Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1963 Is he an Immortal Nascent Soul?

However, Zi Qianmo subconsciously felt that it was impossible.

Because the living fossils and old coffin boards of the Eastern Empire were all her contemporaries, and they fought side by side with her to create the Eastern Empire, and they had a very deep relationship with her. It is absolutely impossible to explode his magic weapon and kill his disciples.

In order to seek transcendence, he ended his earthly fate, cut off the cause and effect, and severed ties with the Zishan Hou Mansion.

This is not a pretense, but a real severing of contact.

It is acceptable for these old coffin boards from the Eastern Empire to suppress them.

After too many years, this blood relationship has become very weak.

Saint Qianmo is not willing to take revenge for these bloodline heirs at all.

In addition to the roots of her natal family, similar to Zishan Houfu, she has more than thousands of such families?

Today the one was injured, and she went to rescue him. Tomorrow, the one became obsessed with cultivation, and she went to give guidance and resolve it. The day after tomorrow, another one was killed, and she went to avenge him. Where would she have time to practice, and where would she have the energy to pursue the supreme thing? What about realm.

Moreover, she had heard a little bit about what Zishan Hou was doing. He was cruel and domineering, harmed loyal people, and bullied his colleagues. She had already abandoned her original intention and philosophy of establishing a clan.

Come to think of it, the reason why the Eastern Royal Family took action to suppress the people was because the Purple Dress Marquis was dishonest and caused a bloody storm, causing people to lose their lives and make their lives miserable.

To put it bluntly, even if the Eastern Royal Family does not take action, Saint Qianmo himself wants to clean up the family.

This time she sent Hua Xiangrong and Su Xiaotang to Zishanhou Mansion to bring them to the sect to clean up their affairs. In fact, she wanted to take the opportunity to give them a hard time and make them put the overall situation first, be loyal to the royal family, and not cause trouble to the empire.

But the master-disciple relationship is different!

It has already transcended the weak blood relationship.

Moreover, her disciples and disciples are also the practitioners and executors of her ideas.

In the view of Saint Qianmo, those old immortals from the Eastern Royal Family would definitely not do anything to their own disciples.

Even if the situation is urgent and they have no choice but to take action, they will come to their sect and explain the whole story to avoid any gaps.

"Or a battle formation?"

Zi Qianmo added in his mind.

The battle formation has gathered all living beings, and the strength of hundreds of millions of soldiers is like gathering sand to form a tower, gathering armpits to form fur, and trickling down to form a great river. Moreover, in recent years, in order to resist the interference of sects, the knowledge of the mortal empire's battle formations has also been improved and evolved.

If the Eastern Royal Family gathered many armies under dukes and marquises and gathered them together, it would be possible to break the battle formation.

"It's not the saint of the Eastern Royal Family, nor the power of the battle formation, but a casual cultivator named Jiang Siqing from outside the river! With a single command, he destroyed the Bone Transforming Heavenly Mirror."

Hua Xiangrong said in a deep voice.

"What? The power of the palm is so terrifying!"

A look of shock appeared on Zi Qianmo's pretty face, as if she had been greatly shocked, and she said in a cold voice:

"The Holy Soldiers are so powerful that they can use the power of heaven and earth to suppress people. It is extremely difficult to resist the Holy Soldiers. It is even more difficult to destroy the Holy Soldiers. Using the power of the palm of your hand to defeat the Holy Soldiers with one strike is even more difficult than climbing to the sky. Ah! This fellow Taoist Siqing is so powerful that he may be ranked among the top twenty in the entire continent!"

"If it were five hundred years ago, my master would not have reached the peak level he is now, and I would not have the confidence to break the Bone-Hua Kun Heavenly Mirror with one strike!"

"This boy is extremely talented and powerful. Even if I were to face him as a master, I would probably have to go through a lot of trouble to protect myself. It is reasonable for you not to protect your junior sister. Don't worry about it!" She waved with her right hand! Wave, the fallen flowers are in full bloom, the petals are rolled up, turning into a soft wind, lifting the flower Xiangrong up.

When Hua Xiangrong heard this, she couldn't believe it. She was so horrified that her whole body trembled, and she said excitedly: "This, this, this Jiang Siqing is so powerful!"

Zi Qianmo nodded slightly, and a smile appeared on her pretty face. Suddenly, it was like a hundred flowers blooming, making the whole world brighter. Her voice was like jade jade shaking each other, and it was extremely pleasant to the ear:

"This is what I said before as a teacher, love without aggression, and all living beings are equal. Shengyuan Continent is a whole, and the real enemy is the invasion of the demon world. Regardless of the loose cultivators outside the river, or the natives of the original body, we should love each other and support each other. ”

She was actually a bit elated and said with excitement: "Look, although this Jiang Siqing comes from outside the river, her strength is incredible. She is much stronger than those mainland natives who think highly of themselves and are complacent!"

At this point, she sighed, frowned slightly, looking very regretful, and said:

"He has the cultivation level to return to the void realm. I'm afraid his lifespan is at least five or six thousand years. No, the monks outside the river are slow to advance. I'm afraid his lifespan is already more than ten thousand years. It's a pity. His lifespan is too long, and the law is condensed. Being entangled is too deeply involved with the origin and conflicts with the wood-based skills of our Luoying Sect... Otherwise, if you can join our Luoying Sect and serve as an elder or hall master, wouldn't it be a rare talent? Wouldn't it make our Luoying Sect even more powerful? ?”

Hearing this, Hua Xiangrong couldn't help but interjected:

"Master, I wonder if this disciple was so flustered after a terrible battle that he didn't explain it clearly to you. That Jiang Siqing is extremely young, and his lifespan may not be a hundred years old, or even fifty years old. Moreover, he is in the realm of Nascent Soul, But he has the strength to defeat the Returning Saint..."


This time, Zi Qianmo was shocked and his body sank. The ground, which was like porcelain enamel, was suppressed until fine lines appeared. The entire mountain peak trembled slightly and sank a hundred meters.


Hua Xiangrong was startled and turned pale.

Zi Qianmo cultivates his mind and is steady, his mind is like still water. But at this moment, she couldn't even stabilize her body, her laws were all disordered, the earth was cracked, and the mountain peaks were suppressed. It was obvious that her mentality was extremely unstable.

"How can there be such a person in the world? Yuanying, who is less than a hundred years old, has the ability to overpower the gods, catch up with the strength of returning to the void, and even catch up with the saints. This, this is a peerless genius that is rarely seen in ancient times and shocked the past and the present. !”

Zi Qianmo was filled with emotion and disbelief.

She waved her hand and said: "Bring all Jiang Siqing's achievements to me!"

During this time, she had been in seclusion, so she knew nothing about what was happening in the outside world. However, the intelligence system of a great sect like the Luoying Sect is so huge and terrifying that it is all-pervasive and omniscient.

With a wave of his hand.

"Yes! Senior Qian Mo!"

The "Governor Hall" in charge of intelligence in the sect responded, and a gleaming message jade slip burst out of the depths of the hall entrance and appeared in front of Zi Qianmo in the blink of an eye.

The woman's expression was calm and airy.

The messenger jade slips bloomed with brilliance, and passages of text and lifelike pictures were also displayed in front of this woman.

The more the woman looked at it, the more frightened she became, and she sighed: "Great talent, genius! This boy is really good! In the realm of Yuanying, his strength is so terrifying. I'm afraid he is a holy Yuanying, or even a higher level , the rare immortal Nascent Soul!"

"What? Immortal Nascent Soul? Immortal Nascent Soul that is like the youngest son of the Nine Heavens Immortal!"

After hearing this, Hua Xiangrong couldn't believe it, and her face changed wildly as if she had been struck by lightning.

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