Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1969 Must be destroyed, must die!


Hua Xiangrong looked at Jiang Tian blankly.

I saw Jiang Tian's face was calm and calm, and his eyes were deep and had obvious accumulation of time. There was no flicker, showing a firm heart, but it was also extremely clear and translucent, just like a gem that had been polished and became more round and bright!

"I understand. His earthly aura is lingering. He wants to transform into a god, but first he transforms into a mortal. It's like rejuvenating his youth, returning to his original nature. He is obviously an old monster with terrifying power, but he just lets nature take its course and never loses his innocent mentality."

Hua Xiangrong only felt Jiang Tian's strange charm at this moment.

This kind of charm is based on experience and strength.

Moreover, Hua Xiangrong realized that Jiang Tian was beginning to transform into a mortal. He was sharpening his mentality in the mortal world and strengthening his connection with the mortal world. He was probably one step away from transforming into a god.

When Jiang Tian Yuanying was cultivating, his combat power was so incredible that he could kill the Jueyuan Demonic Dragon with the strength of a returning saint.

And once you break through to become a god, it will be another qualitative change, just like a fish jumping over a dragon's gate and reaching the sky in one step!

By that time, Jiang Tian will be invincible at the same level and will probably be able to sweep through all the transformed gods. It is even said that even the Returning Saint can be easily suppressed!

Thinking of this, Hua Xiangrong was even more shocked.

"Don't just talk and don't practice tricks. Where's the gift?"

Jiang Tian urged.

"Sir, my sect is also a sect of the Holy Land after all, and my mentor, Saint Qianmo, is a man who has made a promise worth a thousand pieces of gold. How can I break my word!"

Hua Xiangrong smiled slightly.

After saying that, he pinched his fingers, his face turned slightly red, and he seemed to exert all his energy to sacrifice three holy weapons and a bottle of pills.


Before the vast mana of the three holy weapons could be released, Jiang Tianxin put all three holy weapons and elixirs into his broad sleeves with a wave of his hand.

"Is this, is this the legendary Universe in the Sleeve?"

"Self-made cave?"

"It's so powerful. In just a few clicks, the mark was quickly erased and the mark of my own divine consciousness was left behind!"

Hua Xiangrong and others were shocked again, and their hearts were filled with turmoil, and they admired Jiang Tian to the extreme.

Lingbao already has a sense of autonomy. It must go through several times of sacrifice and integrate into one's own soul, in order to reach the level of sensing the body and the self, and the unity of the body and the body, and then it can be mobilized at will, just like an arm and a finger.

What about the holy soldiers who are several levels higher?

In order to ensure safety, the three holy weapons were delivered to Jiang Tian. Not only did the imprint of Saint Qianmo's spiritual consciousness remain in the holy weapons, but Hua Xiangrong also spent half a month to transfer his spiritual consciousness before departure. Branding and sacrificing it.

It was like adding a few unbreakable code locks, but Jiang Tian actually erased the mark and opened the code lock with just a raise of his hand. This was like divine help, unbelievable.

"This woman is a strange woman, extraordinary and extraordinary!"

Jiang Tian accepted the holy soldiers and felt a little fond of Saint Qianmo.

Unlike Su Xiaotang and others who just talk about the teachings of the Luoying Sect as a mantra, Saint Qianmo sincerely practices those teachings that seem upright but seem too big and unreasonable, and he unites knowledge and action without discounting.

In every organization and every civilization, there are some mainstays who maintain order and ensure the healthy operation of the body. Saint Qianmo's vision has long gone beyond small families, borders, and even hidden sects. She is fighting for this continent.

However, Jiang Tian would not think too much.

He only has deep feelings for the Eastern Empire, or to be precise, the Hou Lin family in Zhenyuan.

"What else does your master have to say?"

Jiang Tian looked at Hua Xiangrong.

"My mentor hopes to join forces with the Imperial Master to pacify the Ten Thousand Demons Palace!"

Hua Xiangrong is concise and concise.

Prince Dongfang Ding looked ecstatic when he heard this.

The Palace of Ten Thousand Demons has always been a major danger to the empire, but its power is too strong and cannot be destroyed with the original strength of the empire.

It's good now. With Jiang Tian and Luo Yingzong helping us, we are almost guaranteed to win.

"Okay! That's exactly what I mean!"

Jiang Tian touched his palms in admiration and said leisurely:

"The conflict between the Ten Thousand Demons Palace and the Empire and even the Holy Yuan Continent is not as simple as a conflict between ethnic groups. It is a problem of the incompatibility of good and evil. Infected by demonic energy, the Ten Thousand Demons Palace has become demonized. Without killing the entire continent, hundreds of millions of people will be in trouble. All lives!”

"Tell Master, I am waiting for good news!"

"I will obey the order of the Imperial Master!"

Hua Xiangrong said goodbye and left. However, just when she was about to set up the escape light, she suddenly stopped, turned around, frowned and asked: "Sir, can you know a man named Huang Ling'er who comes from the Milky Way?" ?”

"do not know."

Jiang Tian's face was as calm as an eternal ice sculpture, and his eyes were like a dry well, without a trace of ripples.

"Oh. That girl Huang Ling'er must have made a mistake!"

Hua Xiangrong smiled apologetically.

"Who is she? What's wrong with her?"

Jiang Tian asked calmly.

The Holy Yuan Continent is the only way for him to reach the Central Galaxy from the Milky Way. Who knows if the Immortal Emperor will get crazy and occasionally take a look at the Holy Yuan Continent.

The old and immortal man lives in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, overlooking the heavens and the world. He can see the stars and rivers as if he were looking at the lines on his palm. And it can trace the past and deduce the future, and is almost omniscient and omnipotent.

In short, you never go wrong with caution.

From the day he transformed into Jiang Siqing, he had "nothing to do" with everything in his hometown.

"This woman, like the Imperial Master, comes from outside the river, but she comes from a more withered Milky Way galaxy. Now the Holy Maiden of the Bizong takes pity on the disciples under the Huahun Seat." Hua Xiangrong said truthfully.

"Recently, Ren Fengliu's Hundred Flowers Book was released, and this girl ranked third among the Ten Beauties of the Saint Yuan!"

Another young male disciple interjected excitedly.

"That's really a beautiful name that moves the world. It would be wonderful if one day we could get a glimpse of her beauty!"

Jiang Tian's eyes lit up, and he looked very interested, which was consistent with his "personality" that was surrounded by the world of mortals and could not tolerate vulgarity.

"Ahem. It's okay now, but it will be difficult in the future!"

The young male disciple suddenly realized that Jiang Tian's vulgarity was very cute and easy to get close to, so he smiled and said: "Yang Dingtian, the eldest son of Leiyang Sect, proposed marriage to Fairy Ling'er a few days ago with generous gifts. Master, I pity Huahun. Already agreed to get engaged!"

"That's why you don't understand. Even though the famous flower has an owner, I'm here to loosen the soil! To put it bluntly, she's just engaged to someone, even if she's already married to a Taoist couple, our family doesn't have no chance!"

Jiang Tian smiled evilly, looking like Lao Wang next door.

His eyes were reserved and his emotions were hidden. No one noticed that his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Huang Linger!

This was a girl who made him feel a little stinging and a little guilty when he mentioned it.

He never forgot!

This girl who had been entangled with him in both lives, this girl who was infatuated but never entangled, who was devoted to him, but always hid in the dim place outside the spotlight, silently caring and supporting him!

It was once difficult for him to overcome difficulties, but now it is difficult for him to define his feelings for Huang Ling'er.

Although it is not a love between a man and a woman, it is deeper and heavier than this kind of love!

He naturally knew about Yang Dingtian, and even said that not many people knew this person better than Jiang Tian.

He is proficient in the method of collecting tonic, and he uses female cultivators as his furnace. He is extremely cruel and vicious. Once he practices dual cultivation, a woman's cultivation level will plummet, and she may even die!

As the eldest son of the Leiyang Sect, Yang Dingtian is naturally not an easy person to offend. What's more, Jiang Tian has to sneak around and avoid the search and observation of the giants of the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm. Jiang Tian will naturally not ask for trouble if it is not necessary. .

However, since Yang Dingtian is interested in Huang Ling'er, Jiang Tian must be provoked!

Yang Dingtian must die!

The Leiyang Sect will be destroyed!

At this moment, Jiang Tian had already sentenced them to death in his heart!

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