Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1961 Butterfly Effect

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

In the distance, Lin Hanqing was full of regrets and sighed: "Alas. Mr. Jiang is a genius, just like a nine-day dragon. How can he be trapped in the shallows for a long time? It is definitely not something that my small Lin family can accommodate. ?”

National Preceptor, that is a member of the royal family!

The princes must not be driven at will!

To put it bluntly, even if Lin Hanqing faces any danger in the future, he will not be able to ask Jiang Tian for help!

Otherwise, the rules are broken!

Thinking of this, he also looked at Lin Dai'er next to him with regret and anger, and said: "If you had agreed to that marriage, Mr. Jiang could have stayed in the family forever, or in other words, protected our Lin family forever. ! After all, the law of the country never destroys family relationships. But now..."

"Dai'er, it's a pity that you don't have this blessing!"

Lin Yang shook his head repeatedly and sighed.

Hearing these words, the regret in Lin Daier's heart became even stronger.

How could she have imagined that at Hefeng Inn, that ordinary, mediocre, and even a bit shabby casual cultivator from outside the river, a mere Nascent Soul cultivator, would achieve the status and glory he has today?

Just unbelievable.

Just like what his father said, what an honor it would have been if he had married Jiang Tian? How glorious will the Lin family be? At least in the Eastern Empire, the Lin family of the Zhenyuan Hou Mansion was simply inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people!

However, thinking of the late Jiang Tian slapping her and scolding her on Baihua Peak, Lin Daier felt resentful again and thought with gloating:

"Alas, although you have the strength of a saint, you are not the top after all. You are still incomparable with those Holy Land Divine Sects. You act rampantly and unscrupulously, and even dare to kill people from the Luoying Sect. I am afraid that the Luoying Sect's revenge will come soon."

In the country of cultivation, everything is practical.

The ceremony for conferring the title of Imperial Master is simple and does not involve many red tapes.

End soon.

However, at the end of the ceremony, Jiang Tian suddenly looked back at Princess Mo Yu and said, "Hu Niu, do you remember this person, Lord Qi Ling? One of the four guardians of the Demon Emperor's Palace!"

"Hu Niu?"

And hearing this title, the prince, second prince and little princess next to him were all dumbfounded.

Princess Mo Yu was so angry that her face turned red and her silver teeth were biting secretly.

The majestic princess, the imperial goddess of war, is inviolable. She was called "Tiger Girl"? Where is the royal dignity?

Jiang Tian is too arrogant!

However, Princess Mo Yu couldn't get angry.

Not to mention that Jiang Tian killed the Purple Shirt Marquis, quelled the rebellion of the southern princes, avoided a major war, and made immortal contributions. Jiang Tian alone taught her the twelve divine sounds of Lang Huan and guided her in her cultivation. It made her feel that she owed Jiang Tian too much.

The anger passed away in a flash, and Princess Mo Yu quickly noticed Jiang Tian's words. She frowned slightly, as if there was an unsolvable confusion, and said: "I seem to think that this person seems to have interacted with me, but , the memory becomes more and more blurred, it seems real and illusory, I can’t remember it!”

This feeling is very strange.

"My memory is also very confusing. I feel that Lord Qi Ling has a lot to do with me, but, who is he?" The god of Lord Niu Ben also murmured to himself.

He was hidden in the depths of Jiang Tian's sea of ​​consciousness, suppressed by the soul of the Prison Suppressing Demon God. He was like a little white rabbit under the giant claws of a tiger, with no power to struggle and could be annihilated or swallowed at any time.

"Yeah! That's right!"

Jiang Tian chuckled lightly and didn't explain much, but his eyes gradually became serious.

This is the corrective power of history!

Jiang Tian used the time laws of the eternal universe to punch out the fist of time. He separated the time barrier with one punch and traveled through the past, present, and future. Looking back on the long river of time, he came to the time when God Qi Ling was weak and killed him with a sword. This is tantamount to changed history.

From that moment on, the existence of God Qi Ling no longer existed in this time and space, which meant that Jiang Tian returned to the past and changed history.

Time is like a long river, it will not stop for the lack of a wave, it will continue to rush forward.

However, the long river of time has the natural power of erosion, convergence and correction.

Erosion and restraint make the move against time extremely difficult to hinder.

In the long river of time, people will be washed away by time and decay uncontrollably.

Heaven and earth determine that even gods, Buddhas, immortals, and saints are bound to live long lives. Even if they live to live in the tens of thousands or even longer, they will not escape the fate of a handful of loess in the end.

In all the heavens and worlds, in the vast universe of galaxies, there are countless amazing and brilliant figures in ancient and modern times who have worked hard to come up with all kinds of wonderful methods, such as life extension, resurrection, body snatching, Shinto way and ghost way. Unfortunately, they are only temporary. The use of it cannot escape the fate of heaven and earth. It is washed away by time, decayed and decayed, turned into smoke and dust, and returned to nothingness.

Looking back on the past is like sailing against the current. The erosion it received was ten times or a hundred times that of the long river of time. This is the reason why Jiang Tian can only stay in three thousand years for three snaps. Even if he is a dignified gangster, he can't bear it.

Space is like a river bank, and time is like a long river.

The power of correction is the converging power of heaven and earth. In order to maintain the existing historical route and the self-consistency of logic, space and existence are "modified". Completely delete God Qi Ling from this world and erase all traces, including the memories in everyone's minds.

"The eternal universe is in chaos, everything is impermanent, and the fist of time can look back to the past and affect the still have to use it with caution!"

Ignoring everyone's confused gazes, Jiang Tian looked slightly sad and sighed in his heart:

"In addition to mastering many supreme skills, my biggest advantage is that I have the foresight and the opportunity to take advantage of my new life. Although this fist is invincible, it has changed history, affected the present, and affected the future. Isn't it a move? Lift a stone and hit yourself in the foot?"

His eyes pierced through the void, as if he had arrived at the area filled with demonic energy: "I hope the butterfly effect won't be so strong, and the time when the baby from Devil's Back Ridge will be born won't change much! Otherwise, I'll be blinded!"

The next few days.

Jiang Tian sits in Jianghan City, assisted by Fang Jinlong and other four great dukes, and the eldest princess Mo Yu cooperates closely.

Prince Dongfang Ding acted quickly and with thunderous force, screened and purged the southern princes who had followed the Zishan Hou rebellion.

Elites who sincerely repent are deprived of their hereditary titles and fiefs, and are replaced by civil servants and military generals, and they perform meritorious service for their crimes.

The die-hards such as Shanshuihou, who had close ties with Zishanhou, were all killed and the nine tribes were annihilated.

The mediocre people, after being deprived of their titles and fiefs, were demoted to common people and exiled to the frontier.

Due to the suppression of the terrifyingly powerful and ferocious Jiang Tian, ​​Dongfang Ding's disposal did not encounter any substantial obstacles and was as powerful as a broken bamboo.

"Alas, Dongfang Ding has won over Saint Siqing. The empire is forever solid, as stable as Mount Tai!"

"Whoever dares to betray the royal family will end up like the Purple Shirt Hou Shan Shui Hou!"

When Shan Shuihou and more than two hundred people were led to the guillotine and turned into powder under the bombardment of large magic weapons, with both body and soul destroyed, countless princes who were watching the ceremony were trembling and uneasy. For a moment, they could no longer Dare to show disobedience to the royal family.

And when Shan Shuihou and other party members were publicly executed, it also announced that the turmoil in the empire had finally come to an end.

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