The next moment, Ziyunxiao asked excitedly: "Do you know the names of these two fairies?"

It's like seeing the great savior, like seeing a relative.

After all, the Luoying Sect was so powerful that it was only slightly inferior to the Ancient Medicine Hall. There were several real Void Return Saints who could completely suppress Jiang Tian.

"My name is Hua Xiangrong. I am one of the ten disciples of Saint Qianmo."

The older and charming woman said with a smile.

"According to seniority, this disciple should call you ancestor. However, you are so young and so beautiful, I really can't call you..." Zi Yunxiao rolled his eyes, looking shy and embarrassed.

"The young Marquis is joking. What's young? The poor nun is already five hundred years old. His beauty is just skinny, not worth mentioning!"

"This is Su Xiaotang. She is also my junior sister."

Hua Xiangrong had been practicing the precepts for many years, and her mouth looked like a bird. She couldn't withstand this kind of teasing, and she was immediately teased to the point where her pretty face turned red, and she covered her mouth and smiled sweetly.

Seeing Ziyunxiao's mouth went dry, the pain of his father's execution had long been forgotten.

"This, this, is another ancestor."

Zi Yunxiao continued to tease, pretending to be pretentious, and said with an embarrassed look on his face: "But judging from his age, he is obviously younger than me. If he is called a younger sister, she is almost the same!"

"Sister? You are so courageous, you can say this! I will do the following offense and do not follow the rules!"

Su Xiaotang frowned and drank coquettishly, but anyone could hear the coquettish tone in her words. It was not as if she was addressing a junior, but as if she was addressing an admired elder brother.

Three parts innocent, three parts coquettish and cute, three parts provocative and seductive.

"We are here this time because Master heard that you are expected to advance to become a god, and specially ordered us to take you to the sect to stay and observe the precepts for a few days. Buddhism is pure, and the power of many Buddhist chants can eliminate external demons and calm the mind. It will help you improve your chances of becoming a god! After you enter the sect, you will be guided by Su Xiaotang. You can call her Sister Su! Don’t underestimate her, she is already in the middle stage of becoming a god!”

Hua Xiangrong was dignified and noble, coughed slightly and said.

"Thank you two seniors for their kindness in cultivating the world, but..."

Ziyunxiao was grateful, and then looked at Jiang Tian deliberately pretending to be afraid.

Hua Xiangrong frowned and looked at Jiang Tiandao: "Who is this gentleman? Does he have any deep grudge against the Shen family? Why did he kill the entire Shen family?"

Jiang Tianyun said calmly: "Purple Shirt Marquis Shen He Gu and his son are ambitious, unfaithful and unjust. They bully their fellow lords, steal fiefdom resources, and even collude with the God-Transforming Power of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace to assassinate Zhenyuan Marquis Lin Hanqing. They want to conquer this land Start a bloody storm, overturn the Eastern royal family, and seek the imperial throne! "

Hua Xiangrong was an elite disciple of the hidden sect. He was aloof and could not see a small place like the Eastern Empire.

She didn't know much about the disputes in the Eastern Empire, so when she heard this, she frowned and communicated with Su Xiaotang and Ziyunxiao for a moment.

Especially after learning about Jiang Tian's achievements, Hua Xiangrong's face became even more solemn.

After understanding the general situation, Hua Xiangrong first put on a charming face and sighed: "Sweeping the floor may hurt the lives of ants, cherish the moths and gauze lamps. Zi Yunxiao, the most beautiful thing in this world is life. As for power, fame and wealth, they are all external things, like floating clouds. You are blinded by the desire for profit, and you cannot see that power and wealth are the poisonous snakes and beasts that harm people, and you pursue them desperately. Fighting has now cost you your own life, do you realize that you are wrong?"

"Senior, I realize my mistake! I have sinned deeply."

Ziyunxiao crawled at her feet, hugging her slender white feet, rubbing her ears and temples together, pretending to cry bitterly: "If I can survive and survive this disaster, I will definitely make up for it and take it as my duty to save the common people. ”

Hua Xiangrong nodded with satisfaction, then saluted Jiang Tian and said with a smile:

"Sage Siqing, as a woman, I am short-sighted and do not understand the disputes in the secular world. But since Lin Hanqing's family is still alive and well, they have not suffered much losses. The Zishan Hou's plan has not been successfully implemented. You Killing Zishanhou is also considered revenge. As for Ziyunxiao, you have also seen that he has realized his mistake, so please show mercy."

"Hey, it was also our Luoying Sect who stayed away from the outside world, did not spread the Dharma to the world, and lacked discipline and guidance for the Zishan Hou Mansion, which made them stumble into eternal hatred. Please hand him over to me and bring him back to the sect. . He was disciplined and enlightened every day, so that he could be free from desires and avoid doing evil. "

"You know, how many people died in this operation planned by Zishanhou and Ziyunxiao? Mrs. Lin's family was wiped out. More than 1,200 monks, nurses and soldiers of the Lin family also died, and Hongfeng When the city was attacked by the powerful demon clan, tens of thousands of people died. Are they not human in the eyes of your Luoying Sect?"

Jiang Tian sneered and asked, "Just by strict discipline, will these people's deaths be in vain?"

Hua Xiangrong sighed with regret and said: "The deceased has passed away, but Ziyunxiao is still a living creature. How can fellow Taoist kill a life just to calm the resentment in his heart?"

"We, the Luo Ying Sect, will hold a water and land ceremony here to save those who died in vain and let them enter the Pure Land early. Zi Yunxiao will also use his useful life to do good deeds and accumulate virtue to make up for his sins. Isn't this better than killing him directly?"

"Haha, how do you know how he can become a good person and do good deeds?"

Jiang Tiandu laughed angrily.

He had never seen such a hypocritical Pope.

They seem to be aloof and aloof from the world, but in fact they just don't know the sufferings of the people.

It seems that love has no boundaries and loves the world, but in fact it is ruthless, unprincipled, generous to others, and just seeking fame.

It's just ridiculous.

Bad people do all kinds of evil things, but as long as they put down the butcher's knife, they can become a Buddha immediately.

One sentence of "I was wrong" can cleanse all sins.

If someone kills your biological father, you should say, "The deceased is dead, so don't pursue it any further."

"Yes. Senior Jiang, I already know I was wrong! Just spare me once!"

Ziyunxiao was like a pug, lying at the feet of Zihua Xiangrong, with her chin pressed against the graceful jade legs. The hard stubble brought a subtle touch to the woman, and her heart and calves were the same, tingling like an electric light. Yes, bone-eroding ecstasy.

"Are you begging me?"

Jiang Tian seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"Yes. You have also seen that he is begging you, and his attitude is so sincere. He cried. Obviously, he has deeply realized his mistakes. People should have the virtue of good life, please forgive him once, forgive him. Let's go through him once!" Next to him, Su Xiaotang also looked at Zi Yunxiao with sympathy. It would be a pity if such a beautiful young man was killed.

"He is begging me, so the decision is naturally mine. What if I don't agree?"

Jiang Tian smiled.

"I, the Luoying Sect, benefit the people and have a good life. If you insist on killing him, then we have no choice but to take action to uphold justice!"

Hua Xiangrong's pretty face turned cold.

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