Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1954 A visitor from the Luoying Sect


Jiang Tian's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness.

The Marquis of Zishan was ambitious and committed numerous crimes.

Whether it is Shen Hegu or Ziyun Xiao, their crimes are so heinous that they are too numerous to describe.

I'm afraid no amount of death can wash away the sins on their bodies.

Even though Zi Yunxiao's cultivation was abolished, his murderous intention was still there.

Jiang Tian is not a good man who believes in women, nor does he have the kindness of a woman, and is kind-hearted and soft-hearted.

Now that we have cut the grass, we must remove the roots, lest the wildfires burn out and the spring breeze blows again!

Not only Zi Yunxiao wants to be killed, but also the whole lineage of Zishan Hou will be killed with a blood curse, and no chickens or dogs will be spared!

"It's your turn!"

"Swear to kill me? Ziyunxiao, please reincarnate ten more times!"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly, with no trace of emotion in his profound eyes. His big sleeves were fluttering, and his right hand was bluffing, and he was about to grab Ziyun Xiao.

"You! God! I won't give in!"

Zi Yunxiao screamed, looking up to the sky and screaming, tears rolling down, his handsome face became distorted because of hatred and resentment!

At this moment, the generals and monks under the command of Zishan Hou were motionless and refused to help.

The princes stood aside and watched with indifferent eyes.

Compared with the conflict between the human race and the demon race, the struggle between the princes and the royal family is not worth mentioning at all.

The Purple Dress Marquis "colluded" with the demon clan to overthrow the Eastern Dynasty. Wasn't it the Ten Thousand Demons Palace that benefited, and their former life-and-death enemy Dongfang Jie?

The demon clan is back, and it’s not just everyone who suffers!

"Jiang Siqing, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

Ziyunxiao roared!

He is one of the most talented people in the empire, and he has reached the Nascent Soul realm at a young age.

He is expected to follow his father and kill the unprincipled king, inherit the throne, become the prince and the emperor, and one day even expand the territory, become the overlord of this continent, and achieve immortal achievements.

But now, he is at the end of his rope and everything is ruined!


Around Ziyunxiao, a shower of flowers suddenly fell. The fallen flowers were colorful, and the petals were crystal clear, extremely magnificent and moving.

These petals spread out quickly and formed countless runes to form a huge talisman, protecting Ziyun Xiao firmly in the middle like a barrier.


The "Binding the Cang Dragon" rule that Jiang Tian controlled with his palm was actually blocked by this flower rain talisman.

Although the flower rain barrier rippled a little under the huge palm force, it was extremely tenacious and quickly recovered.

A sacred, vast and worldly aura slowly descended from the flowers and rain, as if the person casting the spell was extremely noble and not contaminated by a single speck of human dust.

"Who is he? With one thought, flowers bloom and he rules the world. Could it be..."

Princess Mo Yu's face suddenly became extremely solemn, and she looked into the rain of flowers.

"Luoying Sect!"

From the Flower Rain rune, Jiang Tian felt a surging vitality and a rich wood-attribute aura, as if the world had just opened to breed all things. He couldn't help but feel a slight movement in his heart, and a brilliant light flashed in his eyes.

The Luoying Sect, proficient in wood-attribute skills, has created a world with several Void-Returning Saints and God-Transforming giants. It is one of the top five peerless sects in Shengyuan Continent and is comparable to the Ancient Medicine Palace.

This flower rain talisman is at the level of a peak Taoist weapon. With Jiang Tian's current strength, he will definitely be able to break it with a full blow.

But Jiang Tian did not act rashly.

Because his eldest daughter pities Huahun!

He was the one who brought Huang Ling'er from the earth to the Holy Yuan Continent!

When Jiang Tian went back to pick up Huang Ling'er from Shengyuan Continent, he probably needed Lianhuahun's permission, so Jiang Tian naturally didn't need to offend him.

Zi Yunxiao knew that he had narrowly escaped death, and his clear eyes shone with incredible light, and a look of ecstasy appeared on his handsome face. He knew that he was saved. Reinforcements have arrived.

It was at this moment that the sky lit up with an uncertain glow. It was colorful, ever-changing, and so magnificent that people dared not look directly at it.

If you look carefully, you will find that the "light spots" that make up this glow are all composed of crystal petals.

The glow stretched, like a sky bridge or a rainbow, spreading in the sky. Two graceful women came walking on the sky bridge paved with beautiful petals.

A woman is dressed in white clothes that are not stained by dust. She looks like a fairy. She is about 20 years old. She has exquisite facial features and a springy smile in her eyes. She is out of this world, with a little bit of romance and charm. She has a curvy figure and high breasts. Chong, you almost want to tear your clothes apart, your waist is slender, as if you can hold it in your hands, especially your pair of beautiful legs, long and straight, with amazing scale, which is extremely tempting.

Judging from the profound changes in her eyes, it is obvious that her real longevity is far beyond the surface.

Another woman was wearing a green dress. She is younger on the surface, she seems to be only 17 or 18 years old. She has a childish face and a pair of peach blossom eyes, like the little sister next door, gentle and approachable.

The right breasts of these two women's clothes are embroidered with pieces of fallen flowers, and the skirts and cuffs are also embroidered with flowers, vegetation, etc., which look extremely exquisite and have a natural interest.

When Zi Yunxiao saw the embroidery, he was immediately delighted and said, "Are these two fairies experts from the Luoying Sect?"

"Well, we are disciples of Supreme Elder Zi Qianmo!"

The older woman smiled slightly and said lightly, "Are you Zi Yunxiao?"

"Ancestor Qianmo, she, she actually remembers the Shen family!"

Zi Yunxiao's face showed a look of ecstasy.

"It turns out that the Shen family has such a strong foundation, and Zi Qianmo is actually their ancestor!"

And Jiang Tian's face condensed slightly, and thoughts came to him one after another:

"But, why didn't Zi Qianmo come forward when the Zishan Hou lineage was wiped out in the previous life?"

"Yes, this is due to her character and the purpose of the Luoying Sect. Cherish the common people, treat everyone equally, regardless of each other, love without aggression, great love, that is, no love! In her eyes, the Shen family and the Eastern Royal Family There is no difference, in fact, there is no difference between ordinary people, strangers, plants and trees!”

Zi Qianmo is the wife of the founder of the Zishan Hou clan.

Thousands of years ago, the founder of the sect joined hands with Zi Qianmo to follow the ancestors of the Eastern royal family to open up new territories and conquer this beautiful land, which has become a good story.

Zi Qianmo is obsessed with cultivation and does not like worldly affairs. He has always wanted to leave the world and join a hidden sect.

However, at that time, the situation was still decided and she needed to suppress it, so she kept guarding it for five hundred years.

After the ancestor of the Shen family failed to break through the pass and return to the virtual realm, his life span was exhausted, and he drove westward, Zi Qianmo finally cut off the cause and effect of love, left the Zishan Hou Mansion, escaped into Buddhism, and joined the Luoying Sect.

The Luoying Sect is a hermit sect, and it follows the path of Buddhist cultivation. It loves all people, all are equal, regardless of closeness or distance, transcends the world, and is pure in meditation.

Ziqianmo considered himself a monk and had no contact with the Shen family for more than two thousand years.

But Zi Qianmo was indeed a man of astonishing talent and beauty. He was not inferior to men, and he had conquered the world. Most of the Shen family's martial arts came from Zi Qianmo's creation, and he had achieved the state of a saint returning to the void a thousand years ago. . Ranked among the top three giants of the Luoying Sect. Among all the giants in the Holy Land Sect, she can also be ranked in the top twenty.

Therefore, in order to commemorate Zi Qianmo's contribution to the Eastern Empire and the Shen family, with the royal family's permission, the descendants of the Zishan Hou line were given the surnames Shen and Zi. This is also the reason why Ziyunxiao's surname is Zi. This kind of thing is unique in the entire Shengyuan Continent, and it is also spread as good stories and anecdotes.

"It's just that if we kill Zi Yunxiao and Zi Qianmo in person, I'm afraid these two disciples won't stand idly by!"

Jiang Tian flicked his fingers, his heart moving secretly.

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