Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1937 Famous in the world

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

After all, this is a top-grade holy weapon, containing the remains and even the soul of a true dragon. Under the collision of two saint-level masters, its potential explodes, killing and transforming gods, and even seriously injuring a saint.

Naturally, we must avoid its sharp edges!

"This man surnamed Jiang is really tyrannical. But he is too reckless, so what if he resists a blow that consumes his life essence and blood? What if the other party self-destructs the god, can he resist it? This semi-holy god, Self-destruction is the strongest!"

Li Yichen was still lying on the ground, hiding his figure and chattering endlessly.

"It turns out to be a real dragon halberd!"

Unexpectedly, he saw a cold light coming like a meteor. It was too late to avoid it. He let out a scream and was instantly strangled to pieces by the halberd's magic power. Even his body and soul were turned into powdery smoke and disappeared from this world. Disappeared.

"Will I die just lying down?"

Before he died, his face was full of shock and fear.

It seems that he did not expect that the great disciple of his majestic Shen Sect, a peerless genius, would die so miserably, so unclearly, and so aggrieved!

However, at this time, not many people noticed his fall.

"He's actually dead?"

Fairy Qingjue sensed it and just sighed with regret, but she wasn't too sad.

In this dispute, Li Yichen showed that he underestimated the enemy, was careless, fearful of death, and was mean and ungrateful, which made her extremely disappointed.

She planned to strip him of his many positions in the sect and expel him from the sect after the matter was over. This way, it saves me the trouble and I won't look mean and ungrateful.

"He actually ended up like this!"

Lin Daier also had a dim and sad look in her beautiful eyes.

Li Yichen is young, handsome, personable, talented, and extraordinary. What's more valuable is that he is calm and proper in handling things, and treats people like a spring breeze. This is definitely not something that Jiang Tian, ​​who seems low-key but is actually extremely arrogant, can compare to.

However, his strength was still far behind.

He was actually attacked while lying down while watching Jiang Tian's battle!

Who can I ask to explain this?

Others did not pay attention to Li Yichen's death.

After all, this kind of saint-level battle is rare, and it is related to the safety of the Holy Yuan Continent!

At this time, who would notice a small character like Li Yichen!

"At this point in the battle, Jue Yuan has only one way left to self-destruct the gods!"

"With the power of the Jue Abyss, it's easy to rebirth with a drop of blood and recreate a physical body. For the powerful god-transformer, self-destruction of the gods is the true meaning of death!"

Many giant figures, including Elder Gu, Nangong Yue, etc., all looked at the field with stern eyes, their expressions extremely solemn.

They knew that the battle between Jiang Tian and Jue Yuan had reached the final moment.

Victory or defeat will be decided in this split second!

Will Jueyuan choose to self-destruct the gods?

Can Jiang Tian withstand the terrifying destructive power of the god's self-destruction?

"The power of a god's self-destruction should be very different from that of a blood sacrifice holy weapon. If Jiang Daoyou can withstand the power of Jueyuan's blood sacrifice holy weapon, he can naturally resist the god's self-destruction!"

"Fellow Daoist Jiang's physical strength is unparalleled in ancient times!"

However, Elder Gu and Saint Qingjue firmly believed that Jiang Tian’s victory was determined.

Moreover, they believed that the possibility of Jueyuan choosing a god to self-destruct and dying together with Jiang Tian was extremely low.

With Jueyuan's rich combat experience and vision, he can naturally see that even if the god self-destructs, it will be difficult to kill Jiang Tian.

The so-called death together is not realistic.

What's more important is that Jueyuan has no grievances against Jiang Tian, ​​and he is alone, with no roots in the sect, no descendants, relatives, or even clan members.

He doesn't have the spiritual motivation to sacrifice himself for the sake of his children's bloodline and his sect!

He will definitely choose to protect himself!


Just when I, Jiang Tian, ​​stepped forward calmly to capture the Black-Gold True Dragon's Halberd, the Black-Gold True Dragon's Halberd, which had become dim and dull like a mortal weapon, suddenly glowed with light and let out a high-pitched dragon roar. It suddenly turned into a ball of golden light, wrapped around the gods of Jueyuan, and fled towards the distance.

"The Black Gold True Dragon's Halberd actually escaped!"

Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it.

In their impression, the Wujin True Dragon's Halberd was as prestigious as Jueyuan. In ancient times, it had killed countless people and laid down millions of corpses. It was an invincible existence. He could completely kill a returning saint, but he was forced to flee by a Nascent Soul monk like Jiang Tian!

"No! It's Jueyuan who's running away!"

Elder Gu's eyes were attentive, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth that said, "It's just as I expected." He said: "Jueyuan has a divine soul that has been refined and warmed in the holy weapons, and can be controlled freely. However, he has lost the battle with Jiang Daoyou." Ability!”

"This holy weapon is made from the remains of a pure-blooded true dragon combined with the best black gold. It was tempered by the supreme giants of the ancient times and fused with the law. It can be said to be immortal, so Jue Yuan used it very cleverly. He is here to protect himself. Although Daoyou Jiang is powerful, it remains to be seen whether he can defeat this top-notch holy weapon!"

Nangong Yue said worriedly.

This Abyss Demonic Dragon once brought chaos to an era, bringing endless darkness, killing, and turmoil. If it escapes by chance this time, reshapes its body, and makes a comeback, it will bring endless disasters to this land!

"Does he want to escape to the Critical Canyon and Devil's Back Ridge areas?"

Suddenly, some spectators exclaimed.

"That's right. The demonic energy there is deep, and it is full of dangers for human monks, but it is the best place for him to reshape his body and restore his cultivation!"

When someone heard this, their expressions changed wildly and they wanted to break their thighs.

This place is not far from the critical canyon and Devil's Back Ridge. At Jueyuan's speed, it only takes three sticks of incense to reach it. Once this happens, Jiang Tian will be passive.


The dead man Jiang Tian transformed into a bolt of lightning in the form of a Kunpeng. He took a thousand miles to catch up with the Wujin True Dragon's halberd, and his speed was unparalleled.

Finally, after ten snaps of fingers and tens of thousands of miles away, Jiang Tian finally caught up with me.

Without saying a word, Jiang Tian took the picture with one palm.

When this palm is taken, it feels as if a vast continent is covering it, causing the laws below to collapse and the avenue to be annihilated.

With one palm, the world is turned upside down!

The gods of Jueyuan only had time to let out a miserable howl before they were completely annihilated!

At this moment, there was deathly silence in the sky and on the earth!

Countless people were shocked and speechless!

In the area of ​​Baihua Peak, the sky was filled with howling winds and chaos, with thunder exploding from time to time. It was the aftermath of the battle that stirred up the laws and avenues, causing thunder to collide with each other.

However, in the eyes of everyone, the entire world turned into a still picture, and the background became ethereal until it was nothingness.

In the eyes of everyone, there is nothing else in the world!

Only the middle-aged monk with temples as white as clear frost, deep facial features, long-lasting eyes, and old clothes was left!

For half a minute, Jiang Tian, ​​the dead man, raised his hand to pick up the black gold true dragon halberd that seemed to have no mana fluctuations.

Everyone recovered from the overwhelming shock and gradually came to their senses.

"Elder Mo, once the battle is over, immediately express my respect to Mr. Jiang on my behalf, and publicly invite Mr. Jiang to come to my holy land."

The leader of a holy land directly used the communication instrument to transmit messages to an elder who was watching the battle at the scene.

"Yes! Leader!"

The elder was shaken all over and quickly flew towards Jiang Tian.

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