Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1970 Housewarming Banquet

"The conduct of the Imperial Master is really like flowing clouds and flowing water, moving at will, and like a dog in the white clouds, ever-changing and unpredictable. I really admire and admire you!"

The Luo Ying Sect disciple naturally didn't notice Jiang Tian's emotions and smiled awkwardly but politely.

After Hua Xiangrong left, Jiang Tian finally entered this luxurious mansion. Prince Dongfang Ding accompanied him respectfully, introducing the scenery and unique craftsmanship.

The entire Imperial Preceptor's Mansion covers an area of ​​twenty miles. The palaces are luxurious and continuous. Each building is extremely exquisite. It is carved with exquisite runes and inlaid with exquisite sacred stones. It has the functions of gathering souls, purifying the heart, and nourishing the body. , defense and many other functions.

The treasure light is bright, the light fills the sky, the clouds are steaming and the clouds are thick, and the spiritual energy is dense. It is like a fairy palace descending on the human world. Stepping into it makes people feel refreshed and energetic.

Everywhere in the garden, there are nine winding corridors, rockeries and strange rocks, and clear lakes everywhere, like gems. Thousand-year-old peach trees are planted around them, vines as thick as arms are climbing and winding, and orchids are swaying; streams are running through the clean stones. It flows up, like a jade belt stretching.

Several palace maids were playing and washing their feet by the stream, letting out bursts of delicate laughter like silver bells. Under the sunlight, their white and tender feet actually reflected a dazzling light like white jade.

Seeing Jiang Tian and his two men passing by, they hurriedly came ashore, stood respectfully with their hands tied, and said with fear and uneasiness: "I have seen the Imperial Master and the Crown Prince!"

"These palace ladies are all carefully selected by disciples' subordinates from all over the country. They are not only young and beautiful, but also contain Yuan Yin. If you use the method of tonic to supplement them, they can harmonize Yin and Yang and strengthen your foundation. They are specially chosen by disciples. Honor the Imperial Master! Come and pay homage to the Imperial Master!"

After the disciples of the Luo Ying Sect left, Dongfang Ding regained his former magnanimity and chicness, and introduced with joy on his face.

These palace maids are either cute, smart, or charming. They are in the most beautiful, natural and clean age for women. They all have extraordinary physiques, with icy muscles and jade bones, and exude a fascinating natural body fragrance.

"Meet the Imperial Master, my servant Chunhe!"

"Greetings to the Imperial Master, slave Cherry!"

"Slave Jade Rabbit."

"Slave is soft and fragrant!"

Hearing Dongfang Ding's words, these palace maids bent their knees and stepped forward to pay tribute.

Some pretty faces turned red, ashamed and self-conscious.

Some raised their eyes, and a pair of beautiful eyes boldly looked at Jiang Tian, ​​their gazes were fiery, like a delicate rose in full bloom, swaggering and charming.

Some are as supple as water, as obedient as Jiang Tian can pick and dispose of.

"Haha, the prince is interested!"

Jiang Tian laughed, glanced at the group of girls, nodded slightly, and looked very appreciative, which was consistent with his persona of being surrounded by the world of mortals and greedy for pleasure.

"National Master, as you call me this way, you are a disciple of Zhesha. You are an expert outside the world, the savior of the Eastern Empire, and the pillar of the country. The disciples regard you as their master, and you should be the disciples!" Dongfang Ding spoke humbly. Seemingly panicked.

"Ding'er, what are you confused about? The Imperial Master is a master of the world. He is aloof from the outside world. He does not linger in the world of men and is not close to women. If you bring these vulgar people here, wouldn't it disturb his purity and dirty his soul? Eyes?"

At this moment, a slightly sullen shout came from the forest beside the lake.

The lake is clear, with colorful fallen flowers and falling flowers. On the shore are patches of thousand-year-old peach trees, which are very dense and covered with bright clothes.

The peach blossoms are dancing, and the whole small lake is pink. The fragrance is refreshing, and the crystal flowers are raining down one after another, like red clouds and pink mist, covering the lake. It is very beautiful and beautiful, like a fairyland.

Of course, this is not the most important thing.

The most eye-catching thing is that there are more than a dozen beautiful girls taking a bath in the lake. Their black hair is like a waterfall, their lotus-root arms are like mist like snow, and their crystal jade bodies are shining with a fascinating luster. Compared with the rain of flowers in the sky, More eye-catching.

More alluring than the girls washing their feet by the stream.

And with this shout, the girls were so frightened that they wrapped themselves in gauze, got into the peach forest, and fled along the path in a panic. The graceful and charming body is looming and cannot be blocked at all. It is very tempting. However, the wonderful scenery did not last long and disappeared quickly.

"Auntie, Ding'er realizes his mistake!" Dongfang Ding was so frightened that his whole body trembled.

"Mo Yu, you are so lenient. Who said I am not a womanizer? I am planning to use these women's temptations to sharpen my Taoist heart and temper my consciousness. Prince, you have done a good job. Corrupt me to your heart's content! "

But Jiang Tian looked at Princess Mo Yu coming through the forest with a smile and said.

"The Imperial Master is a master of Taoism. His heart is like a mirror, like refined steel that has been refined over a hundred times. It is clear and tough. Why does it need such training?"

Princess Mo Yu's pretty face looked like it was shrouded in frost, and her eyes were stern, as if she wanted to tell the whole world that she was unhappy.

Dongfang Ying followed behind and stuck out her tongue at Jiang Tian, ​​hinting that Jiang Tian had just become quite angry with the princess.

"I've met the eldest princess! I've met the little princess!"

The palace maids were so frightened that their faces turned pale, their delicate bodies trembled slightly, and each one of them was as silent as a chill. They didn't dare to breathe. They were even more nervous than when they faced Jiang Tian and the prince.

"Look, I'm scaring the kids!"

Jiang Tian looked helpless and waved the maids to disperse.


Princess Mo Yu shouted coldly.


A group of palace maids were so frightened that their delicate bodies trembled slightly, and they were about to cry.

Princess Mo Yu strolled over, glanced at the many palace maids with majestic eyes, and said coldly:

"Mr. Imperial Preceptor is busy with state affairs, taking care of many things every day, and is very busy. You must remember that no one can interfere with Sir Imperial Preceptor. If I let you know which little hooves dares to seduce the Imperial Preceptor and delay the important affairs of the empire, he will be killed without mercy!"


"My slave, please remember the eldest princess's order!"

At this time, several palace ladies were so frightened that they burst into tears.

Mo Yu is the imperial goddess of war, the commander of the army, a murderous being.

In their minds, that was simply terrible.

"What a charm. It's just a bunch of kids!"

Jiang Tian was quite helpless.

"That's not necessarily the case. The Imperial Master is extremely charming. These girls are just starting to fall in love, and it is inevitable that they will have evil thoughts."

A meaningful smile appeared on the corner of Mo Yu's mouth, seeming to be proud.

I can't control you, Sage Siqing, so why can't I control these little girls?

The next moment, Princess Mo Yu's face suddenly became solemn and she said:

"Master Imperial Master, women's sex is just a trivial matter. After this big event is over, I will personally help you select a few stunning women, all with Nascent Soul cultivation!"

"Auntie, do you want to start now?"

Dongfang Ding, who had always been calm, actually showed a hint of nervousness on his face.

He was asking Princess Mo Yu, but his eyes were looking at Jiang Tian.

“Without further delay, strike while the iron is hot.”

Jiang Tian's face also became solemn, and he said seriously:

"After the battle against the rebellion of the Purple-shirted Marquis, at this time, the country's prestige is unprecedented."

"And once this opportunity is missed, the princes are likely to look for backers. Previously, the Purple Shirt Marquis sought out the Ten Thousand Demons Palace. Who knows if the other princes will look for other backers, such as the Leiyang Sect and the Tianluo Sect?"

"So, tonight, it is a housewarming banquet for the Imperial Guards. A glass of wine will release the military power. The princes will hand over their fiefdoms and titles, and they will be appointed ministers and generals based on merit. The feudal system will be changed to the county system, and the hereditary system of titles will be changed to the official appointment system. Anyone who disobeys the order. , Kill without mercy!"

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