Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1971 Peace in the world

"Then, I'll go to the princes' mansions to deliver the order!"

Princess Mo Yu took this matter very seriously and wanted to personally go to all the princes' mansions to deliver the order.

Every prince has set up a temporary residence in the imperial capital. Moreover, 99% of them live along the Canglan River. This is a recognized spiritual treasure land, how could the princes miss it. Of course, they also have real mansions in their respective fiefdoms.

However, the Qianlong Trial was approaching, and the princes and their disciples came from all over the country to gather in the imperial capital and live in the temporary residences in the imperial city.

"No! Let Guo Chuandong handle this matter!"

Jiang Tian said in a deep voice.

One person attains the Tao and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven. What's more, Guo Chuandong is not a chicken or dog, but Jiang Tian's "fellow fellow" in the Black Sun Star Territory. Jiang Tianrong has ascended to the position of Imperial Preceptor. How can Guo Chuandong not take advantage of it? He is now the steward of the Imperial Preceptor's Office.

Soon, Guo Chuandong came over and saluted respectfully: "The Imperial Master summoned the villain, what are your instructions?"

"Go to the princes' mansions and inform them that there will be a banquet at the Imperial Prefect's Mansion tonight. A certain glass of wine will be given to guests from all over the world to discuss allegiance to the royal family. No princes along the way are allowed to be late. Anyone who disobeys the order will be executed!"

Jiang Tianyun said calmly.

After a pause, Jiang Tian said: "In addition, there is a jade slip to give to the Marquis of Zhenyuan."

This jade slip is actually Jiang Tian's decision to change the feudal system to a county system. Zhenyuan Marquis must be prepared and fully cooperate.

"Yes, I understand!"

Guo Chuandong was full of interest and confidence, and his whole body was trembling with excitement.

Jiang Tian showed the power of a saint, achieved brilliant results, shocked the empire, and became famous on the mainland. In the empire, where one person is inferior to ten thousand people, who dares to disobey him in the slightest? As Jiang Tian's number one henchman, he can show off his power and pride in front of the princes, how can he be unhappy?

"Dahei, you should go and do something too!"

Jiang Tian looked at the big black dog in the pond with a smile. Suddenly his face darkened, the corners of his eyes trembled a few times, and he gritted his teeth: "If you don't exercise, you will be too fat to run."

This kid washed himself until he was smooth and smooth, picked a huge lotus leaf as a boat, lay on his back, wore sunglasses made of black crystal stones, and sunbathed comfortably. He was already purring loudly, and he couldn't really enjoy it.

Jiang Tian's foundation in the empire is getting stronger and stronger, and the big black dog's life is getting better and better. He eats a bucket of elixirs every day, and his body is so round that his belly is almost touching the ground.

The key is that this kid is getting more and more timid. Last time, everyone in the Lin Mansion and Jiang Beibei were besieged by the demon clan. According to him, this kid was "in a panic, failed to follow the little master, and took the wrong path." In fact, he ran away on his own.

"Master, what are you talking about! I am very thin now and very weak. I think my daily food needs to increase. One dou of elixirs is not enough. Five dou will be enough!" The big black dog crossed his legs. He said casually.

"You're right. It doesn't matter if you get a little fatter, add a pound of dragon blood, and cut three pounds of dragon meat for Beibei to eat. This is the time for the little girl to grow!"

Jiang Tian also smiled and said.

Jiang Beibei has a special physique, her growth rate is extremely slow, and even her mental development is like that of a child.

But the big black dog has the blood of the Purple Gold True Dragon, and its flesh and blood are very nourishing. Jiang Tian often carries Jiang Beibei on his back, bleeds him, and cuts meat for Jiang Beibei to eat. As a true dragon, his recovery ability is amazing. The big black dog will return to its original state immediately, so Jiang Beibei didn't notice it from beginning to end.

Otherwise, you will definitely cry.

"Others are wet nurses, but I am blood daddy!"

Every time the big black dog cuts meat and bleeds it, he exaggerates the pain and howls like a ghost.

"Master, I'm going to go and exercise!"

But when he heard Jiang Tian's words, the big black dog immediately stood up in fright, and then transformed into a young man with a towering head, dark skin, cunning and lively eyebrows, and long arms and legs.

He has already reached the realm of Nascent Soul and can transform into a human being. It's just that he is very lazy and unwilling to consume mana. He often maintains the "natural form" of a big black dog. He even forgets that he is a real dragon.

"Bring the imperial order!"

Jiang Tian threw a token to him.


Dahei strode away.

The residence of the Duke of Northern Xinjiang in the Imperial City is full of the exotic atmosphere of the far north ice and snow land. It is made of thousands of years of ice jade collected from the ice springs of the North Sea. It exudes a strong cold air and has strong ice and snow law fluctuations. It is covered with frost and snow is flying in a radius of ten miles.

In the back garden, there are many jade buildings and buildings, like a world made of ice and jade. The orchids are covered with shiny ice strips, and the pines and cypresses are covered with fluffy snowballs. The wind and snow came, the branches and leaves swayed, and the beautiful silver bars and snowballs fell to the ground. The jade-like snow powder fluttered in the wind, reflecting the bright sunshine, showing a colorful rainbow.

In the midst of the diffuse wind and snow, a young man of about sixteen or seventeen years old was flying through the sky, evolving his skills. With a wave of his hand, the laws of ice and snow condensed, penetrating all things in the world, cutting off all life, even the Nascent Soul. Can disintegrate.

It's Bai Zhanyun!

"The young Marquis is truly a genius of the empire!"

"Last time, the young Marquis was seriously injured by Imperial Master Siqing. His Dantian was ruptured and his cultivation was destroyed. It seemed that he could no longer reshape his Dantian and became a mortal from then on. However, he did not expect that the Young Marquis had extraordinary bones and extraordinary talent. It was with the help of three Heaven-Building Pills that I repaired my Dantian and quickly reached the realm of Nascent Soul!"

Next to them, headed by Bai Xianlin, several elders of the Bai family, as well as invited worshipers and powerful men, gave instructions from time to time. Except for Bai Xianlin, whose face was expressionless and worried, the other elders could not hide the admiration on their faces.

In recent times, several major events have occurred in the empire.

The first is the sale of elixirs such as the Heaven-Building Pill in the Frozen City Branch of the Ancient Medicine Palace. The effects of the Heaven-Building Pill are earth-shattering. It can reshape the broken Dantian, repair the Golden Pill, and even has a certain repair effect on Yuanying and gods.

With this elixir, the Frozen City branch of the Ancient Medicine Palace not only made a lot of money, but also defeated several small alchemy sects such as Yaoxianglou and their subordinate trading houses, and they were unable to make ends meet.

In the next step, the Ancient Medicine Palace plans to promote this elixir to all branches of the Holy Yuan Continent.

I heard that Mr. Wang, the owner of Yaoxiang Tower, was crying all day long, and his mouth was so anxious that he was covered in blisters. If things continued like this, he would definitely lose all his family property. He is seeking cooperation and wants to merge the entire Yaoxiang Tower into a certain Holy Land Shen Sect and use it as the mouth of the medicine refining hall, or in other words, be merged into the entire Ancient Medicine Palace.

Although Jiang Tian told the Ancient Medicine Hall at that time that the Bai family would be banned. And the Ancient Medicine Palace has indeed terminated its cooperation with the Bai family.

But the Bai family is a duke family after all, with rich assets and extensive connections. He also bought three Tianbu Dan from other aristocratic families and sects. After Bai Zhanyun took them, the effect was astonishing, which was surprising.

After evolving a complete set of skills, Bai Zhanyun landed flatly, bowed respectfully and slightly nervously and said: "Father, please give me some advice!"

"Haha, the young Marquis has reached the top again and has broken through the Nascent Soul. This time, he will try out the Qianlong Trial and hope to come out on top!"

A powerful man who transformed into gods smiled and said with great satisfaction.

"Yes! The domineering and tyrannical nature of the little Marquis is completely inherited from you!"

"This time, I will really honor my ancestors and the glory of my Bai family will continue!"

Several other people who worshiped and taught were also full of praise.

However, there was no trace of happiness on the face of Northern Xian Gongbai Xianlin, whose lines were as strong as a knife or an axe. Instead, he frowned and sighed worriedly:

"Haha, this kid has offended the Imperial Master. How can he still hope to come out on top? As long as he can keep his title and fiefdom, I'll be satisfied! With the Imperial Master here, if he comes out on top, the one who gets promoted must be someone from the Lin family. Boy, it’s not his turn yet!”

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