Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1933 Give up and admit defeat!

I saw.

The endless power of the best holy weapons filled the void thousands of miles away. The infinite true dragon law extends in all directions from the halberd, turning into hundreds of angry dragons dancing wildly, hiding their majesty and roaring into the sky.

Click click click.

Countless mountain peaks collapsed instantly under the pressure of the law.

It turned out that everywhere where the spiritual veins converged, there were many golden elixir level Nascent Soul level monsters hiding, and they turned into powder in the blink of an eye.

The coercion that shook the sun and the moon shattered the void, the cold light was as cold as the sky, and the laws were as heavy as the crushing of mountains.

At this moment, Jueyuan poured all his mana into it and truly unleashed the power of a saint's strike!

Countless spectators were stunned.

"Magic Law, wake up!"

Almost at the same time as he thrust out the halberd, Jueyuan roared.

Suddenly, the black demonic energy around him spurted out, filling the void, turning into a Shura hell.

The extremely viscous law of demonic energy manifests itself into various demonic gods, some are vicious, some are mighty and powerful, some are full of fangs, some are born with two legs, some are lifeless, or some are surrounded by rivers of blood... dozens of them. The demon god occupies positions in all directions to protect the surroundings of Jueyuan.

Jueyuan is indeed a talented person with great perseverance and ambition.

Back then, he was contaminated by demonic energy and would have been severely injured and even perished.

But he never gave up, found another way, and went through countless hardships to condense these demonic energies into laws and refine them into his own magical powers!

The laws of the devil world are very terrifying. Once the monks in the human world are attacked by the laws, they will be polluted, eroded and disintegrated instantly like a mud cow entering the sea, without causing any harm to them. This is also the reason why the Demon Imprisoning Fairy Jar can only imprison him, but can never refine him. He relies on the laws of the demon world and his defense power is amazing!

This kind of defense is no longer at the material level, but at the level of laws and even avenues!

"Jueyuan is worthy of being an eternally famous hero!"

“This is about being both offensive and defensive, striving for perfection!”

Seeing this scene, Elder Gu and Nangong Yue both nodded in admiration.

After Jueyuan realized that Jiang Tian was powerful and might endanger himself, his battle strategy was no longer the same as before.

Rather, it is both offensive and defensive, watertight, and extremely meticulous.

"Based on my many years of experience in fighting with demon cultivators, I dare to assert that the demonic law of Jue Yuan protects the body. In this collision, at least it can protect itself!"

There are experienced and powerful assertions.

"Even this fellow Daoist Jiang will suffer a loss!"

Many people nodded.

Fairy Qing Jue frowned slightly and clenched her fists tightly, as if she was worried!

Li Yichen, whose face was swollen, didn't want to speak at first.

But when he saw that the person who spoke was a powerful person with many years of experience in transforming gods, he felt itchy again, curling his lips and humming: "The laws of demonic nature are powerful and weird. Many Holy Land Divine Sects have jointly studied for thousands of years, but they have not been able to crack it. This Jiang Siqing is no better than Even though the monks from outside the river may be physically strong and talented, they may not be able to do it in terms of their skills.”

This is a competition of laws!

Not the physical body!

A ruler is longer, an inch is shorter!

In the field, facing this earth-shattering turnaround, Jiang Tian still looked calm and raised his palms calmly.


The sound shook the heavens, like the sound of a great bell.

The space of hundreds of miles in radius was shattered like a mirror, revealing a huge black hole. Countless space storms surged in the black hole. Mountains, rocks and cities rose up from the ground, disintegrated one after another, and turned into fragments.

The world collapsed at this moment, collapsing downwards. Countless strands of energy were like long dragons, centered on the two of them, rolling in like water in the East China Sea. Even the whole world paused slightly at this moment.

And then the next moment.


The infinitely terrifying sound was like billions of thunderous explosions, resounding for thousands of miles.

All matter within a thousand miles radius was instantly turned into powder under this blow.

Mountain peaks, vegetation, monsters and even monks were all turned into powder, and nothing could be seen clearly.

Between heaven and earth, matter and laws fell into chaos. Divine consciousness was unable to invade, and even observation instruments instantly malfunctioned.

Fortunately, Jueyuan was afraid that Elder Gu and others would intercept him, so he fled in the opposite direction. Otherwise, Elder Gu and others would have been killed long ago, or at least they would have been severely injured.

"It's too scary, too powerful."

Countless people with earth-colored faces, including many living stone-level gods, all had trembling palms.

In front of this destructive force, they are all as useless as grass. This is the true power of God.

"Only now do I understand why monks who return to the void are called saints."

Duke Dongxia shivered and smiled nervously: "Such abilities are indeed as divine as those of immortals and Buddhas!"

Others were too horrified to speak.

"Who won this collision?"

At this time, various material powders filled the air, the laws of heaven and earth had not yet been restored, and fragments of the avenue were still flying.

Everyone's spiritual consciousness and the magic power of detecting the magic weapon are still unable to pass through, and they are anxious.

Suddenly, I saw the Abyss Demonic Dragon rushing out from one side of the chaotic battlefield, screaming strangely, half of its body was almost shattered in the collision, its body was penetrated in many places, and blood flowed profusely. This was the blood of an ancient saint. One drop could kill a Nascent Soul, but now so much was shed all at once.

Some of the wounds were even terrible, penetrating the body, translucent from front to back, and exposing the light golden bone stubble.


Many powerful people watching the battle were speechless.

"Even the laws of magic can be broken!"

Even Elder Gu and Fairy Qingjue were shocked.

Immediately afterwards, a look of ecstasy appeared on his face!

Doesn't this mean that there are ways to deal with the demonic tides that often break out?

"Ashamed, I made a mistake!"

Previously, Jiang Tianjueyuan had said that he could protect himself for many years and became a god, with a stern look on his face.

Seeing the teasing looks from the people around him, Li Yichen wanted to slap himself a few times.

If I comment on this battle again, I will be a dog!

"Ah! Immortal Demonic Body!"

While Jueyuan broke through the void and fled, he roared crazily and activated his magic power.

Since he was born, he has rarely been hit so hard by anyone!

His physical body is also condensing, reorganizing, and repairing rapidly!

After all, he is in the semi-saint realm, but he already has the strength of a saint, with vitality and legal life, and he also has the blood of a true dragon. He has extraordinary talents, self-generation of magical powers, and extremely strong self-healing ability. In addition, he has practiced magic skills, and he has already reached the level of a saint. immortal!

In a mixture of shock and anger, Jue Yuan secretly gritted his teeth and swore.

This time, if I can escape unscathed, I will definitely kill Jiang Tian to take revenge!

The body was broken into pieces!

Shattered bones and ashes!

Furthermore, he had to extract his soul, refine it in the demonic fire and torture it for ten thousand years, and then slowly process it to relieve the hatred in his heart today.

Just as he was thinking, unexpectedly, Jiang Tian suddenly appeared ten meters in front of him.

The distance is so close that even the pores are clearly visible!

"If I don't fight, I can't beat you. Why don't I just admit defeat? I am willing to serve you, follow you, and be a slave for the rest of my life. I will be loyal and have no regrets!"

Jueyuan waved his hands and almost wanted to cry.

Why is Jiang Tian so fast!

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