyuan Continent, even in the contemporary era. The sect master regarded it as a favorite, and it was given to Qing Jue as a congratulatory gift when she ascended to the semi-saint realm.

But Fairy Qing Jue actually lent me Jiang Tian to fight against the enemy!

For a moment, everyone was shocked and thinking.

"Did Fairy Qing Jue spend a lot of money to win over Mr. Jiang?"

"Looking at her expression, could it be that Saint Qing Jue is emotionally moved?"

"This is autumn water!"

Li Yichen and Lin Daier were so shocked that their eyes nearly popped out.

One time, Li Yichen wanted to please Fairy Qingjue. After going through all kinds of hardships and narrow escapes, he got a pot of "cold spring spiritual water" from a secret realm in a forbidden place to wash his sword.

However, Fairy Qing Jue was furious and punished Li Yichen by facing the wall for three years and almost expelled him from the school!

Now with this comparison, Li Yichen suddenly felt extremely sour!

"She has secretly promised...this...girl Xuan'er is in danger! A strong competitor!"

The ancient elder looked at Fairy Qingjue with a half-smile, but he secretly felt wary in his heart.

Fairy Qing Jue, on the other hand, was standing in the void, with fluttering clothes that could be broken by a blow. There was not much expression on Qing Cheng Jue Shi's face, as if this was a natural reaction, and she was just looking at the field intently. .

"Elder Gu has some discernment, but it's a pity that you think too highly of him. This remains is incomplete, just a section of dragon bone and a little bit of real dragon blood!"

"Fairy Qingjue, you are so kind to a beauty, but you are so disrespectful at first. But today, I want to show all my Taoist friends that I can defeat the holy soldiers with my bare hands! If I use your holy soldiers, wouldn't I be ruining my reputation as Jiang Siqing?"

The dead Jiang Tian laughed loudly, and Kunpeng used his speed to meet him.

"What kind of kindness from a beauty? If you don't use it, don't use it! If you are so entangled, it will only make the world laugh!"

"Hmph! You're so supportive. If you get hurt later, don't complain, just complain about pain!"

Fairy Qing Jue frowned slightly, her pretty face flushed with two blushes, she bit her lower lip with her snow-white teeth, raised her slender hand, and withdrew the holy soldier's autumn water.

"act recklessly!"

Li Yichen sent a message to Lin Daier's spiritual consciousness and mocked Jiang Tian.

"Senior Jueyuan, don't be careless. This boy's movements are weird and he seems to be able to break through space. We must kill him continuously and be careful not to let him escape!"

The deity of Niuben Shenjun stands on Jueyuan's shoulders, like a miniature man, reminding people in his ears.

At this time, he looked relaxed, thinking that Jiang Tian would definitely die if Jueyuan sent out this top-notch holy soldier who shocked an era.

He gritted his teeth secretly. When I reshape my body and return to the peak, I will definitely find your roots outside the river and kill all your parents and relatives. No, I will wipe out all life on that star. The law of vitality and All the avenues are withdrawn and turned into a Death Star that can never give birth to civilization!

"Hidden Dragon Explores the Abyss!"


Arrays of dragon chants, demon saint halberds surrounded by laws, collided and rubbed against each other, causing lightning and thunder, the halberd stirred the sky, seemed to shatter the sky, tear the heaven and earth apart, from top to bottom, like a real dragon, He stabbed Jiang Tiandang in the chest viciously.

At this time, I, Jiang Tian, ​​did not display the Dharma of Heaven and Earth, but only the size of an ordinary person.

And this true dragon's halberd is a hundred feet long. Viewed from a distance, Jiang Tian is extremely small against it. The halberd is like the pillar of the sky collapsing and attacking Jiang Tian.

"Well done!"

The face of Die Wo Jiang Tian was calm, even disdainful, but this gave people an extremely wild feeling. After all, he was facing the Jueyuan Demonic Dragon!


A palm shot out and hit the halberd, making a loud noise like a bell and a big plume, shaking the world, disrupting the laws, and defeating the avenue. Suddenly, the sun and the moon lost light, and the stars moved around.

The Law Avenue here is so dense and thick, but it is still torn apart tragically, which shows the power of this collision!

It can be said that if this blow were placed on a planet outside the central galaxy, an asteroid would have been completely exploded.

Jiang Tian's long retreat before leaving the earth had a remarkable effect. Not only were the three flowers gathered at the top, but the chaotic divine body was flawless and stronger than a diamond, just like the youngest son of a natural god.

Suddenly, the Wujin True Dragon's halberd was shaken so much that sparks exploded out. These sparks were the size of millstones because they were made by Wujin from outside the sky. They fell on the ground and created bottomless pits, which seemed to be able to penetrate the world. .

Immediately afterwards, streaks of lightning about ten miles long suddenly erupted from between the palm and the halberd, spreading in all directions, like electric dragons and thunder pythons, smashing the mountain peaks into pieces, leaving the earth cracked and riddled with holes. It’s like a scene of world destruction!

As soon as the two sides reached a point, they faced each other hundreds of miles apart!

Everyone's vast spiritual consciousness invaded the past, or they used magic weapons to get a closer look.

Jueyuan's palms were all blurred with blood and flesh, and the muscles were squirming. They were healing slowly and with difficulty, but he was shocked to the point where his jaws split open!

But my Jiang Tianyu's white palm, not to mention injured, didn't even have the slightest scratch!

"Shake the holy soldiers with your bare hands!"

"How can this be?"

"He actually blocked it? And it was only one hand. There wasn't even a trace of a scar on that hand? Is this still the palm of a mortal?"

At this moment, countless people shrank their pupils and exclaimed.

They thought that under Jueyuan's crazy attack using the best holy weapon, even if I, Jiang Tianbu, died, he would still be severely damaged!

Who could have imagined that it would end like this!

"He has used immortal arts and divine arts, covered the sky with a palm, and received the sword energy of billions of galaxies! Now he has shown such a terrifying physical body... plus he even knows the ancient formula of Mending Sky Pill, I am afraid he is really a nine-day man Reincarnate the immortal!"

Elder Gu even murmured in a low voice.


Li Yichen remained silent and his face turned red with embarrassment.

He felt his face was swollen after looking away again and again.

He vowed never to comment on Jiang Tian's battle again.

At the level of Jiang Tian and Jue Yuan, their magical powers are unpredictable and simply beyond his comprehension.

"He is so strong!"

"But why did you hide it so deeply and never show it to me? If you had shown even a hint of it, when my father mentioned marriage, how could I have refused even to the point of death?"

Lin Daier looked at the scene in the sky with her beautiful eyes wide open. Her mood was like a roller coaster, rising and falling, as if she had knocked over a five-flavor bottle. It was extremely complicated, with a bit of surprise, a bit of shock, a bit of regret, and a bit of resentment.

"This, this is so outrageous! Is this the power of the legendary Immortal Nascent Soul?"

Even Fairy Qingjue was shocked, her beautiful eyes were filled with admiration and adoration.

Although she knew that Jiang Tian was powerful, Jiang Tian had just used the "Covering the Sky" palm to shake the sword energy of billions of galaxies and break the law with his physical body. She was amazed. She knew that Jiang Tian's physical body was tyrannical!

But she never thought that Jiang Tian's physical body was so powerful that he could defeat the best holy soldiers. This was like a myth!

Women always worship the strong.

Fairies and saints are no exception and cannot be exempted from vulgarity!

What's more, as a monk, her lifelong pursuit is to be promoted and become stronger. This kind of worship of the strong is even stronger.

At this time, she was full of respect for Jiang Tian and was deeply impressed. She was like a little girl who meets the perfect idol, her heart is full of emotions.

"Three flowers gather at the top, the divine body is perfect, flawless, immortal, boundless longevity, with the palm of your hand... it can shake the best holy soldiers!"

My dearly departed Jiang Tian, ​​with flying hair, upright blue shirt, and deep and distant eyes, carrying the vicissitudes of time and full of strange charm, shook his sleeves and spoke leisurely.

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