Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1966 Love across the sea of ​​stars

Hua Xiangrong smiled and said nothing.

In fact, they were jealous, madly jealous.

Although the purpose of the Luoying Sect is to love all and not attack, and all things are equal.

But those who practice it as profoundly as the Qianmo Saint are extremely rare.

Many disciples just talk about it, but in their hearts they still have deep sectarian views and pay attention to bloodline and origin. When they meet strong people, they look down upon themselves, and when they meet weak people, they look down upon them.

In the eyes of these female cultivators, Huang Ling'er, a cultivator from outside the river who came from the wild and primitive star field, was simply not worthy of Yang Dingtian.

However, these things did not have much to do with her. After hearing this, she clasped her fists and left.

Core disciples like Ruhua Xiangrong have their own mountain peaks and several palaces as dojos.

After taking the three holy weapons, Hua Xiangrong's next step was to prepare for the trip to the Eastern Empire, select the disciples to accompany him, and so on. Therefore, without too much delay, he directly used the escape method and returned to his dojo.

From a distance, I saw a female cultivator standing pretty and motionless at the door of the dojo. Her figure was graceful and exquisite. Even though she was wrapped in the spacious core disciple uniform robe, she still couldn't hide her graceful and graceful appearance.

Moreover, her facial features are exquisite, her pretty face without makeup is as clear and moist as ice jade, her beautiful eyes are as bright as gems, her simple round head has a jasper hairpin on her neck, Slender and snowy.

"It's Huang Ling'er! Why are you here at my dojo!"

Although Hua Xiangrong did not have a close relationship with Huang Ling'er, Huang Ling'er was so beautiful and famous that she naturally knew him.

Hua Xiangrong lowered her escape light and walked to less than a hundred meters away from Huang Ling'er, but Huang Ling'er hadn't reacted yet.

Her beautiful eyes stared blankly at a point in the distance, motionless, like a white jade statue.

"Ahem. I don't know if Fairy Ling'er has arrived at this humble abode, but it's a long way to welcome her!"

Hua Xiangrong coughed slightly, wanting to laugh in her heart.

Huang Ling'er has a sense of insanity in her body, she is completely natural and very cute.

Just like an elk in the forest, it is harmless to humans and animals. It can even be said that it lacks the vigilance and vigilance that a monk should have.

If Lianhuahun hadn't protected her so well, she would have died countless times.

She is kind to others, does not fight for anything, is indifferent and has clear ambitions, and is weak and pitiful. People can't help but feel a desire to protect her.

Even though they were both women, Hua Xiangrong couldn't dislike her.


Huang Ling'er was so frightened that she suddenly regained consciousness.

After looking closely to see clearly that it was Hua Xiangrong, Huang Ling'er came closer with lotus steps, gathered her clothes, knelt down and saluted, and said respectfully: "Junior sister Huang Ling'er, I have met Senior Sister Hua! It's rude to visit rashly. I hope that Senior Sister will take care of me." !”

She is inherently beautiful, and the deeper her cultivation is, the stronger her natural and fresh aura becomes. He is often accompanied by the saint Lianhuahun. After her careful training, every move he makes is graceful, elegant, beautiful and natural, just like a rare treasure.

"Ling'er, you don't have to be so formal. We are all disciples of the Luoying Sect, we are like brothers, we support each other, and we are as close as brothers."

Hua Xiangrong smiled and asked, "Why are you looking for me?"

With a burst of intoxicating fragrance, Huang Ling'er walked up to Hua Xiangrong, stretched out her slender hands, and grabbed Hua Xiangrong's sleeves, which were as white as translucent suet jade.

Her pretty face raised slightly, her clear eyes full of sadness and expectation, and she asked in a charming voice: "Senior Sister Hua, your status in the sect is far higher than that of my junior sister. I want to beg you. One thing...can you help me retrieve the branding photos of Sage Siqing!"

The battle between Jiang Tian and Demon Dragon Jueyuan became famous in the mainland and shocked the world.

Many Shenzong giants and great religious leaders hold him in high esteem, commenting on him as "the number one person under the Returning Saint" and "unparalleled in combat power, with the ability to directly catch up with the Returning Saint", and they do not hesitate to praise him.

However, the specific battle brand photos have been classified as top secret information by various sects. Those who do not meet a certain status and identity are not qualified to borrow and study them.

"Junior sister, do you want to watch this person's skills and fighting methods?"

Hua Xiangrong smiled slightly.

Huang Linger nodded.

Hua Xiangrong said: "That's true. This man does have extraordinary fighting prowess, a strong physical body, and unpredictable magical powers. Watching his battle photos will be of great benefit to our cultivation and improvement of our combat awareness!"

Although she didn't like Jiang Tian's overbearing style, she had to admit that Jiang Tian's strength was indeed formidable.

He couldn't help but sigh:

"Master is right. All living beings are equal, a mud puddle can turn into a dragon pond, and a carp can jump over a dragon gate. Who would have thought that he, a casual cultivator from outside the river from the Black Sun Star Territory, has the strength, talent, skills, and combat power , are far superior to the mainland natives like us?”

"Ah? He, Saint Siqing, is from the Black Sun Star Territory?"

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Huang Linger's delicate body trembled as if struck by lightning, and her jade hands tightly pulled Hua Xiangrong's sleeves to prevent her from falling to the ground.

"Junior Sister Ling'er, what's wrong with you?"

Hua Xiangrong looked over in surprise.

Huang Ling'er's face was filled with sadness and despair, and two lines of clear tears rolled down her snowy cheeks. With a rustling sound, they dripped onto the jade-like glazed surface, crystal clear, like morning dew.

"It's not him, it's not him after all..."

Huang Ling'er murmured in her heart, her mind in chaos.

Ever since that day, when she was patrolling the territory of Mars, she was taken away from the solar system by the Master who traveled across the sea of ​​​​stars. After arriving at Shengyuan Continent, she no longer missed her homeland, relatives and friends, and... Jiang Tian all the time. .

Those plants and trees, those city streets, those majestic mountains and rivers, and the more profound things behind the mountains and rivers are all separated from her by billions of light years, separated by the vast galaxy of light years that seems to be difficult to penetrate forever.

On the Holy Yuan Continent, the spiritual energy is more abundant, like a waterfall in the ocean, the laws are more condensed, the avenues are more tenacious, and it can even be said that this land is vaster and more magnificent.

However, in Huang Ling'er's opinion, she was like a creature that had lost the traction of the earth, lost gravity, and was floating in the universe.

A creature as small and indistinct as dust.

Over the past few years, she begged Lianhuahun again and again to let her go back.

She cried, knelt down, and even threatened death, detonating her Nascent Soul and committing suicide.

In the past few years, she no longer worried about what would happen to the earth if the Beidou monsters invaded, and whether the human race on earth would become extinct. She also didn't know what the outcome of Jiang Tian's battle with the Immortal Ruins would be, and whether he would fall into that strange world.

In the Luoying Sect, she seemed to be free, but in reality she was like a prisoner, a life worse than death.

"Live, you must live! No matter how difficult it is, you must live!"

"As long as there is a glimmer of hope and Jiang Tian is still alive in this world, I can't die!"

She kept telling herself and encouraging herself that since Jiang Tian was a cultivator, he would definitely reach the Central Galaxy one day. According to the path calculation, Shengyuan Continent is also the only way for Jiang Tian to reach the Central Galaxy.

I have to wait for him to come!

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