Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1960 Conferred the title of Imperial Master

The empire has large formations to protect the city and state, as well as battle formations that gather the power of the common people to check and balance the strong men of the hidden sects, so that they dare not easily provoke a country and affect the majesty of the royal family.

But what if they sneak up and assassinate?

It was simply unstoppable to anyone.

Even if you want to assassinate an emperor, the probability of success is extremely high.

Originally, Dongfang Ding valued Jiang Tian very much and even wanted to make him a national master, but now, he wanted to avoid him like a snake and a scorpion, hiding as far away from Jiang Tian as possible.

"No. He still has value. You can use him to intimidate the princes, collect the princes' annual tribute, and make up for the empty treasury. You can also use him to annihilate the demon clan. Even weaken the princes and abolish the feudal system!"

Dongfang Ding forced himself to calm down, straightened his clothes, glanced at the shocked and dumbfounded princes, and said with a smile: "Why are you so frightened and uneasy? Mr. Guoshi killed the purple-shirted prince and quelled the rebellion. What a great joy! I Wait, why don’t you go and greet us quickly?”


"We will set off immediately to welcome the new Imperial Master!"

The princes are all human beings. Seeing that Dongfang Ding never mentioned the murder of Su Xiaotang, you can understand that if one day the Luoying Sect intervenes, Dongfang Ding will pretend to know nothing about it and pass the responsibility away. Er Jing.

But a trace of worry appeared on Fang Jinlong's face.

Although the Purple Shirt Marquis has been pacified, the peace in the empire will not last long!

The demon clan and the princes are all serious problems for Dongfang Ding.

Moreover, Dongfang Ding is extremely good at manipulating people's hearts, and may regard Jiang Siqing as a murderous knife to cut off his own obstacles.

Although Fang Jinlong only met Jiang Tian once, he had a very good impression of Jiang Tian after learning about some of Jiang Tian's deeds.

In fact, with Jiang Tian's strength, even if he goes to the Holy Land Shen Sect, he can reach the elder level and become a giant. The Holy Land Shenzong definitely surpasses the secular dynasty in terms of cultivation resources. But Jiang Tian stayed in Zhenyuan Hou Mansion and fought life and death for the Lin family. This was too much about love and righteousness.

The key is that, like Lin Hanqing, Fang Jinlong is a prince, but he is not selfish and loyal to the dynasty and empire. Seeing Jiang Tian quell the war and save the people of the empire from being poisoned, he admired Jiang Tian to the extreme.

When Dongfang Ding greeted Jiang Tian, ​​the occasion was unprecedented and extremely impressive. A chariot was pulled by a horse that was tiptoeing into the sky, forming a long queue in the sky. The canopy was like clouds, the precious light was like stars, and the welcoming team was thousands of long.

"Junior Dongfang Ding would like to welcome the imperial master, Mr. Jiang Siqing!"

"Thank you, sir, for quelling the rebel party, guarding the land and the country, turning the sky upside down, and saving hundreds of millions of Dawn people from the fire and water!"

Facing Jiang Tian from a distance, Dongfang Ding bowed deeply, respectfully, and held the disciple ceremony, just like a believer seeing a god.

He also held a large seal in his hands and held up a bright yellow triangular flag!

The Great Seal of the Protector of the Country!

The banner of Zhenguo Guoshi!

Represents the supreme authority.

His status and authority are so high that he is above many princes, ministers, the four great dukes, even the prince and tutor, and second only to the king of a country!

In other words, even if the prince and princess see him, they must bow respectfully as if they were facing a teacher.

The national master can discuss friendship with the emperor's peers!

Seriously, one person is inferior to ten thousand people!

"Give ten cities including the main city of Jianghan City, as well as affiliated territories, as a fiefdom for the national division!"

"Give me a royal garden, a mansion overlooking the river, and a residence for the Imperial Master!"

In addition, there were ceremonial officers holding the land deeds of the fiefdom, the land deeds of the Imperial City and the Imperial Palace, and the spar bills, and shouted loudly!

The amount of the spar bill was extremely terrifying. It was the spending amount of the royal treasury for ten years, but it was all given to Jiang Tian!

The area of ​​the fiefdom is even more terrifying. The fiefdoms of Zishanhou Jiang Hancheng, Shanshuihou and others all belong to Jiang Tian!

The Kanjiang Residence is the prince's residence and occupies a spiritual line. Although it is not as good as the Imperial Palace, it is definitely far superior to the residences of the major princes!

Therefore, this scene shocked everyone.

"This, this, let the prince actually perform the disciple ceremony!"

"Have you been promoted to National Master?"

"The prince calls him out in front of everyone, which is tantamount to telling the world!"

"What an honor this is!"

"Also, the Guanjiang Mansion was originally the private property of the prince! It was his favorite. It is said that he accumulated and built it for fifty years, and countless array masters, rune masters and skilled craftsmen spent endless efforts. , it’s all done! Now, it’s been given to Jiang Siqing.”

Everyone couldn't believe it, sighed, and were extremely envious.

"The prince... he really knows how to win people's hearts!"

Even Fang Jinlong looked dull, as if he was in a dream.

He knew that the prince was good at winning people's hearts, but he didn't expect that he would spend so much money. Especially the Guanjiang County, the elegant garden, which is like a fairy palace, extremely exquisite. Dongfang Ding likes it extremely, but he can't bear to part with it!

"Do you know? Jiang Siqing is the most powerful person in our Black Sun Star Territory!"

"A casual cultivator from outside the river defends the position of national master. He is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. This is the first time in the world!"

Among the onlookers, Guo Chuandong was so excited that his whole body was trembling with excitement. He was so proud that he shed tears and spoke plainly to the few guests from the Lin family around him.

I just feel like I have never been so proud in my life.

It was even said that he had never been so excited when he ascended to the realm of Nascent Soul and defended his position as Heavenly King in his home star field.

Jiang Tian was slightly stunned, but he didn't expect that Dongfang Ding would be willing to win over him even after he killed Su Xiaotang of the Luoying Sect.

The reason why he killed Su Xiaotang was because he felt that his death, Jiang Tian's, was too big, his reputation was too loud, and there were too many causes and effects, which was not conducive for him to experience the mortal world, and was not conducive for him to avoid the observation of the giants of the Nine Heavens Immortal World!

Apart from Marquis Zishan, Lin Hanqing no longer had any enemies close to him.

Therefore, Jiang Tian already wanted to leave.

Use another identity to start a new life.

Therefore, he wanted to kill Su Xiaotang and make the prince Dongfang Ding, who was deeply in the city, give up trying to win over him.

This result surprised him.

Prince Dongfang Ding still refuses to give up!

However, for an old man like Jiang Tian who has been through two lifetimes, there is nothing he has never seen before.

there is always a solution to a problem.

You have a good plan, I have a wall ladder.

I can fight, no matter how many calculations you make, it will be useless.

The initiative is always in my hands!

Therefore, after being slightly surprised, Jiang Tian immediately regained his composure.

He held the Dongfang Ding up with his empty hands, and said with a light smile:

"Thank you for your kindness to Your Majesty and the Crown Prince. Although Jiang is a monk outside the river, he has a low status and dare not forget about his country. Since I have come to live in the empire, I should regard this place as my second hometown. A monk, for his homeland And isn’t fighting the right thing to do?”

"You are so humble that you dare not forget about your country? Your words are not only pleasant to listen to, but also thought-provoking."

On the side, Princess Mo Yu glanced at Jiang Tian blankly, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion again.

"It's disrespectful!"

Jiang Tian also accepted many rewards calmly.

This time, Jiang Tian's soldiers quelled the rebellion of the southern princes led by the Purple Shirt Marquis without any bloodshed, and he was granted the title of Protector of the Country. He became famous all over the world and shocked the entire Eastern Empire.

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