Immortal grade Nascent Soul is really too rare.

In the entire Shengyuan Continent, there have never been a few of them in history. Even if there are those who claim to be Immortal Nascent Souls, the records about them are shrouded in clouds and illusory, and we dare not say that they are conclusive.

Many people speculate that these immortal souls may be far-fetched for various purposes.

Some people even assert that the Immortal Nascent Soul is a non-existent existence and is just a relatively powerful Holy Nascent Soul.

"A casual cultivator from outside the river turned out to be a dignified Immortal Nascent Soul. This is unbelievable. However, if this is not the case, how can we explain his power? With a mere Nascent Soul realm, he killed the Jueyuan Demon who was comparable to a saint. dragon."

Hua Xiangrong couldn't help being horrified after hearing this.

However, Hua Xiangrong suddenly reacted and lost her voice:

"Master, aren't you ready to avenge Junior Sister Su? Moreover, Jiang Siqing is so rampant, fierce, and extremely vicious. Even if you are kind-hearted and don't care about him, the world of cultivation has always been Cruel, will he believe it? He must be wary. When he grows up one day, he may kill the sect and avoid future troubles. "

After hearing this, Saint Qianmo looked over with a half-smile, and asked with a cold face: "So, you think that as a teacher, you should take advantage of its weakness and strangle it in the cradle to avoid the danger of raising a tiger, right?"

"This disciple indeed thinks so."

Hua Xiangrong said with a flash of resentment deep in his eyes.

"My teacher has told you many times that love is universal without aggression. Reaching the highest state means great love is like no love. This no love does not mean being ruthless and indifferent to all the people in the world. It means not being bound by emotions and being hindered by demons. We should look at cultivation, personnel, life and even the universe and the world with an objective and rational attitude.”

The sage from Qianmo said with sincerity and sincerity:

"Jiang Siqing did kill Su Xiaotang. But think about it, what is all this for? First of all, the Purple Shirt Marquis was deceived by the demon clan, and led the princes to stir up a rebellion to bring trouble to the Eastern Empire. In troubled times, heavy codes are used, and the Eastern Royal Family He is too weak, and the power and strength of the princes are too great. If Jiang Siqing does not kill him, I am afraid that there will be a second, third, and fourth Zishanhou in the near future. Come out!"

"I also saw the photos of your branding at that time. Xiaotang, this child, disappoints me as a teacher. I didn't expect that her understanding of the principles and doctrines is so rigid and rigid! Jiang Siqing killed Ziyun Xiao and Zishanhou's family. If she could avoid it, The war that followed saved hundreds of millions of people, do you understand?”

"Disciple understands!" Hua Xiangrong could only nod.

"Su Xiaotang went too far. Zi Yunxiao's life is life, but Jiang Siqing's life is not life? To save one person, kill one person. What's the point? What kind of virtue is this? If you don't agree, Just raise your hand and kill! Really...she turned a deaf ear to my teacher's words, which is an insult to the teacher!"

The Qianmo Saint's eyes were full of regret, mourning his misfortune, angry that he would not fight, shaking his head and sighing:

"Moreover, if Jiang Siqing is killed, the Eastern Empire will not be able to achieve a balance with the Palace of Ten Thousand Demons. The war will break out again! How many lives will be devastated by then? The war will continue, and the mountains and rivers will be shattered! Su Xiaotang is not killing Jiang Siqing alone, but killing hundreds of millions. Thousands of people!”

"You cannot forget your feelings and be unconventional, acting only based on your own likes and dislikes. Alas, my master sometimes really doubts whether you are suitable to be my disciples, and even said whether you are suitable for the purpose of the Luoying Sect's rules and regulations, and whether it is necessary to stay in the sect. In the door!"

Saint Qianmo's words were neither warm nor slow, but they were very shocking.

There was a vague intention of expelling her from the school.

It also brought great psychological pressure to Hua Xiangrong.

"Disciple knows his mistake. From now on, I will remember Master's teachings, truly love all without aggression, act with a virtuous heart, forget all emotions, love as no love, look at everything rationally and comprehensively, without being extreme or extreme. Self-pity!"

Hua Xiangrong was frightened, her face was pale, and she was sweating profusely. She couldn't stand, so she hurriedly fell to the ground, kowtowed like pounding garlic, and said in a trembling voice.

"Sigh. Our Luoying Sect's purpose and teachings are inherently contrary to ordinary human nature. When it comes to practice, it is naturally difficult and full of demonic obstacles."

Saint Qianmo shook his head gently, with a kind look on his face, smiled slightly, and said with deep emotion: "I don't blame you this time, so hurry up and get up!"

"You should take the time to go down the mountain to meet with the Eastern Royal Family and tell them about the rebellion of the Purple Shirt Marquis. I am deeply sorry for you."

Qianmo Sage said:

"The chaos in the Ten Thousand Demons Hall, I will help them put down the chaos."

"I also apologize to fellow Taoist Jiang Siqing on behalf of my master, and ask him to forgive me for my incompetent discipline. I hope he can ignore the past grudges and cooperate with us to suppress the Ten Thousand Demons Palace!"

"We can't just talk and talk. You go to the sect's treasury and get some training resources, at the Saint Soldier level, three to five, and give them to Saint Siqing!"

Saint Qianmo waved his hand slightly, indicating that Hua Xiangrong could go down.

"Yes! Disciple accepts the order!"

Hua Xiangrong bowed deeply, her graceful and sexy body twirled slightly, and disappeared from where she was.

Saint Qianmo had been standing quietly, speechless for a long time, like a jade goddess. After a long time, she sighed and murmured to herself:

"Three thousand years, and in the blink of an eye, it's another three thousand years. Three thousand years ago, my husband and I just met, hand in hand, wandering around the world, carefree. During a monster hunting mission, I met the founding emperor Dongfang Run by chance. I was shocked by his surprise. With his extraordinary talent and the unpredictable power of Zi Qi Dong Lai Gong, I also admire his ambition to care about the people, save the world, and relieve the people. I was inspired by him to conquer the world together and wipe out all the clans and tycoons in the world. Created a unified Eastern Empire."

A kind smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and her eyes became profound and vicissitudes of life, as if she had returned to the past when she was free and strong, when she traveled thousands of miles with a sword and fought against the world.

"Three thousand years have passed. Dongfang Run has already turned into a Tao and passed away. Shen Lang has also turned into a handful of loess. Only a bad old woman like me is left, still lingering. It's really desolate..." She sighed softly again, with endless emotion. The desolation and sadness.

Mortals often envy immortal cultivators for their long lifespan, longevity, and near-immortality.

But for immortal cultivators who live extremely long lives, is a long life really a lucky thing?

In a long period of time, it is so lonely and desolate to sit and watch your relatives grow old, your loved ones pass away, and even your descendants die before you, leaving you alone, facing the green lights and yellow scrolls, and the rain beating the duckweeds.

Time is ruthless, withering away the prosperity and shattering the beauty. In the end, even the memory has been washed away and covered, becoming blurred. I am left sitting alone in the long river of time, with no one to accompany me, and I don’t even know what night it is. This is a journey. Kind of lucky or unfortunate.

"Three thousand years ago, the passage between the two realms of the Critical Grand Canyon was opened, the barriers were broken, and the boundless evil energy exploded. The monsters were polluted, demonized, and violent. They became bloodthirsty, cruel, and ruthless, causing chaos in the world and annihilating the common people."

"At that time, the Eastern Dynasty had just established its country. It was in ruins and was in need of rebirth. The national power was weak, but it was still fearless. It shouldered the responsibility of sweeping away the monsters and suppressing the critical Grand Canyon. It was a very difficult fight!"

"At that time, we also asked for help from various major sects. However, in the eyes of the superior sects, we were just a newly established empire, with a few god-transformation monks, three or two big cats and kittens, and they were not worth mentioning at all. Except for the Ancient Medicine Palace and the Luo Ying Sect, no force sent troops to rescue them."

"In that battle, the masters of the Eastern Empire suffered countless casualties, with rivers of blood and bones. In the mortal world, there were ten rooms and nine empty houses, and people died of hunger everywhere. There were even tragic scenes of people exchanging children for food, just like a hell on earth! "

Saint Qianmo's eyes became even more sad, and he sighed:

"It's just that this time it's different. I am considered a giant in the Luoying Sect. I have some friendship with the leaders of the major divine sect holy places on the mainland and the emperor of the country. If I ask them to take action, they will also give some points. Thin noodles.”

Thinking of this, she immediately took action. The sound transmission disciple said that she wanted to travel around, so she flew out.

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