Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1957 The Power of Control

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

The hidden sect is so high up there that it can ignore ordinary things and ignore the forces in the secular world. However, the secular world is more cautious when looking at the hidden sect, carefully pondering and studying it, with a learning attitude and a vigilant attitude.

This precious mirror is a holy weapon, the magic weapon that Zi Qianmo relies on to become famous. It is estimated that Saint Qianmo was worried that his two disciples were inexperienced in traveling around the world, so he temporarily lent this treasure to Su Xiaotang.

This treasure is both offensive and defensive, powerful, and unpredictable. When it is illuminated, the laws melt and the avenue is annihilated. Both the gods and the body are shattered and unable to hold up. Over the past thousands of years, countless powerful gods have died under this precious mirror. Even saints should avoid it and treat it with caution.

"This woman is so vicious. Fellow Daoist Jiang, you have to be careful!"

Princess Mo Yu gritted her teeth and exclaimed, her pretty face turned pale, and she sweated for Jiang Tian.

Although Jiang Tian has a strong record, this treasure is also quite impressive. The battles between monks are ever-changing, and the slightest mistake can lead to a huge difference. Even if you are strong, you may fall when you encounter the tricky tactics of powerful magic weapons.

In an instant, the Kun Kun Heavenly Mirror flew over Jiang Tian in an instant.

"Ant, die!"

With a low drink filled with resentment, Su Xiaotang pinched out her fingers and activated the treasure. And this treasure suddenly bloomed with billions of rays of light, magnificent and blazing, gorgeous but full of danger.

The blazing and dazzling light eclipsed the real sun in the sky.

In the sky, it was like a big sun rising. The light was so bright that everyone's eyes were blinded for a moment, and even their consciousness was suddenly cut off. Many military formations immediately raised shields, all of which were of real weapon quality, connected together, and even defensive Taoist weapons to resist the terrifying light.

In the treasure mirror, the sharp rays of light seemed to have substance. They were extremely sharp, cutting off the laws, piercing the avenue, tearing apart the space, shining directly on his head, and completely melting Jiang Tian.

But with just a click of a finger, the real weapons and even Taoist weapons that rose from the military formation quickly cracked or even melted under the terrifying murderous intention, and all their magic power was lost.


"Quickly retreat!"



Under the screams and roars of the princes and generals, the army retreated like a tide, panicking like a bereaved dog.

However, this treasured mirror was too powerful, and Su Xiaotang had poor control over it and could not achieve precise attacks, causing widespread consequences.

In an instant, tens of thousands of innocent people were affected and died with deep reluctance and fear.

Before they were dissolved and annihilated, many people's eyes were still wide open, and their faces were still filled with expressions of astonishment.

It seemed that he couldn't believe that he had died at the hands of a disciple of the Luoying Sect who thought he was a famous and upright person, and was trying to save the world by benefiting the common people!

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die! No one can escape alive under this precious mirror!"

However, at this moment, Su Xiaotang didn't notice the death of these people at all. She only saw Jiang Tian who was about to be wiped out, and a nervous smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

I just feel hearty and happy.

Monk, how can anyone not want to kill someone?

With dragon-slaying skills in hand, how can one not be willing to kill?

They are powerful, and there are a few who don't want to humiliate others.

The sect has strict rules, especially the Saint Qianmo who has extremely strict requirements for them. Random killing is never allowed. This made Su Xiaotang even more depressed. All day long, she wanted to kill tens of thousands of people to vent her anger. However, if they want to kill people, they must be famous and occupy the moral high ground!

Now, she feels that she has the high ground!

Very correct!

Even if Saint Qianmo knew all this, he would not blame himself!

Hua Xiangrong should be too

"Hmph! It hurts the innocent and treats human life as nothing. This is the love that exists without end. This is the real name of a famous family. Bah!"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Tian's eyes flashed with a look of disdain. A three-foot-long divine disk appeared behind him, and the Suzaku God strangled it out. The light and heat contained in the essence of Lihuo were actually even brighter than the light of the precious mirror. It is so brilliant and blazing that its light is dimmed, and the complex and mysterious runes on it can be seen clearly.

"No! Junior sister, take back the precious mirror quickly!"

Feeling that the divine law released by Jiang Tian was actually stronger and more concentrated than the law contained in the treasure mirror, Hua Xiangrong's face turned pale and she screamed in surprise.


And Su Xiaotang didn't dare to neglect, and quickly pinched out the finger tips, hoping to collect the treasure.

However, her speed is still far behind Jiang Tian.

With a wave of Jiang Tian's fingers, the Vermillion Bird Divine Ruler drew a strange curve, just like the curve in Tai Chi, cutting through the middle of the treasure mirror with incomparable precision.

There was a clang.

A tooth-piercing sound.

I saw that the treasure mirror actually split into two pieces from the middle, many laws collapsed, and thousands of flames were shed, like fire falling from the sky. The fire phoenix true spirit contained inside, after letting out a mournful cry, was also violently strangled.



"His strength is so powerful! This mirror is a magic weapon used by Saint Qianmo for sacrifice!"

Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it.

"The laws refined by Saint Qianmo are no match for the power of his palm?"

But the one who was even more shocked was Hua Xiangrong.

She was so frightened that her legs were shaking, and her heart almost jumped out of her throat.


It can be said that since her debut, she has never met such a terrifying monk, or even heard of it.

The reason why weapon refining is a major subject is because the magic weapons refined by monks are generally more powerful than one's own full-strength strike.

The laws, supernatural powers, etc. that the monks refined into the magic weapon have been refined over a long period of time, and are naturally more condensed and terrifying.

Although this precious mirror is said to be a holy weapon used by Saint Qianmo in the early days, and is no longer used now and is only used as a souvenir, its single blow exceeds the strength of an ordinary Saint and is terrifying to the extreme.

But it was chopped into pieces by Jiang Tian's random rules. His strength was simply unbelievable.

Those so-called geniuses in the Holy Land Shen Sect were like scum compared to Jiang Tian.

"Junior sister, no, we underestimated this person!"

Hua Xiangrong felt a surge of regret in her heart, her heart plummeted into the abyss, her whole body was filled with chills, and she was extremely frightened.

Although she was very shocked when she heard about Jiang Tian's powerful record just now, she did not absolutely recognize Jiang Tian's strength.

Although the Jueyuan Demonic Dragon was famous in ancient times, it has not been born for thousands of years. No one knows its true strength. It may have been tortured by the Demon Prisoner.

She also noticed a detail, that is, before Jiang Tian took action, Jiuxuanmen had been fighting fiercely with Niu Ben and others for quite some time. Therefore, she is more inclined to think that Jiuxuanmen severely damaged Niu Ben and Jiang Tian took advantage. In other words, it was Niu Ben who was killed by Jiuxuanmen, and Jiang Tian only caught the god Niu Ben was severely injured.

Secular empires often exaggerate and bluff in order to intimidate their neighbors and secluded sects, or boost their own morale.

Hua Xiangrong thought Jiang Tian was an idol deliberately created by the empire.

As for the real strength, it is only one tenth.

She thought about it this way and naturally had her reasons for denying Jiang Tian's strength.

For one thing, Jiang Tian is too young. At Jiang Tian's age, it would be good to be able to cultivate the golden elixir. Jiang Tian cultivated into Nascent Soul and entered the realm too quickly, which means that the foundation is likely to be unstable and the level of Nascent Soul is not high. Second, Jiang Tian is a casual cultivator from the galaxy beyond the river. In a remote and remote place, the inheritance of martial arts has always been poor.

But at this moment, she realized that there was absolutely no lie in the many rumors about Jiang Tian. Jiang Tian is even stronger than rumored. He can kill them with just a snap of his fingers, and he even has the capital to challenge the Holy Land Shenzong!

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