Su Xiaotang puffed up her proud chest and said coldly: "Ignorant person. Do you think that just because you were lucky enough to kill a few powerful gods, you are qualified to challenge the Luo Ying Sect behind us?"

Su Xiaotang was in the middle stage of becoming a god, and Hua Xiangrong was at the peak of his god transformation. Their realm was far higher than that of Jiang Tian. According to Jiang Tian's record, even Jue Yuan, a peerless demonic dragon, can be killed, and even an almost semi-saint giant like Niu Ben can be easily suppressed. With their combined strength, they are no match for Jiang Tian.

However, what makes them feel confident is the sect behind them.

Luo Yingzong!

Standing on the top of this continent, how many people dare to challenge?

How many people are qualified and capable to provoke!

"Benefiting the common people is the virtue of living well? Do you have the nerve to say that?"

Jiang Tian smiled again, his eyes full of contempt and said with disdain:

"The forces of the sect enjoy the resources of the world and the support of all living beings. They should truly maintain peace in the world and benefit all people in the world!"

"And look at your faces, hypocrisy, greed, pride, domineering... I want to ask, where were you when the Zhenyuan Marquis Mansion was suppressed? When the Zishan Marquis took advantage of others and oppressed the good, where were you? Where? Where were you when the Ten Thousand Demons Hall robbed the city and invaded the people, causing rivers of blood and death? In fact, you all act based on your likes and dislikes. How can you ever be worthy of being called a disciple of the sect? "

Jiang Tian asked coldly.

"You, what are you talking about? The sect's power is limited, so how can we cover everything. Besides, we are quiet and do nothing, and we value the equality of all living beings..."

But Su Xiaotang was dumbfounded and speechless.

Hua Xiangrong also looked embarrassed, with hidden anger.

"All living beings are equal and transcendent. Therefore, when evil people kill kind people, you can turn a blind eye. Because all living beings are neither good nor evil, neither far nor near, neither high nor low. In your hearts, they are all ants. Life and death of ants are not the same as your own. No matter what. It’s just that if you see the ant you like being crushed to death, you will save it!”

Jiang Tian mocked:

"Great love has no love, no closeness or closeness, no high or low, and treats all creatures in the world equally. You may sound nice, but you can't do it. This young man has red lips and white teeth, and you like him. He also knows how to be humble and petty, big and small. It satisfies your vanity of being superior and having high self-esteem, and you will feel more comfortable!"

"I'm the same as you. Those who treat me well are good, and those who hate me are evil. But at least, I won't be as hypocritical as you, talking about the world and the common people. People have seven emotions and six desires, closeness and distance, this is also human nature. But you can’t forget the most basic justice and morality and confuse right and wrong just because of this emotion.”

"Damn old man, you are talking nonsense!"

Su Xiaotang snorted unreasonably.


Jiang Tianli ignored it and just raised his hand to grab it.

Zi Yunxiao felt as if the void around him had become a cage, imprisoning him.

Before he could even utter a exclamation, even his physical body, Nascent Soul, and even his soul were directly crushed into flesh by the power of the void and the supreme realm.

"Ah! Jiang Siqing, how dare you!"

Only a trace of residual thoughts is left, floating unwillingly in the air. Some are in disbelief, and some are horrified.

How dare Jiang Siqing deny the respect of the dignified Saint Qianmo!

If you don’t give it to Saint Qianmo, you won’t give face to the Holy Land Luoying Sect!

Not only did Ziyunxiao not expect it, in fact, neither did the princes and Princess Mo Yu.

Everyone's faces showed boundless astonishment.

Jiang Tian was too strong, he was simply domineering, his will was as strong as steel, it seemed like the gods and Buddhas in the sky were coming, and no one could stop his edge.

Hua Xiangrong and Su Xiaotang were a little too late to intercept them.

In other words, even if they join forces to stop him in time, they may not be able to stop Jiang Tian in the slightest.

Hua Xiangrong's heart was filled with shock, anger emerged in her eyes, and she said in a cold voice: "Fellow Daoist Jiang, you are too cruel! You have no mercy!"

"Zi Yunxiao has passed away. I will perform several water and land rituals for him, read a few more sutras, and save him. In the future, if I accumulate virtue and do good deeds, I will be able to make up for this killing. Are we as compassionate as ever?" Jiang Tian chuckle and respond with the words they just said.

"you you!"

Hua Xiangrong turned pale with anger and was speechless for a moment.

"How dare you go on a killing spree in front of our Luoying Sect disciples?"

And Su Xiaotang was even more angry and bullied her plump chest violently, creating a dazzling wave. A pair of clear beautiful eyes glared at Jiang Tian angrily, and with a move of her right hand, she used a golden bronze mirror. Seems like he's about to take action.

"Could it be that Fellow Daoist Su wants to punish me and even kill me? Haha, have you forgotten what you just said? How can you avenge a living life for the dead? His life is life. In your eyes, how can I Isn't it life?" Jiang Tian said with a smile.

"Jiang Daoyou is too murderous. He likes to use violence to control violence, and he almost becomes a demon. Why don't you go back to the Luoying Sect, face the wall and think about it for a hundred years, feel the charm of flowers and plants, natural beauty, and cleanse the murderous evil spirit, so as to avoid mental confusion and make big mistakes. It will endanger the common people and bring disaster to the world. It will be too late to regret it by then!"

Hua Xiangrong gently pressed her right hand to stop Su Xiaotang, then chanted the Buddha's name in a deep voice.

"Haha. Fellow Daoist Hua, you're in trouble, you're in trouble!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, raised his sleeves, and Lin Yang, the little princess and many palace guards flew out of his sleeves and landed on the city wall. The clouds were calm and the wind was gentle, and he said: "Look, how many people have I saved? If I hadn't arrived in time, the Zishan Hou would have rebelled, and not a single person would be left alive in the eldest princess's palace!"

He put his left hand behind his back and raised his right hand, pointing at the military formations. His posture was indescribably carefree, and he said with a leisurely smile: "If I hadn't revealed the truth about the collusion between the Purple Shirt Marquis and the Ten Thousand Demons Hall, the war would definitely have happened. In the event of an explosion, these military formations and hundreds of thousands of people will turn into bones and loess, leaving behind many orphans and widows.”

"It is said that saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Jiang has saved so many people. I don't know how many pagodas are blessing him behind him to dispel the hostility. Why does he need to face the wall?"

Old God Jiang Tian was there, with an expression like a stickman, but his words were indeed reasonable to everyone.

With Jiang Tian's strength comparable to that of the Returning Saint, he could fight head-on with the armies of the Purple Shirt Marquis and even all the southern princes.

However, Jiang Tian worked hard and exposed the conspiracy in order to save these cultivators and avoid unnecessary casualties.

Moreover, Jiang Tian did it.

"Strong words!"

Su Xiaotang's pretty face turned cold, and she raised her right hand. The precious mirror rotated like a flying saucer, breaking through the space at an unparalleled speed. At an incredible angle, the hood was placed over Jiang Tian's head.

"Hua Gu Kun Heavenly Mirror!"

When they saw this treasure, many people exclaimed in surprise and their expressions changed wildly.

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