Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

Whenever a monk from outside the river rises up, Huang Ling'er will inquire carefully.

Especially the rise of Jiang Siqing this time gave Huang Ling'er an unprecedented hope. Just like telepathy, an inexplicable intuition told her that Jiang Siqing was Jiang Tian!

However, I didn't expect that what was waiting was still a disappointment.

Since this Saint Siqing comes from the Black Sun Star Territory, he cannot be Jiang Tian.

Besides, although Jiang Tian was extremely talented, it was impossible for him to break through so quickly. In just a few years, he could reach the realm of returning to the void, or have the power of a saint.

The most important thing is that Master also said that if you want to cross the star sea and return to the realm of a saint, you also need space secret treasures to cross the star river within a few years.

According to Lianhuahun's observation, none of the cultivation civilizations in the galaxy have the methods or materials to refine space treasures. The method can be quickened, but the materials cannot be quickened. It is impossible for Jiang Tian to possess the space secret treasure in a short period of time.

"Oh, I'm so wishful thinking. When Jiang Tian becomes the Saint of Return to the Void and comes to this world, maybe I will be at the end of my life and become an old woman with goose skin and crane head and shaky teeth. It is even said that I have already fallen and transformed. For a few dry bones and a slope of loess!”

Huang Ling'er was devastated and staggered away, forgetting to say goodbye to Hua Xiangrong.

"What a weirdo. Could it be that Huang Ling'er and Jiang Siqing know each other?"

Looking at Huang Ling'er's retreating back, Hua Xiangrong felt suspicious and thought:

"But, that's not right. There is a Black Sun Star Territory and a Milky Way galaxy, separated by countless galaxies in the sea of ​​stars. Their cultivation levels are not high. The key is that they do not have space secret treasures, just like butterflies cannot fly across the sea. How can we meet? acquaintance?"

Although Jiang Tian's fiefdom is in Hanjiang City and other southern Xinjiang areas, the national master should be based in the imperial city.

Jiang Tian took the chariot, sat side by side with Princess Mo Yu, and set off for the imperial city.

Dongfang Ding personally sat with him at Xia Shou.

Dongfang Ying hugged Jiang Beibei, as friendly as the big sister next door.

The four great dukes and various princes stood on both sides and sent each other off respectfully.

When passing by the people of Lin Mansion in Zhenyuan Hou Mansion.

"Congratulations to the Imperial Master!"

Lin Hanqing, the Marquis of Zhenyuan, bowed deeply and his eyes filled with tears. Unconsciously, tears fell down.

He really couldn't understand it.

Why is it that Jiang Tian is so powerful that he can stand on par with the Holy Land giants and divine sect leaders, and has the qualifications to be proud of the emperor, but he still chooses to be a guest in the Lin family, trying his best to resolve the Lin family's crisis several times.

It can be said that without Jiang Tian, ​​the Lin family would have been played to death by the Purple Shanhou, and would have been destroyed by the iron hoof of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace.

"Congratulations to the Imperial Master!"

Lin Yang even half-knelt on the ground, as if he were a senior teacher.


Jiang Tian turned his head, smiled and nodded, and there was a hint of depth in his eyes.

He was well aware of Dongfang Ding's wooing.

For ordinary people, Dongfang Ding has such generous rewards, such courtesy and attention, and they will definitely win over people's hearts, become loyal, and work hard for Dongfang Ding.

But in Jiang Tian's mind, these rewards given by Dongfang Ding are not worth mentioning.

After all, he is the most powerful Chaos Divine Body in the universe, and what he pursues is the supreme realm. How detached and noble is he? To him, the earthly treasures, cities and mansions, titles and honors are like passing clouds and do not linger in his mind.

The combined total of the Eastern Royal Family and even the Eastern Empire were not as important as Lin Yang.

After all, in the previous life, Lin Yang's family was ruined and his body and soul were destroyed because of Jiang Tian.

"It doesn't matter how Dongfang Ding uses me. I spent a long time in this country in my last life. For me, this is also my hometown. As long as he doesn't be jealous of talents and hurt the Lin family, I am willing to do more for this country and its people." Do something!”

Jiang Tian sighed in his heart.

The imperial capital is located in the middle of the empire, vast and vast, stretching for hundreds of miles. If it were not for the help of a flying magic weapon and galloping on a horse, it would take several days to cross it.

The majestic city wall is as tall and towering as a mountain. It is made of black iron sacred stone and shines with metallic luster. It is covered with sword marks, telling the vicissitudes and antiquity of history.

There are gate towers on all sides, thousands of meters high. According to different directions, they are carved into the images of mythical beasts such as Suzaku and Xuanwu. They are majestic, ferocious and mighty. Looking from a distance, it gives people a sense of psychological oppression. feel.

In the sky, brilliance fills the sky, and there are many radiant phenomena, forming layers of protective shields. The mana fluctuates strongly. There is a large formation guarding here that can kill the returning saint. It is impregnable. It is a meteorite that attacks the earth. Neither can penetrate the shield.

In the city, there are many high-rise buildings and wide streets. The prosperity is far better than that of the metropolis on the earth. The people are bustling with people. There are crystal squares, immortal towers, Fengyue Palace, Danyao Palace, Shenbing Pavilion... all kinds of businesses. , extremely luxurious, with mortals and monks mixed together.

In the sky, there are escaping lights flashing from time to time, which are monks flying with swords. There were also royal guards passing by to monitor the city and combat and prevent all kinds of illegal activities.

People were coming and going in the sky and on the earth, and half of the people in the sky were monks. In a place like this, no one dared to be reckless, because they might accidentally knock down a disciple of a prince.

If you are even more unlucky, you may step directly on the feet of a big shot in the royal family. It is even said that there are elders from the Holy Land haunting here. Although the royal family is wary of princes joining forces with hidden sects, they are also good at learning from hidden sects and asking them to teach the royal family's children.

A large river is like a jade belt, passing through the imperial city.

The water in the river is so clear that you can see the bottom at a glance. The fish in the water seem to be floating in the air, as if they have nothing to rely on. The green water plants are also green and lovely. The water surface is as calm as a mirror, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, the figures of the palace, the hibiscus as big as a basin in full bloom, and the white cranes rising and falling.

Along both sides of the Yangtze River, there are bustling mansions from time to time, with palaces and palaces shining with treasure. And a spirit gathering array was arranged, with invisible spiritual energy penetrating from all directions like tentacles.

Canglan River, the most important river in the imperial city, has several high-grade spiritual springs flowing into it. If a mortal drinks it regularly, his lifespan can be doubled. This river is also controlled and protected by the imperial city. The royal family, princes, and ministers all like to locate their residences on both sides of the river, and they flock to it to occupy a piece of land and water.

It is even said that only those powerful princes and ministers can have the opportunity to build mansions here, but ordinary people may not have this opportunity.

Among these many mansions, the one with the best location, the widest area, the strongest aura, and the most exquisite and unique architecture is Guanjiang Mansion. The original Prince's Mansion is now the Imperial Master's Mansion.

And today, under the spotlight, the Imperial Master's Mansion finally welcomed its new master.

Although a lot of red tape was eliminated, Jiang Tian still felt tired and cumbersome when meeting the Emperor Dongfang Lu and other royal dignitaries.

Accompanied by Prince Dongfang Ding, Jiang Tian took a Baochuan to Guanjiang Mansion. As soon as Jiang Tian got off the car, he felt a familiar atmosphere.

Scanning his eyes, he saw Hua Xiangrong, surrounded by several monks, standing under the tall archway of the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion, waiting for him.

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