Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1965 News about Huang Linger!

The other side.

"Master has spent a lot of money to win over this Sage Siqing."

"Three or five holy weapons, my God. This has overdrawn Master's expenses for three to five hundred years!"

After arriving at the mountain peak where the Zongmen Treasury was located and receiving the treasure, Hua Xiangrong stood on the platform in front of the Treasury, wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, and murmured in shock.

"Master said there were three or five pieces, but I only received three. I was saving money for Master. After all, Jiang Siqing was just a casual cultivator outside the river. He had little knowledge and had never seen any heavenly and earthly treasures. Not to mention the three holy weapons. Just one thing would make his mouth split open to the point of his ears!”

At this time, suddenly, five rays of escaping light streaked through the sky and flew over. The escaping light suddenly fell on the platform and transformed into two men and three women, a total of five monks.

The leader, a god-transformation monk in blue, cupped his hands and said respectfully: "I have seen Senior Sister Hua!"

Hua Xiangrong's face froze slightly, and she returned the greeting seriously: "Hello, senior brother Xing! Hello, fellow senior brothers and sisters!"

The blue-robed god-transforming monk and the other monks are all disciples of Saint Lian Huahun.

Lianhuahun had just made a breakthrough from becoming a god to returning to the realm of virtual reality, and her cultivation strength was far inferior to that of her master, Saint Qianmo.

However, she is after all a saintly daughter of the Luoying Sect, the daughter of the current sect leader, so her status in the sect is very transcendent. Even Zi Qianmo and other elders, the giants of the Void Return Saints, had to be polite and treat her as equals when facing her.

Therefore, Hua Xiangrong did not dare to neglect them. Because they practice under different masters, it is not easy to rank them in terms of seniority and seniority. Therefore, they are all called "senior brother and senior sister" to show respect.

"Senior Brother Xing, when you came to the Treasury, did you come to receive the treasure as a reward from your mentor, or did you gain something and hand over the treasure?"

Hua Xiangrong had a good relationship with Senior Brother Xing, so she asked directly with a smile without any formality.


Hua Xiangrong is naturally charming and charming, and Senior Brother Xing also admires and loves her very much, so he has nothing to hide. He put his hands behind his back and said with a smile:

"The eldest son of Leiyang Sect, Yang Dingtian, came to propose marriage to his junior sister, Fairy Ling'er. He brought a lot of betrothal gifts, including ten holy weapons! There were also many miraculous elixirs such as holy elixirs. There were also treasures from their sect. Several ancient scrolls involving some hidden secret realms..."

"Oh? Fairy Ling'er is so lucky!"

Hearing this, Hua Xiangrong's pretty face froze slightly, unable to conceal her shock, and said with a half-smile.

Leiyang Sect is famous for its fierce and violent thunder methods. Although its strength is slightly lower than that of Gu Yaodian and Luoying Sect, it is still among the top ten in Shengyuan Continent. At its peak, it even ranked sixth. Bit. His eldest son's status is even more special, and he is expected to inherit the Taoist tradition in the future.

Although Yang Dingtian is not as powerful as Lianhuahun, Qingjue Fairy, Gu Xuan and others, his status is the same, and his authority and resources far exceed those of the sect core, elite disciples, and even the hall leader and helmsman. Go after the elder.

Hua Xiangrong knew Ling'er's background. It was said that he came from an extragalactic galaxy, and it was an extremely desolate galaxy. In Hua Xiangrong's eyes, there was almost no decent cultivation tradition in that star field. It was very desolate. It was praised as a remote and remote place, just like a primitive wild tribe.

Moreover, Huang Ling'er's root bones are not very good. Although they are Yimu spiritual roots, they are not considered to be saint-level physical bones, and can only be regarded as ninth-level ones.

Therefore, Hua Xiangrong felt quite sour in her heart.

I am much better than Huang Ling'er in every aspect, but I don't have such a good destination.

"Haha, our Huang Ling'er is not bad either!"

Next to him, a rather mischievous young monk smiled and said: "Ren Fengliu's latest 'Hundred Flowers' has been released. Junior sister Ling'er, this time, ranked third in the Hundred Flowers. Second only to Gu Xuan'er and Where is Fairy Qingjue!"

"Little brat. It's extremely boring to let this person like you. He doesn't do anything to practice. He spends all day wandering among the flowers. He is full of makeup. He is the most promiscuous person in the world in ancient and modern times. What are you doing with the "Ten Beautiful Pictures of Hundred Flowers"? 'Such as that, if Senior Lian finds out, I'm afraid he will beat you up!"

Hua Xiang Rongyu pointed at the young monk's forehead and said softly.

Ren Fengliu is also a famous and strange person in Shengyuan Continent.

He has good cultivation, powerful and unfathomable strength. Over the years, he has transformed into a god and even reached the realm of a saint.

But this person has no interest in cultivation, is free and uninhibited, and is very lazy and carefree.

I travel around the mountains and rivers every day and wander around. My favorite thing is to admire beauties, collect their imprints and take photos, comment on the rankings, and make jade slips such as "Hundred Flowers Spectrum" and "Ten Beautiful Pictures" for sale everywhere.

In fact, the income from selling jade slips is simply not worth mentioning to a powerful person like him.

Of course he does this kind of thing not for profit, but purely out of interest.

However, I have to say that Ren Fengliu's aesthetic standards are indeed not bad, and his vision is very tricky.

His evaluations such as the Hundred Flowers Book and the Ten Beautiful Pictures are highly recognized by all major sects.

Many male cultivators even use this as an important reference when looking for a Taoist partner. They really just "find according to the picture." It must have been because Yang Dingtian saw the photo of Huang Ling'er's imprint on the Hundred Flowers Book that he felt moved and came to propose marriage.

In the early years, some female nuns, in order to find a good home, even bribed Ren Fengliu with natural and earthly treasures.

But Ren Fengliu not only flatly refused, but also made their list public through Baihuapu, and made vicious comments, making these female cultivators dying of shame and anger.

However, Ren Fengliu is so ruthless and "selfless", which also makes rankings such as the Ten Most Beautiful Pictures of Hundred Flowers more authoritative and credible, and has more fans.

"Hehe. I only look at it occasionally!"

The young monk scratched his scalp and smiled.

But at this time, Senior Brother Xing frowned, sighed softly, and said: "This Hundred Flowers Book is also harmful to people."

"Senior brother, why did you say this?"

Hua Xiangrong asked.

"Once I get on the list, my mentality changes immediately."

Senior Brother Xing smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying:

"Little Junior Sister Ling'er, Senior Sister, you have met her too. She used to be modest and low-key, kind to others, and even said she would accept every situation. But after being on this list, when Yang Dingtian came to propose marriage, she flatly refused and even threatened death. This , This, isn’t this too embarrassing for Master?”

Senior Brother Xing just said, "I'm so shameless."

Hua Xiangrong was also very strange and said:

"Yeah, I really don't know what's going on with Huang Ling'er? Not to mention that Yang Dingtian is more than good enough for her. Even if she is an ordinary disciple, she shouldn't disobey the saintess when she decides on this marriage. The saintess takes her from What a blessing it is to bring this small, remote place to the Holy Yuan Continent!”

"I think Master dotes on her too much. If you punish her a few times according to the sect rules, let her know it hurts. Look at her dare to say 'no'!"

"That's right! The saint was helped by Yang Dingtian's father back then, and she owes a huge favor. The little bitch named Huang doesn't know how generous the world is. If she refuses this marriage, wouldn't she be causing trouble for the master?"

"You are not sensible at all! You should be killed!"

The other three female cultivators under Lianhuahun's seat were sarcastic and vicious.

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