Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1936 One punch breaks all magic

Monks and magic weapons influence each other. They often put the magic weapon into the Dantian, spiritual fetus or divine treasure, and nourish and polish it with essence, blood, true essence, and laws. After using it for a long time, their lives are often intertwined, closely connected, and deeply connected. .

When a monk faces a crisis, the power of the magic weapon will be sublimated at any time and his potential will be stimulated.

Especially Jueyuan, who has the blood of the true dragon and the remains and remnant soul of the true dragon refined in the Wujin True Dragon Halberd, has a more sensitive sense. This natal magic weapon has greater potential and is easier to activate.

Once the blood sacrifice is made, the true dragon remains and soul contained in the halberd will be stimulated and turned into endless terrifying laws and avenue attacks.

However, generally speaking, even if you use your natal essence to blood-sacrifice a magic weapon, you will never give up your entire physical body. Just use a mouthful of natal essence. Even if you use up all the natal essence, your physical body will still be there. It's just that the cultivation level has been greatly weakened, but it can be quickly repaired by warming it up with the treasures of heaven, materials and earth, and taking the nourishing and healing medicine.

Elder Gu and others never expected that Jueyuan would be so ruthless and decisive, directly disintegrating the divine body that he had endured for endless years, sacrificing his physical life, and came to sacrifice the halberd with blood, revealing that this top-notch holy weapon was the most powerful Great power. This comes at a cruel price, but Jiang Tian must also be killed, leaving only the gods and looking for opportunities to reshape the body.

It is simply a matter of putting oneself to death and living another life!

The courage and fortitude contained in this is both awe-inspiring and awe-inspiring!

He is worthy of being an ancient demon dragon that has been famous for eternity!

He is worthy of being an unparalleled giant who looks down upon thousands of sects and sects and has endless territories!

When everyone retreated hundreds of miles away, the power of Wujin True Dragon's halberd finally exploded.


With an earth-shaking loud noise, the mighty dragon clan's majesty turned into an extremely huge golden light pillar, at least a hundred miles in diameter, soaring into the sky, reaching a height of a million miles, shattering the earth and mountains, and evaporating lakes and rivers. , shattered the clouds and stars, shattered the laws and avenues, and tore the sky apart.

At this moment, everyone in the vast and endless Shengyuan Continent, no matter mortals or monks, could see this dazzling light pillar with their naked eyes.

"Oh my God! What is this?"

"It seems to have happened in the Eastern Empire, the generation of the Duke of Dongxia!"

"Terrible! Could it be that the Nine Heavens Immortal is fighting?"

At this moment, the entire Saint Yuan Continent was shaking, and the ground was undulating like waves. Everyone was unsteady, exclaiming, and looking up.

Whether it is the high-ranking hidden sect, the royal family in the secular world, or even the peddlers and thugs, they are all paying close attention and cannot be ignored!

Groups of five-color divine thunder sprang up around the light pillar, exploding violently. Each lightning bolt reached thousands of feet or ten thousand feet in length, and soon turned into thunder dragons, coiling around the void, baring their teeth and claws, incomparably real and calm.

This is the law manifested.

Thunder and lightning are one of the laws controlled by the true dragon lineage.

There are not only thunder dragons, but also various dragon-shaped laws of feng shui, earth and fire, with different shapes, complementing each other and circling around the light pillar.

This thunder light illuminated the sky and the earth, making it clear. The vast primitive laws fell down, and the magical light of creation surged, as if the world was created.

Around the halberd, a large black hole suddenly opened in the space, forming an extremely deep hole, as if it was connected to another world, as if the dragon world had been melted and became part of the halberd and its laws. with strength.


In this pitch-black cave, the Black Gold True Dragon's halberd shrank instead of rising. The vast cold light and mana shortened into a ten-foot-long halberd. The black light flickered and was extremely concentrated, as if it were real. , but in fact it is the condensation of laws and avenues, transcending matter.

At this time, everything in the world disappeared, whether it was the light pillar or the dragon-shaped law, it fell into silence and was melted into the cold light of the halberd.

There was only one halberd left in the sky, seemingly calm.

However, it's like an angry dragon is dormant, accumulating power and ready to launch a thunderous strike at any time.

It's like the calm before the storm, the most terrifying thing!

Suddenly, Wujin True Dragon's halberd moved again.

Straight and straight, he stabbed towards Jiang Tian!

However, in the eyes of many powerful people, this blow was unprecedentedly terrifying!


In the array of extremely vast and ancient sounds, which seem to have traveled through hundreds of millions of years, the sound of dragon roars shakes the soul and is about to break. Wherever the halberd passes, there are all kinds of fragments of avenues rising and falling, wind, thunder, earth, fire and darkness. These are common sights. Not to mention the various laws and avenues, it even touches the more mysterious avenues of space and time.

Wherever the halberd passed, the void collapsed, dark, chaotic, and pitch black!

It seems to be able to annihilate the world, transcend time, deprive all things, confuse the laws, and distort cause and effect.

Black is not only the sight, but also the senses, and even more so the cognition.

"What a weird shot!"

"The combination of dragon power and demonic nature is indeed difficult to deal with!"

The ancient elders and others, now thousands of miles apart, all gasped for air, as if they had been deprived of sight, hearing and touch, and could no longer distinguish between up, down, left and right, and could not grasp the passage of time.

I just feel that even if the Buddha is alive and the true immortal comes, it will be difficult to escape this blow!

After all, this was Jue Yuan who burned his body, used his whole life's cultivation, and used all his strength to activate the blow, awakening the remains and even the soul of the sleeping true dragon, and all kinds of true dragon laws surged out!

However, under everyone's disbelieving eyes.

"Break it for me!"

Die Wo Jiang Tian roared loudly, clenched the fingers of his right hand into a fist, placed his thumb between the middle finger and the index finger, made a weird fist mark, and punched the halberd viciously.

He was still carrying it with his physical body!


The ten-foot-long halberd-shaped cold light was completely shattered by a punch from the dead Jiang Tian.

No matter how noble your bloodline is, your talents are magical, your demonic nature is strange, and your holy soldiers are powerful, how can you stand up to the power of my Chaos Divine Body, Great Perfection!

When the cold light of the halberd was broken, the whole sky and earth were filled with deathly silence and silence.

At this moment, all the spectators, whether they were the ancient elders and others around Baihua Peak, or the giants of the Holy Land or the masters of the Shen Sect who were watching from a distance through observation instruments such as the Wanli Mirror, were all staring at it in disbelief.

"The overall situation has been decided. Even if Jue Yuan self-destructs the gods, he will not be able to hurt him!"

Deep in a certain divine sect, there is an elder who is paying attention to this battle. He has a fluttering white beard, an immortal spirit, and a state of returning to the void. He also has a long life and rich experience. He can be called a living fossil. He is the leader of this divine sect. One of the founders was deeply moved and could not hide his shock.

Sure enough, in the field, the black gold true dragon halberd instantly lost control, as if it had lost its mana and spirituality, and was directly spun and flew out at an extremely fast speed, as fast as a meteor.

"Get out of the way!"

Countless people exclaimed, driving up the escaping light, shooting straight into the sky, and quickly avoiding it.

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