Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1972 The greater the ability, the greater the appetite

Over the long years, several nomadic and hunting tribes in Northern Xinjiang, with fierce folk customs, coveted the empire's rich water, grass, and prosperous civilization. They formed an imperial court, trained strange soldiers, and repeatedly invaded the Northern Xinjiang territory.

Therefore, Northern Xinjiang is known as the place of battle, and the war continues endlessly.

At that time, Gongbai Xianlin of Northern Xinjiang went into battle to kill the enemy at the age of ten. From the foggy forest in the northeast, he wiped out the "Liu Xiong" tribe, to the ice plain in the northwest, he wiped out six kingdoms, slaughtered more than seventy cities, crossed the Arctic Sea, went straight to Huanglong, and killed Xue Wu. Thirty cities of the empire. He fought all his life, shocked a dynasty, became famous in the mainland, and was even more prosperous than Nanhe Gongfang Jinlong. He has a strong character like a dragon, is arrogant and domineering, looks down on the world, and is never weak to others.

But at this moment, when talking about Jiang Tian, ​​he showed deep fear, and his tone was full of helplessness.


When the others heard the words, they were all silent and could not say a word.

When Bai Zhanyun was hit and injured his Dantian, it can be said that the Bai family was so excited that they wanted to cut Jiang Tian into pieces. Who is a mere casual cultivator from outside the river and a worshiper of the Lin Mansion? How dare a low-class person take action against my young marquis?

But when Jiang Tian showed his terrifying strength, everyone stopped.

Even the ancient divine beast Jueyuan Demonic Dragon can be killed.

Even if these avatars of the Bai family join forces, how can they be Jiang Tian's opponent?

Although the empire pays attention to order, there are royal families, princes, ministers and generals. Based on this, there is an order of hierarchy. However, after all, the empire was founded by force, and it focused on strength, co-opting and utilizing the strong, and granting them meritorious official positions.

Strong strength can break the order of superiority and inferiority, and allow the common people to counterattack.

Now Jiang Tian is a majestic national master, one person is inferior to ten thousand people, and he is on an equal footing with the monarch. According to the rules, even princes and other younger members of the royal family must perform discipleship etiquette when they meet them. Even dignified dukes and princes must treat them as if they are meeting a monarch and perform the courtesy of a minister.

When Bai Zhanyun heard this, he trembled even more, and said with a look of shame on his face: "Father, it was my son who was reckless."

After he repaired his Dantian, he was filled with pride, thinking that one day he would be able to catch up and overpower Jiang Tian, ​​and even wanted to kill Jiang Tian for revenge.

After all, Jiang Tian is the Nascent Soul, and he quickly reached the top of the Nascent Soul, and is still on a large level.

"The effect of this elixir is so great!"

And when he later learned that the Heaven-Building Pill he took was actually made by the Ancient Medicine Palace using Jiang Tian's recipe, he immediately became depressed and his fighting spirit dropped sharply.

"It turns out to be Jiang Siqing's prescription!"

At that time, Bai Zhanyun was in despair!

The effect of this elixir is so incredible that the Ancient Medicine Palace may treat him as a Nine Heavenly Immortal God and offer it to him.

Not to mention, it is difficult for me to kill him. Even if I kill him, will the Ancient Medicine Palace just let it go?

Destroying someone's wealth is like killing one's parents.

This is the case in the secular world. Although the hidden sect seems to be superior, it is not immune to the secular world.

Cultivation relies on materials, resources, and spiritual beings from heaven and earth. Otherwise, why would the hidden sect set up an outer sect to run industries and gain wealth? Why are most of the sect's missions about killing monsters, grabbing treasures, exploring, and finding things?

The Ancient Medicine Palace will definitely retaliate against me severely. Not to mention that I am just a marquis, not even a prince, nor an emperor can resist it!

And after hearing that Jiang Tian had an earth-shattering battle at Baihua Peak that shocked the ages, Bai Zhanyun was so frightened that he was shrouded in fear. He had trouble sleeping and eating all day long, and was awakened by nightmares several times.

It felt like I had thought the other person was a wild dog on the roadside and kicked me randomly, but when I took a closer look, I saw that it was an evil dragon that was devouring the sky and the earth. I could barely escape, but unexpectedly, the thing suddenly changed and turned out to be A strange beast from ancient times, it was simply terrifying to death.

At this moment, two rays of light, one black and one gray, passed through the sky and flashed over the Beijiang Duke's Mansion.

The light suddenly fell and turned into a plump middle-aged monk and a black-faced boy with cunning features.

Several monks who were on alert all over the mansion quickly went up into the sky and flew over. They were armed with swords and swords, and they were full of murderous intent. They asked in a cold voice: "Who dares to break into the important place of the Northern Xinjiang Palace? Retreat quickly, otherwise there will be no chance of death." amnesty!"

"I'm here, Guo Chuandong, the steward of the Imperial Master's Office!"

Guo Chuandong's chubby face remained expressionless, his right hand pointed at the humanoid purple gold dragon beside him, and said: "This is the disciple of the Imperial Master, the special envoy, Jiang Dahei!"

"Please forgive me for the offence!"

When many guards heard this, their expressions changed wildly, and they all landed and knelt on the ground.

Bai Xianlin's face was full of joy, he straightened his clothes, led many family dignitaries, and hurriedly greeted him. He cupped his hands with great affection and said with a smile: "Haha, it turns out that it's Brother Jiang and two dear friends who are coming to my humble home. Hurry up. Please come in, it will really make my little mansion shine, and the lintel will have light!"

"Your Majesty, you're welcome!"

Guo Chuandong was so excited that the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and the fat all over his body trembled!

So cool.

This is so refreshing!

It was as if he had taken a bucket of elixir continuously, his whole body was light and he was almost lifting the clouds.

Who is he?

It turns out that he is just a casual cultivator from outside the river, an out-and-out untouchable. When I first came to the mainland, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get a household registration, wouldn't be able to find a place to live, and would be living outside the city, suffering from monsters, evil spirits, and evil spirits!

Unexpectedly, following Jiang Tian, ​​he could now make a dignitary of the empire, a dignified duke, treat him like a brother.

"Come, two brothers. Now that you are here, you can't leave easily. Go in and have a glass of wine, then find some stunning women and dance a song. You have worked hard to put down the Zishanhou rebellion, our brother Three, enjoy and enjoy!”

Bai Xianlin has a heroic spirit. He can fight across the world and slaughter thousands of armies with his sword. He can also stay humble and act as a subordinate to build close relationships with others and call them brothers.

"Beauty, that's for eating! What's the point of dancing?"

Dahei looked uninterested.

He wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and said, "Let's have a fight of elixirs!"

"How can a mere spiritual elixir be worthy of the noble status of my brother Dahei? You need at least Tiandan, and at least three fights! Brother Dahei, I see that you are a brave person who is good at fighting, and you naturally have a large appetite. So-called The greater your ability, the greater your appetite!”

Bai Xianlin was very generous, generous and generous when he made a move, and he spent a lot of money on it.

The few elders from the Bai family next to him all showed expressions of great pain.

You know, the so-called spiritual elixir is for the golden elixir monks. The Heavenly Pill is taken by Yuanying monks and is extremely rare and precious.

Three Dou Tiandan is simply priceless. A marquis may not have this amount of harvest in his fiefdom and city in one year! Even if Northern Xinjiang's harvest is better, it still needs several months of income.

"The greater your ability, the greater your appetite? Haha! Interesting, and very correct."

Dahei felt extremely pleasant after hearing this. He patted Bai Xianlin on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"My master once said that the Duke of Beijiang has not paid annual tribute for hundreds of years, and he is stingy and cunning. I think that is absolutely not the case. You are very generous, at least much more generous than my master. He always asks me to lose weight!"

"My master once said that you have the appearance of an emperor, and you are ambitious, have a high self-esteem, have great ambitions, and have a disobedient heart. I think this is absolutely not the case. You are approachable and very loyal. How can you be disobedient?" heart of."

Next to him, Guo Chuandong was sweating on his forehead and his whole body was tense.

Brother Dahei, can you be tighter with your mouth?

Just these few words can arouse Bai Xianlin's rebellious heart.

Maybe, he will immediately start a rebellion!

"Haha, does the Imperial Master really say this about me?"

The smile on Bai Xianlin's face gradually stiffened, and his expression became gloomy.

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