"It's so scary! Is this still a human being?"

The bull-running god shivered in fright, flickering in and out, empty and solid, as if about to collapse. With a chirp, he shrank to the back of Jueyuan's neck, clinging to vine-like golden hairs and hiding them on the top of his head. Among the bush-like hair.

Jueyuan's eyes, as indifferent and cold as hanging high in the sky, as cold as the eternal road, finally had a wave of fear and shock, and he asked in a voiceless voice:

"Jiang, what kind of heavenly magic do you have? You can actually block the blow of my Wujin True Dragon's halberd. Even the True Dragon Law cannot harm you at all?"

"The Wudang Sect's Bone-Made Palm, plus the Shaolin Temple's Vajra Cover and Iron Cloth Shirt!"

My dear Jiang Tian, ​​I cheated casually.

If Jiang Tian were here, he would definitely not show even a trace of earth civilization.

But after all, the dead self is not Jiang Tian's true self. It represents Jiang Tian's past, and the self that has passed away in the long river of time is the external incarnation of the evil thoughts and negative emotions in his heart. Therefore, he acts according to his heart, only likes and dislikes. Extremely unscrupulous and destructive.

"Pretend to be a ghost! What a bullshit diamond wearing an iron cloth shirt, let's see how I kill you!"

Jueyuan roared angrily, and the true dragon's bloodline was stimulated, and the laws of the gods gushed out, pouring crazily into the black gold true dragon's halberd like a rushing river.


On the halberd, the huge scales bloomed with brilliant light, and the sound of dragon roars echoed across the sky, as if a pure-blooded true dragon was awakening. The lines of the avenue were highlighted, and the lines of laws were rolling like a tidal wave, setting off huge waves. , suppressing the laws and avenues of this land to pieces, and thunder exploded.

True Dragon Law!

I only saw that those true dragon laws condensed into entities, turning into pieces of dragon scales, and soon condensed into phantoms of true dragons. There were hundreds or even thousands of them. Each one of them was crushing the heavens, as if It has infinite weight and makes the space explode.

"You must not die as soon as you are born! Even if you fail, you will lose the prestige I have accumulated over tens of thousands of years!"

After fighting to this point, Jueyuan finally revealed his trump card!


Countless true dragon laws, carrying extremely ferocious and monstrous coercion, followed his halberd and killed me, Jiang Tian.

"Die to me! Become a stepping stone for me to rise to prominence, and you shall be honored!"

Jueyuan's eyes were cold, murderous, and boundless.


Suddenly, the dead man Jiangtian suddenly burst out with bright chaotic light.

This chaotic light is sometimes dim and dark, extremely profound, and sometimes it is all-encompassing and colorful, which cannot be described in words.

If you use your powerful spiritual consciousness to invade it and observe carefully, you will see that every particle of light is like a bright planet, and it seems as if it can open up a world between them.

Jiang Tian, ​​the dead man, waved his fist. The movement seemed slow but was actually fast, but it was so terrifying that the souls of the dead were expelled, and the liver and gallbladder were bursting. It was as if this vast continent was going to sink with his punch, and this vast world was shattered. To collapse.

"Did this boxing technique really come from the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm?"

Suddenly, Jueyuan was shocked.

Jiang Tian's chaotic divine body is perfect, with no defects or leaks. He moves his hands and feet, and the energy of chaos is lingering. The most powerful god is mighty, destroying everything, and nothing can stop him!

"Bang bang bang!"


The chaotic light and breath, containing divine principles, collided with the true dragon principles, making a metallic sound, just like the collision of bells and dragons. In the shocked eyes of everyone, the True Dragon Law not only failed to penetrate the breath and light of chaos, but was suppressed by the breath of chaos and squeezed to pieces by the God.

"It's useless! If an adult true dragon is here, I may have to deal with it carefully, but what you are holding is just a holy weapon refined from the remains of a true dragon, not even a hair of mine!"

My dead self, Jiang Tian, ​​laughed wildly, opening and closing his hands, swiping and closing them vertically and horizontally. Against the backdrop of the dazzling divine disk, it was like a big sun crossing the sky, traveling across the sea of ​​​​stars, moving like clouds and flowing water, wherever he wanted.

In his fierce and domineering manner, with the slightest hint of being free and unrestrained, he moves his hands and feet, shaking the heaven and the earth, possessing incredible power!

One punch and one palm shattered everything, destroying everything.

"Too strong!"

"This Mr. Jiang, to put it bluntly, in the Eastern Empire, even in the entire continent, I am afraid there are few opponents!"

Everyone was stunned!

Even the ancient elder, a living fossil-like existence, has never seen such terrifying boxing techniques and wonderful battles!

Jueyuan even had the illusion that he was facing a born god!

The True Dragon Law evolved by Jueyuan was beaten to pieces by Jiang Tian, ​​and could not trap this casual cultivator outside the river who he regarded as an ant!


The thick black hair of Jiang Tian was flying wildly, and his clothes were fluttering like flags in the strong wind. His punches were heavier than the last, and the continent continued to crack. Finally, there was a big collapse, which stretched thousands of miles away. The huge cities were shaken.


With just a few clicks of the fingers, countless True Dragon Laws have all collapsed. It can even be said that in Baihuafeng's generation, everything within a radius of thousands of miles has ceased to exist. It has returned to nothingness in a breath, and everything has been beaten and disappeared.

This is absolute power, breaking through all obstacles!

I, Jiang Tian, ​​smashed the last true dragon law with one palm, took one step forward, and killed towards the abyss.


Jueyuan's eyes widened, and he assumed a fight to the death stance. He seemed to be very angry and thrust out his halberd.

Suddenly, his body turned like a flying dragon in the sky, tearing apart the laws of space, breaking through the layers of void, and escaping thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye. Astonishingly, he is from the dragon clan, and is best at the "dragon travels thousands of miles" escape method!

"Jueyuan... is actually running away!"

Everyone was deeply shocked and couldn't believe it.

Monks often live a long life, go through many vicissitudes of life, and have a different character from ordinary people.

They often regard honor, disgrace, blood, and emotions with extreme indifference. Instead, they are extremely rational and even ruthless. Everything is based on pros and cons!

If a monk faces a strong person, especially a life-threatening strong person, he will definitely not hold on to the end, but will fly thousands of miles away to avoid his sharp edge!

In particular, Jue Yuan and Jiang Tian are not actually fighting for life and death, such as killing people and seizing treasures, and there is no profit involved.

To put it bluntly, after Jueyuan was born, he wanted to kill Jiang Tian to show off his power. After feeling the danger, he ran away. It was normal!

But this is an abyss!

The majestic ancient dragon, the most ferocious one in the world, was actually forced to flee. What a shocking thing!

"Little Changchong, you actually want to run away? The best destination for you is to make a steaming whole snake feast to offer sacrifices to me and Fairy Qing Jue at the Five Zang Temple!"

My dear friend Jiang Tian chuckled, stepped out fiercely and domineeringly.

The phantom of Kunpeng appeared brightly behind him. He seemed to be able to traverse all the heavens and all realms, reaching far and everywhere.

The law of endless void, like a minister facing the supreme earth emperor, obediently separated in front of him. The curvature of the law of space naturally formed behind him, turning into the power of ejection and push. He easily arrived thousands of miles away in an instant, as if Appearing suddenly behind Jueyuan like a ghost.

"Jiang, I am outnumbered and retreating. With this one battle, you can be proud of the world and become famous, so why bother chasing after you and forcing each other so hard! Die!"

Jueyuan's eyes were about to burst, his roar was earth-shattering, and he turned around with a halberd.

"Sunshattering Star!"

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