Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1953 I died miserably

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

Zishan Hou always thought that he was the biggest beneficiary of this battle.

Use the Palace of Ten Thousand Demons to crush the princes, wipe out the Eastern royal family, ascend to the position of the Nine-Five-Nine Five, overlook the world, and stand at the top.

On the day when he ascends to the throne, the resources he controls are not trivial. There are many bargaining chips that can be exchanged with the Holy Land of Shenzong. Whether he can make the Temple of Ten Thousand Demons the state religion and respect the leader as the original promise, that will be another question. said.

Although the Ten Thousand Demons Palace is powerful, it is still a force of the demon clan and is quite wary and hostile to the human race's orthodoxy.

Moreover, compared with the Holy Land Shen Sect, its strength is still far behind.

When the time comes, I can take advantage of the contradictions between the human race and the demon race, and persuade the giants of the Holy Land Shenzong to act righteously and obliterate the Ten Thousand Demons Hall. It will not be difficult.

However, he did not expect that Demon Emperor Han Guang would be his life and death enemy Dongfang Jie.

He was just a troublemaker being used by Dongfang Jie.

The birds are all good and the bows are hidden, and the cunning rabbits are dead and being cooked by running dogs. Of course Zishan Hou understood this truth. The day he overthrew the Eastern Royal Family was also the day he died!

This made him extremely sad.

However, what made him feel even more sad was Jiang Tian's power, which made him unexpectedly powerful!

Zishanhou had also realized Jiang Tian's power before, so he chose to assassinate Lin Hanqing first and destroy Zhenyuanhou's lineage.

After letting Jiang Tian become a duckweed with no backing, he can then gather the strength to kill him.

However, he never expected that Jiang Tian, ​​a casual cultivator from a remote area outside Hebei Province, could be so powerful!

There are so many powerful gods in the Ten Thousand Demons Palace who can be called unparalleled giants. They took action at the same time in different places, but they failed.

This kind of desperate killing situation was resolved by Jiang Tian.

"How can such a person exist in the human world? He is probably the reincarnation of the Nine Heavens Immortal!"

Zishan Hou realized sadly that he had chosen the wrong opponent. It's not that he chose the wrong Marquis Zhenyuan, but that Marquis Zhenyuan has Jiang Tian beside him.

If he was given a chance to make a new choice, no matter how the Ten Thousand Demons Palace tried to seduce him, he would never choose to cause a bloody storm, and he would never get rid of Marquis Zhenyuan. He is already considered strong among the princes, and his son Ziyunxiao is also good in talent and cultivation. He has been prosperous for three generations and can continue for ten generations.

However, because of his ambition and his underestimation of the enemy, everything was lost.

At this time, he did not dare to fight again, because even the unparalleled giants like Niu Ben and the ancient beasts like Jue Yuan were no match for Jiang Tian, ​​let alone him. The only way to resist is to die. If you sincerely surrender and beg for mercy, you may still have a chance of survival.

"Haha, spare your life? Give me a reason!"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly, stepped on the void, and moved towards him step by step, as if he were strolling in a courtyard. His aura was vast, majestic and sacred, which made the Purple Dress Hou's heart palpitate.

"The villain knows all about the formations of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace, the mechanisms and forbidden method settings, as well as the shortcomings of many demon clan's powerful techniques, etc. I only ask the saint to spare my life, and the villain is willing to tell everything truthfully. The Palace of Ten Thousand Demons is the life and death enemy of the empire, and the saint must eliminate it, so we need this information..."

Seeing that Jiang Tian had no intention of letting go, Zishanhou repeatedly begged: "I once went deep into the Critical Grand Canyon and saw an ancient relic that seemed to contain rare treasures. Only villains know this route..."

His mind was spinning, and many thoughts came to him one after another.

He has a fortune and a vast amount of cultivation resources, but his house will be confiscated soon. Jiang Tian completely took everything he had. Moreover, although Jiang Tian is in the Nascent Soul realm, he has the strength of a Void Return Saint. To be honest, although he has a lot of resources, there are really none that are useful to the Void Return Saint.

He has many cultivation classics, many of which are even on par with the Royal Purple Qi Donglai Gong. But for Jiang Tian to be in such a state, I am afraid that his skills are at a higher level and he would not even care about them.

It seems that I only have this little bargaining chip.

"You don't know as much as I do!"

Jiang Tian said nothing and clapped it with one palm.

This palm shot was like the Buddha's divine palm, lingering in light gold and extremely concentrated, as if it could crush the world and destroy the stars.

In Zishan Hou's perception, the entire world disappeared quickly, and patches of darkness formed a pure black background. In the universe, only Jiang Tian, ​​who stood like a god and Buddha, and the things that filled the heaven and earth, seemed to be inevitable. palm.

"With one palm, it forms a supreme realm, which fixes matter, vitality, laws and even the great road. I have no power to escape!"

"Oh, it's all my fault for being blind!"

Zishan Hou howled miserably in his heart. In the eyes of everyone, he knelt down on the spot without any struggle, and his body, gods, and even spirit were all allowed to be smashed to pieces by Jiang Tian.

The space seemed to be pressed as thin as a cicada's wings, and crystal broken bones flew across and shot out. Divine blood filled with surging energy and vast laws surged in the sky. The fluctuations of the laws touched the heaven and earth, triggering bursts of thunder.

"The power of the saint is unparalleled, and we are willing to bow down!"

"Saint! I admire you!"

The princes were so frightened that they cowered on the ground like quails in the cold wind, their faces as white as paper, without a trace of blood. Jiang Tian just slapped it with his palm, thanking him easily, as if he was swatting a fly, but the mystery contained in it is infinite, extremely profound, and even a god can't resist it.

"Oh my goodness!"

Shanshui Hou was not far away, and he felt that his face was covered with blood and minced meat, and there was a faint burning sensation. This was caused by the remaining vitality and laws.

He casually touched the sticky hair crown, but he found an eyeball surrounded by laws, surging vitality, and connecting the flesh and blood of the meridians.

"I died so miserably!"

His eyeballs blinked and he made a vague sound, shrill and resentful.

The incarnation of a god is powerful and tyrannical, able to shed blood and be reborn, with billions of clones. There is the bloodline soul of the Purple Shirt Marquis in this eyeball, and it actually breeds resentful spirits.

"Oh, my God! Ga!"

Shan Shuihou was so frightened that his eyes turned white, and he fainted instantly. His eyes turned white one after another, and he kept twitching like an electric shock. White foam came out of his mouth, with a hint of green, and he was so frightened that his courage broke.


Jiang Tian was repeatedly bullied by Li Liudao in his previous life, so he hated the Shanshuihou clan.

But now, with Li Liudao's cultivation being abolished, and seeing Shanshuihou being frightened so miserably, Jiang Tian suddenly felt relieved, or in other words, he didn't want to argue with Shanshuihou anymore, just like when you go back to kindergarten and face When the school bully bullied you in kindergarten, you would only find it funny rather than arousing hatred.

Shan Shuihou didn't know that in the midst of lightning and flint, he was so stunned that he actually escaped a disaster.


The next moment, Jiang Tian withdrew his gaze and changed his mind.

Immediately, the laws of killing spread inch by inch along the flesh and blood of the Zishanhou's body. Even his broken bones, divine blood and even the fragments of his divine soul were all burned into smoke and ashes, completely dissipated from this world. Turn into nothingness.

One of the top ten masters in the empire, Zishanhou, Shen Hegu, fell!

"Saint, we surrender!"

The military formation of the Purple Shirt Marquis completely collapsed, and many warriors with Jindan strength bowed to the void without any intention of resisting.


At this time, a scream came from the military formation.

He was the son of Zishanhou. Ziyunxiao screamed when he saw his father completely destroyed.

"Jiang Siqing, if I return to the top, I swear to kill you!"

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