The far east of the Holy Yuan Continent.

A green escaping light pierced the sky and ran towards him at an incredible speed.

Moreover, this escaping light sometimes disappears and appears, sometimes burrowing into the mountains, and sometimes appearing in the sea of ​​clouds tens of thousands of miles away.

Obviously, the owner of this escaping light is very cautious and sneaks up. I don’t know if he was being hunted or something.

"He really didn't chase me!"

Hua Xiangrong used extreme speed and ran all the way until she saw the large immortal seal characters "Luoying Sect" hanging high in the sky, and then he breathed a long sigh of relief.

However, she still glanced behind her with lingering fear, as if she had narrowly escaped death.

Along the way, she was worried that Jiang Tian would catch up with her and kill her.

But she never expected that Jiang Tian was not chasing him from the beginning to the end. She was just a false alarm.

"This Jiang Siqing is so audacious. Does he simply ignore the dignity of the Luoying Sect? He thinks that our Luoying Sect can't kill him if we don't kill him! This is simply unreasonable!"

Hua Xiangrong glanced at the vast and endless sect, and suddenly felt a little angry in her heart. Her plump chest heaved violently with anger, and she almost wanted to burst out of her clothes.

The territory of Luoying Sect is no less than that of a border country.

Cultivation of immortals requires countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures, especially large sects, which are supported by many outer sect industries, forming countless cities, trading houses, etc.

Among the mountains, there are exquisite buildings, which are very elegant. They do not pursue tallness and grandeur, but have a Taoist and natural flavor. They complement the high mountains, long rivers and vegetation, and are completely natural. They stretch for hundreds of miles and can't be seen at a glance.

Looking at these buildings, a breath of vitality and civilization rushes towards our faces. The whole world is filled with vitality, which is refreshing.

On these mountains, inside and outside the buildings, there are a large number of monks and mortals coming and going, the traffic is busy, the streams are flowing, the people are loud, and it is extremely prosperous. Day and night are endless, and night has come. The entire sect was ablaze with lights inside and outside.

Beyond these buildings, there are mountains floating in the sky, shrouded in clouds and mist, scattered in an orderly manner, and flowers in full bloom.

These mountain peaks stretch to a very far distance, like the scales on a giant dragon. There are countless of them. Even with Hua Xiangrong's spiritual consciousness, he can't see the end at a glance.

This is the deepest part of the Luoying Sect, the core area, called Tianmai Mountain.

According to rumors, it is a dragon vein in the entire Shengyuan Continent, which is unfathomable. It was famous in the ancient times, but now, it has been completely occupied by the Luoying Sect.

After pinching a talisman, Hua Xiangrong sped up again. After several flashes, he also appeared on a floating mountain peak.

This mountain peak is not high, but the scenery is beautiful. Ganoderma lucidum and ginseng, fairy peaches, white deer, and white apes are jumping in the mountains everywhere. Various flowers are blooming. Many spiritual springs and waterfalls are flowing. It is a small and exquisite cave paradise.

It belongs to Qianmo Saint.

The flowers all over the mountains and plains are as bright as clouds and brocade. Walking in it is like walking in a painting, it is so beautiful.

Various colorful birds are flying and walking among them, and butterflies are also dancing. Some butterflies are so huge that they look like cattail fans.

Hua Xiangrong even saw a butterfly that was almost as tall as a person in the depths of the flowers. It was flapping its wings and pollen was flying in all directions. It was like a dream.

"These butterflies are all teachers' pets. Any one of them has Nascent Soul cultivation. Some of them are quite powerful, even as good as me!"

When Hua Xiangrong looked at the butterfly, the colorful butterflies on her body, which were as tall as a person, also felt her. A strong law emanated from the butterfly, but it stopped at the slightest contact.

Hua Xiangrong smiled slightly.

The butterfly and the flower Xiangrong knew each other, and they were just playing with her. But if it were an intruder, even if she had the realm of becoming a god, she would probably be killed on the spot.

Hua Xiangrong followed the winding flower path up the mountain, which was as complicated as nine twists and turns.

These flowers seemed to vaguely form a large formation. If she hadn't been extremely familiar with every plant and tree here and understood the mysteries of it, she would have fallen into this large formation and turned into bones and mud, like spring mud. Wanhua absorbs.

Hundreds of flowers bloom, seemingly all year round. The entire mountain peaks and valleys are filled with warm and moist air currents. Naturally condensed and formed, the four seasons are like spring.

Even the soil of the earth is filled with the fragrance of flowers.

For thousands of years, flower petals have fallen into the soil, forming flower mud, which itself is an unparalleled elixir that can transform human flesh and bones into life and death when used on mortals.

There were heavy clouds and mist in the mountains. Suddenly, my eyes lit up. Through the clouds and mist, I could see the sun hanging in the sky, shining thousands of golden lights, and coating the sea of ​​clouds with a layer of gold, making it look extremely magnificent and dazzling.

At this time, she was already on a huge platform halfway up the mountain.

The floor of this platform is crystal white, with many exquisite patterns and crack marks inside a layer of enamel, like porcelain.

At first glance, it seems that it has been smelted by the supreme true fire, tempered into the law, and integrated with Gang Qi. Even a powerful attack by the powerful God Transformer can hardly leave any trace.

This platform is equivalent to a square, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people, but now it is empty.

Deep in the square is a cave palace with no building materials. It seems to be based on the entire mountain and hollowed out and carved out of it.

The saint Qianmo was so grand that he built a palace into a mountain peak.

Just as Hua Xiangrong stood still, a female cultivator wearing a white Taoist robe, with her hair in a high bun, a delicate face, eyes as quiet as a flat lake, an elegant and serene temperament, appeared out of her.

Hua Xiangrong hurriedly prostrated to the ground, with complex expressions of reverence, fear and panic on her face, and said in a trembling voice:

"Disciple pays homage to his mentor. The Purple Shirt Marquis was besieged by the Imperial Master of the Eastern Empire. The disciples were incompetent, inferior in skills, and failed to intercept them. As a result, the Purple Shirt Marquis's family was tragically destroyed, and even the Bone-Huan Kun Heavenly Mirror was broken. Unfortunately, Junior Sister Su died. "The disciple is incompetent, the disciple is guilty, and he has failed the teacher. Please punish him severely!"

"Can the Bone-Hua Kun Heavenly Mirror be broken? Are the semi-saints and saints from the Eastern Royal Family joining forces to attack?"

Saint Qianmo's fair and crystal-clear face, like jade, showed a slight trace of emotion, but he quickly regained his composure and asked in a deep voice.

The Kuntian Mirror of Transforming Bones is the magic weapon that Zi Qianmo relies on to become famous. After her sacrifices several times, it contains the law of the blazing sun and the power of Kuntian. In her opinion, this treasure is too powerful. With this treasure, Su Xiaotang can make the entire Eastern Empire invincible.

At least, alone, invincible.

Only the dying, half-dead half-saints and saints from the Eastern Empire royal family can join forces to have a slim hope of breaking the Bone-Transforming Kun Heavenly Mirror.

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