Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1968 Changing faces is like flipping through a book

Jiang Tian's sleeves trembled slightly, he looked at the prince Dongfang Ding and said with a smile: "Hua Xiangrong is here. I wonder if the prince is willing to condescend to meet her?"

"She's here so soon?"

Dongfang Ding's expression changed wildly, and the surrounding void suddenly blurred.

The ups and downs of this mind cause the law to become unstable and interfere with the real space.

"Hey. Dongfang Ding, you are quite a talent. You can condense the laws of control and your level is not low! You can easily interfere with space. If you are not a saint, you are at least a ninth-grade one!"

The clouds on Jiang Tian's face were light and the wind was gentle, and he was amazed in his heart.

"The Luoying Sect is a famous and authentic sect on the mainland. It has a distinguished status and huge influence. Of course you must meet it!"

Dongfang Ding smiled on his face, but felt helpless in his heart.

I originally thought that although the Imperial Preceptor had offended the Luoying Sect by killing Su Xiaotang, at least I could use the Imperial Preceptor to suppress the disobedient princes and wipe out the Ten Thousand Demons Palace. However, I did not expect that the Luoying Sect would be like this. Come over soon to ask for help.

However, after all, Dongfang Ding is the prince of a country. He has received strict education and cruel tempering since childhood, and his character is far stronger than ordinary people. The more flustered he is, the calmer and calm he appears on the surface. He has his hands behind his back and hides himself with dignity. There is no trace of cowardice and backwardness. Jiang Tian took one step forward.

"Haha, everything in the world is for profit, and all the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit. Even the Nine Heavens Immortal is like this, and the emperors of the world are no different from ordinary people. They have even become more cunning, sinister, dirty and vicious."

"But it's okay for you to use me, but I want to make you worry and scared!"

Jiang Tian wanted to laugh in his heart, but with a calm expression on his face, his footsteps were rustling, his posture was chic, and his big sleeves were fluttering. He came to Hua Xiangrong's side and said with a smile: "Fairy, long time no see."

"Okay, what a powerful hiding technique!"

Hua Xiangrong turned around suddenly and saw the treasure chariot and the honor guard that were already flying past the mansion. Her pretty face changed color and her heart skipped a beat.

She just looked at Canglan River in a daze, thinking about all the mysterious and incredible powers in Jiang Tian, ​​as well as Huang Ling'er's various strange reactions. But now that she has reached the level of god transformation, her spiritual consciousness is so vast and her senses are so sensitive. The situation has already spread out like an invisible fishing net as a warning.

It can be said that within a radius of dozens of miles, everything as large as the flowing clouds in the sky, the vitality in the sky, the laws and avenues between heaven and earth, as small as the swaying of plants and trees, the crawling and flying of insects and birds, no matter how big or small, cannot be avoided. Her induction.

However, she was not aware of Jiang Tian or even his chariot and support.

There are endless and complicated runes on the treasure chariot, and there are probably tens of thousands of materials. The magic power is powerful and mixed. There are hundreds of people in the ceremonial guard and entourage, with different bloodlines, cultivation levels and auras, which makes it even more complicated.

But Jiang Tian actually used his own hiding skills to completely cover it up, making him hide in the void and completely restrained. This hiding skills was so powerful that it was unimaginable, and it could be called a deception!

"Fairy, this trip is to avenge your brainless little junior sister. Wouldn't you like me? Unfortunately, you are not worthy. I can stab you to death with one finger. If your family's mentor, Saint Qianmo, comes in person, It’s barely worth my while!”

Jiang Tian was like a nine-day immortal who towered over the entire continent, overlooking all the heavens and worlds. His eyes were stern and proud, and he was smiling.

Next to him, the smile that had accumulated on Dongfang Ding's face collapsed rapidly like a mountain falling apart, and he could no longer hold it. He was so frightened that he couldn't stand still.

"Master! There's no need for you to trick me like this, right?"

"She can't defeat you, but if she wants to bully the Eastern Royal Family, finding us uncomfortable is like picking something out of a bag!"

Dongfang Ding wants to cry but has no tears.

Although Hua Xiangrong's strength was not as strong as Jiang Tian's, she was at least far superior to the four great dukes and the eldest princess Mo Yu. This is equivalent to saying that if the hidden old monster living fossils of the royal family do not take action, she can defeat the Eastern Empire alone without any rival.


Hearing this, Hua Xiangrong was furious for a moment, her full chest heaved violently with anger, and her nose also twitched slightly.

This Jiang Siqing is simply too crazy. She just doesn't take herself seriously, but she even disrespects her master.


The few monks who came with him were even more stunned. I have long heard that this Jiang Siqing is domineering and arrogant, and I have made all kinds of mental preparations and constructions, but I never expected that Jiang Tian would be so strong.

However, thinking of her master's terrible comments about Jiang Tian, ​​Hua Xiangrong forced herself to calm down, bent her knees and gathered her crotch, and saluted lightly: "If it's not revenge and provocation, then Su Xiaotang is indeed mentally retarded and is against the teacher's sect." The ancestral training was executed by Saint Siqing, she deserved it!"

She speaks softly, like gentle breeze and drizzle, giving people a comfortable feeling like a spring breeze, and her attitude is very humble.

Seeing that Jiang Tian's expression seemed to have softened, Hua Xiangrong became more humble and said softly:

"My mentor, Saint Qian Mo, learned that he thought he was upright and upright, so he killed the Zishanhou to put down the rebellion in the empire and protect the common people. Killing Su Xiaotang not only safeguarded the tenets and teachings of the Luoying Sect, but also safeguarded the reputation and family tradition of my mentor. . Therefore, not only did I not blame you at all, but I was filled with gratitude and sent you three holy weapons and ten holy pills as a token of my gratitude!"

"Be upright and upright..."

"Blessed the common people..."

"Three holy weapons...ten holy pills as a token of gratitude and as a congratulatory gift?"

Next to him, Dongfang Ding was completely stunned.

There is no longer the natural and unrestrained handsomeness and extraordinaryness of the past, and the royal demeanor has long since disappeared. It was like a three-year-old kid who got a lot of candies and long-desired gifts during the holidays. His whole body was trembling with excitement, and his face was filled with boundless ecstasy.

It is no exaggeration to say that I am losing my face!

This feeling is like riding a roller coaster, suddenly going up to the nine heavens to embrace the moon, and suddenly falling straight into the abyss. Don't be too excited!

"Then, I will be disrespectful!"

Jiang Tian directly stretched out his hand with a smile.

"Don't change your face too quickly, don't stop it being smooth and natural, it's like two masks, you can switch at will!"

Hua Xiangrong and other Luoying Sect disciples were all stunned and couldn't believe it.

"When I saw the treasures of heaven and earth, and the sacred weapons, I changed my face. There is no trace of the demeanor of a master!"

"I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"The mortal world is lingering, vulgarity is unbearable, and the three poisons of greed, anger, and ignorance are all there. His Taoist heart should be broken. How can he cultivate into an immortal Nascent Soul and have the strength of a saint! It's just such a huge piece of shit luck. "

"Could it be that he just relied on luck? Is this the legendary chosen one, the son of luck?"

But looking at Jiang Tian's hand stretched out as if asking for debt, everyone was convinced that everything in front of them was true. For a moment, they were all complaining crazily in their hearts.

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